Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Vitamin D - Can One Overdose on it?

I always become very suspicious when suddenly something is excessively recommended as Vitamin D is.

2007 Dr. Eric Pearl said during a Reconnective Healing seminar that one can easily overdose on Vitamin D, but he did not say why.

Therefore I asked one of my clients who is a medical Dr. why he could have said this.
Her answer "Vitamin D is fatsoluble like Vitamin A and oane can easily overdose on that."

Today I accidently mentioned this in a telephone conversation and my friend said "that is interesting, a few weeks ago I had suddenly a metallic taste in my mouth. I usually took only 1/2 tablet of vitamin D during winter and nothing during summer. Recently I had raised it to one tablet. Then the metallic taste started. I stopped taking Vitamin D and the metallic taste disappeared."

Guess we all have to do some research before we accept recommendations that go beyond reasonable healthy eating.

Anna Christine

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

How to Solve the Energy Problem - With Solarpanels - Windmills - Biodigestors

German Village Produces 321% More Energy Than It Needs.
Not only is Germany producing a world record amount of solar electricity -- equal to 20 nuclear power plants -- now, the village of Wildpoldsried is producing 321% more energy than it needs. As of August, 2011, the small farming village was actually earning $5.7 million in annual revenue from its renewable energy investments -- 7 windmills, 190 buildings with solar panels, 4 biodigestors -- and they did it all without going into debt. (Biocycle)

Why can we not do it in Canada instead of ruining nature?

Wise owl
Anna Christine

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Cooking Vegetables in the Micro Wave

I could not believe what I recently saw on the internet.

A chef showed how to cook vegetables properly in the microwave. In the Micro Wave?!? - I don't even have one. The Russians forbid them in 1976.

To make it clear: on should NOT COOK anything in the microwave, especially not vegetables with life energy. When one is heating up something then it should be less than 3 min.

To have energy and vitality we need to eat fresh vegetables and fruits and nuts and seeds, and we also have to be a lot outside in nature.

Everything processed is dead. This is one of the reasons so many are tired.

To make it even worse the chef put saran wrap on the bowl before putting it in the micro wave.

I learned 1974 in University that the chemicals in plastic are released when the plastic comes in contact with heat, fat, or acidity.
Therefore I buy oil and vinegar only in glass bottles.

During my years at Home Support I was always terribly upset that the others were cooking the food for the seniors the same way.

Wise Owl,
Anna Christine

Monday, November 12, 2012

Can Music Heal? - The Benefits from the 432 Hz Pitch

Yes it can ... it is also very beneficial after a stroke that affected the speech.

We all have to become aware of what is intended with all the music that has the pitch of 440 Hz instead of 432 Hz.
With most of the music we cannot raise our consciousness to reach the next step of our evolution ... to make it even worse, we are not interested in that at all and do not know about this.

Seems as if nobody found it strange that CBC Stereo stopped its beautiful classical music to bombard us with music that most of the time stresses the nervous system.

Listen instead to John Lennon's IMAGINB that has a pitch of 432 Hz and classical music from Mozart, Bach, Verdi, Beethoven.

A friend told me about a Swiss radio station that has in the upper left corner from http://www.radioswissclassic.ch/en a link to nonstop classical music.

This music will make it easier for us to get through troubling times. It is the perfect start for the day as CBC Stereo was in the past.

Anna Christine

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Is Milk Really So Healthy?

Everybody recommends to drink milk, lots of milh, to have strong bones: the radio, the doctors,  the TV commercials, the TV commercials,the nutritionists.

I have never seen them drink milk from other sources than their mothers. Obviously there is calcium in green plants.

It seems that nobody is a good observer.
In my German Healthbook is written that milk has only about 10 mg more Calcium than rice and barley.
Soy is better,IT CONTAINS A BIT MORE, but I am not eating or drinking anything from soy because it might be BE GMO
It is true that our bones need calcium, but if we consume large quantities of milk, our body becomes acidic.
Fortunate;y The body has the ability to neutralize the acidity but THE ONLY WAY TO DO THAT IS BY TAKING IT OUT OF THE BONES.

Assitional to that milk contains also a lot of sugar (lactose) and sugar pulls phosphorous from the bones. Calcium follows phosphorous.
Again it is taken from our bones.

What should we drink instead?
  • Almond Milk
  • Rice Milk, perhaps with Vanille flavour 
  • Fermented or cultured dairy products such as yogurt, sour cream and kefir are also ok. 
My mother had very strong bones. With 84 she had a hip replacement in Quebec with spinal anesthetic and she heard the doctor say "my God her bones arelike German Oak".
What was HER SECRET to have such strong bones?
  • She was all her life very active - until her hip surgery 
  • Every day she had to lift a lot of books - she owned a bookbindery 
  • She ate every morning porridge 
  • She never used whipped cream 
  • She ate cheese, but very thin slices on an open sandwich. 
  • She hardly ever ate sweets, only chocolate - and cocao contains more calcium than milk.
I must admit hat she grew up during WWI and was accustomed to eat spartanic.

But - I also stopped drinking milk a long time ago because it tastes different - it is dead, contains growth hormones, contains puss and then it also must contain some GMO because the cows are eating that stuff (corn).

Wise Owl
Anna Christine


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Reconnection Healing Stories Testimonials

You have to watch the new vido that Dr. Eric Pearl put on YouTube

The Reconnection Healing Stories Testimonials will give hope to many.

It confirms also my observations - Finally!

So many worry about Radiation and Chemo.
A very happy
Anna Christine

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Breathing Well with the Buteyko Method - Upcoming Events.

On my latest radio show when I talked with  Pam Edgar in Nanaimo, BC, about the dangers of GMO food I met Christine Bauman who spoke about how important it is to breathe well. She teaches in Victoria how to breathe according to the 'Buteyko Method'.

She offers in November 2012 in Victoria three courses. More on  www.ButeykoCan.com,
to get more info contact breathewell@shaw.ca

Deep breathing is very important for our health. It has to be done all the time.

I have my own way to teach my clients to breathe deep and do the so called 'belly breathing'.
The importance is that the diaphragm moves and one is breathing through the nose. Always.

Anna Christine

Monday, October 29, 2012

What is The True Peace Symbol ?

Today I saw in my church a donation for the Silent Auction.
It was a large carved qhite peace symbol as most of us know it and I kringed when I saw it.

Looking at it feels awful ... even more so since I learned from a  friend that one gets the true original peace symbol by turning the most commonly known one 180 degrees around.

Then it looks similar to a Y, like the Tree of Life, or like the angel of courage that one can buy in Carlton Shops.

I will never buy again anything whith the wrong peace symbol.

Just look at it and observe how you feel. Do you feel happy and uplifted with the most commonly known one or the original one?

Anna Christine

Monday, October 22, 2012

Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection® - Difference to Energy Healing

Healing beyond the 4th dimension 
The Next Level of Healing for our Evolution

Workshop at Anna Christine’s Home Office

All you need to know about Reconnective Healing® & The Reconnection®

Scientists: "First time we measured frequencies beyond the 4th dimension" – important during this time of the SHIFT, which will be a huge Step in our Evolution.

Date:      October 29th, 2012 

Time:      7 pm-9 pm

Admission: FREE

Please register because space is limited. Call 250-756-2235 or email healing@energyallaround.com

Anna Christine

Thursday, October 18, 2012

How Toxic are Clothes?

I must admit I was shocked. I know that the dies in our clothes are toxic. Even talked September 2012 on CHLY Radion,FM 101.7, about toxic clothes. I did not expect the following.

Since two years I was wearing a lot a green silk scarf, one of these with various colours that one winds up so that the look wrinkled.

I washed it and hung it up in the bathroom.

2 hours later I went into the bathroom and it was full of a toxic smell ... and I do not have a very sensitive nose.

I immediately switched on the fan, took my scarf amd hung it up on a clothline in the garden.

The fan in the bathroom was running - 15 minutes later the bathroom still had this chemical smell.

When the scarf was dry the smell was ok, like outside dried clothes smell.

I had washed the scarf twice before but always dried it outside. Nobody knows how these toxins affect our body, nobody. And when it is around the neck then it might even affect the brain.

Anna Christine

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Hockey Logout - Benefits

Benefits of the Hockey Logout? Yes, the children whos switch to Soccer will have less concussions and I believe that when they get older they will have better brain function, less dementia, less Alzheimers, and less Parkinsons.

Somebody in the radio said today, Oct. 14,2912, that hockey is now a game for rich kids.

All all one needs for soccer is runners and shorts.
It is also not such an aggressive game which is much better for the emotional state of the kids.

Seems as if it is not always so good to have parents with money.

Since a number of years I worry about all the hockey players that experienced several concussions and keep playing. Are parents not aware what they expose their children to?

I never had parents that came with their hockey playing son to get the brain, meridians and the Chi-flow balanced after a concussion with Reconnective Healing or JinShinDo Acupressure..

Yet, I had parents with children who had bycicle accidents, or babies that had fallen from the sofa.

Anna Christine

Monday, October 8, 2012

Dangers of GMO Foods - Very Short Video

Life is great ... preparing for the CHLY 101.7  Malaspina Radio Show, Nanaimo, Vancouver Island,  where I want to talk with Pam Edgar about GMP food I got this link from Dr. mercola.
It is very short and brings it to the point.


The link below informs you about the topics of former shows.

Anna Christine

Friday, October 5, 2012

Cutting Cords - Reconnective Healing - GMO - Metaphysical Healthfair

During October and November I am offering a number of Workshops, Information Evenings and Radio Dhows

  • Cutting the cords to Entities that suck our energy
  • Signs of our Body that something is wrong, this time Large intestines and Lungs
  • The Link between 2012 - Solar Flares - The Keys of Enoch® - Reconnective Healing
  • Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection®
  • Radio Show  about Dangers of GMO
On the following link are all the details


Anna Christine

Friday, September 28, 2012

2912 - Solar Flares - The Keys of Enoch® - Reconnective Healing®

A big Thank You to all the ones who came to the information evening about the above topic at Inn on Long Lake .

Here are the links I promised to give you
Dr. J. J. Hurtaks sites are
 and for the Akademy for Future Science www.affs.org

Mitch Battross is at www.earthchangesmedia.com
His books are 'Global Warming a Convenient Disguise' and 'Solar Rain'

and the book title about the Hopis is
The Hopi Survival Kit, Thomas E. Mails

When you have any idea how to help Nanaimo that has in most parts a stuck energy then let me know.

This might even have attracted all the 'Master' Healers. Why? - because it is a match, I mean 'birds of the same freather flock together'

and that is bad for all of us here on Vancouver Island!!!

Lots of Love and Balanced Chakras
Anna Christine

P.S. I forgot to mention that I offer from now on the Cutting of Energy Cords with all of my sessions, with the exception of The Reconnection. Too many are very tired

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Are CatScans Safe?

Years ago a Doctor of Nuclear Medicine and Radiology told me to get an MRI or a CatScan only when absolutely necessary.

Unfortunately I did not ask why ...Ijust believed him and decided not to get one.

4 years after a car accident I called him and asked whether it would be safe to get a MRI ... His answer was "No, when you would be my wife"

Now I heard from a friend that ONE CatScan is the equivalent of ONE HUNDRED X-Rays.
She had to get a CatScan and did a lot of research.

We talked about Oprah who got a CatScan out of curiosity, just to make sure all is well and how many probably followed her and did the same.

Seems as if it is sometimes good not to have so much money.

I had to think of the gift I have to detect with my hands energy blockages in the body and in the Chakras. A Reconnective Healing Session is safer than a CatScan or MRI and cheaper too.
But of course I cannot detect a tumor or a disease ... all I can find out is that the body is out of balance.

Anna Christine

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Toxins in our Personal Care Products

The next Monthly Radio Show ‘Living For The Health of It’ – FM 101.7

 Anna Christine will talk with the host Pam Edgar on her radio show ‘Living for the Health of It’ a

August 14th, from 3 pm – 4 pm  about the Toxins in our Personal Care Products

Links to my Speaker Notes from previous shows are on http://energy-all-around.com/lectures-workshops

Anna Christine

Toxins in our Personal Care Products

Next Monthly Radio Show
‘Living For The Health of It’ – FM 101.7
with links to my Speaker Notes
Anna Christine will talk with the host Pam Edgar on her radio show ‘Living for the Health of It’ about one specific topic which we announce the month before.
August 14th, from 3 pm – 4 pm we’ll talk about the Toxins in our Personal Care Products
About the talks of the past go to http://energy-all-around.com/lectures-workshops

Anna Christine

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

GMO Corn - Do We Have Enough?

One day after my last blog post from July 22, 2012, they talked in the CBC about corn and the danger that the corn prices will rise because of the drought in some parts of the USA, and also a bit in Canada.

It was said that we are not getting the message about the severity of the situation. Corn is the basis of so many processed foods. Now, this is in my opinion scary when it is GMO.

a lot of corn is taken out of the food production for the production of Ethanol - now, that is in my opinion a crime ... we need the soil for food production. ... the oil companies have to wake up and utilize the research of Nikola Tesla and create the energy from the Zero-Point field .... that has to be the future.

more years like this much more certain

An agriculteral  researcher, a believe his name was Jim Brown, said "....I am not going to say whether this event (drought) is caused by the climate change or CO 2- emissions ... we have to make them more drought resistance....".

I thought "that is strange, as far as I know the original corn does not need as much water as the GMO corn ... and that is the reason so many Indian farmers commit suicide... why do they have to research?"
Guess going back to the original corn would be the smartest way, only that Monsanto would be unhappy about that.

The researcher pointed out that we have to store more food to be prepared.

Most people have in my opinion no idea how easily our food supply can collapse. The supermarkets have only enough for 3 days, I believe and I doubt that the wholesaler has much more ... and then? ... what happens then?

Hope this makes the reader wonder whether it would not be a good idea to have a garden or participate in community gardening.

Anna Christine

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Gene Manipulated (GMO) Corn - Pop-Corn

Recently the Nanaimo Daily News had on their Health page a photo of three boys munching Pop-Corn and obviously watching TV.  The title was 'Too much TV makes children fat'.

Yes, it most likely does because children have too move ... the more the better.

What really concerned me was the bowl with Pop-Corn because I believe that most corn is GMO ... when you want to know what this can do to your body and that of your children then search for Health Risks of GMO Corn under google.

Here is one link I found http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/01/12/monsantos-gmo-corn-linked_n_420365.html

Here is another one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BY8ZAX4Cfxw

After reading  I wondered whether that could have been the reason the 25 your old daughter of another  seminar participants needed dialysis. The mother had no idea what the reason could be and she knew health wise a lot.

For a while I thought it might have been the habit of teenage girls to wear no undershirts because their back is often bare and gets cold  but now I am not so sure anymore.

Personally I am not eating anything with corn ... no corn cubs (that is very sad) ... no crackers ... and recently I learned it can be also in fructose. Guess one has to check which products contain corn.

I only buy organic corn  and organic Pop-Corn.

Buying food becomes more and more complicate.

Remember ... we as the consumer have power ... when nobody buys products that contain a specific ingredient then the manufacturers will eventually listen  GMO corn is in Poland forbidden.

We all need to get educated to stay healthy and with google it is easy.

Anna Christine

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Are Brain MRIs Harmful?

A few days ago a Professor for Neuroscience talked at the radio about research with functional MRI to decode the areas of the brain that are responsible for vision.

I was surprised that people are obviously willing to be part of this research and be exposed to MRIs.

Around 10 years ago I talked with a Doctor. for Radiology and Nuclear Medicine. He said to me to opt for a Cat Scan or an MRI only when absolutely necessary.

Three years after a car accident with concussion I called him because I wanted to know whether I should get an MRI. He said: "When you would be my wife ... No."

I think we live in a strange world. People are much to gullible and often we also do not have the scientific know how and need to trust.

Anna Christine

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Anna Christine on Pam Edgar's Redio Show "Living For The Health Of It"

Every second Tuesday of a month Anna Christine is from 3pm 4 pm on Pam Edgar's Radio Show "Living For The Health Of I"

She talks every time about one specific topic but mentions also health issues that she regards as very important to know.

A few listeners phoned Pam and said they could not remember everything because Anna Christine did not repeat things

Therefore Anna Christine decided to post her notes on

She is sorry not to repeat the content but it is aalways so much to say that there is just no time for this.

Anna Christine

Monday, July 2, 2012

Colitis - Why Do We Get It?

A few days ago they talked in the radio about various conditions of the body and the following sentence caused me to write about this in my Blog.  The young man talked about his Colitis and the sentence that upset me was:

"we pass along diseases"

In my opinion we do NOT pass along disease!! When there are several family members who have Colitis then the entire family is either under enormous stress or their eating habits are wrong.

Nobody knows the effects of processed food, GMO food,  all the herbicides, pesticides and perhaps fungicides that fruits and vegetables are exposed to. ... and all the food additives that don't have to be declared because they are added only in small amounts.

For example, most crackers contain either corn or Canola oil. Both are gene manipulated.  Canola oil is often called vegetable oil.

When father and son have colitis then their life circumstances and/or their eating habits are the same. The father did NOT pass along the Colitis.

When in doubt I always check at google. ... and look whose website it is.

In my first Chemistry class the teacher said the following important sentence:  "Never put anything together when you don't know how it reacts with each other."

And what are we doing daily when we eat foods with additives, eat meat from animals that got vaccinated and got antibiotics, eat produce that was sprayed, take medication, get vaccinated, drink soft drinks and beer with additives, inhale fumes from furniture and candles, put cream on our skin and so on.

And we also use tooth paste with fluoride (so that don't think too much)  and are exposed to more and more electromagnetic frequencies.

Actually it is amazing how well many do.

We have to cook from scratch and eat only things our great-grandmothers were eating.

Despite all of this ... Life is fun ... you just have to think about what you do and eat.

Anna Christine

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD - Veterans

It ws really upsetting for me to hear that the Canadians now intend to help the veterans that are stilll suffering under PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, with Virtual Reality sessions.

We can be in hours in another country but it seems that they don't know that in Serbia doctors obviously hope to help all the people that still suffer from PTSD from the Sarajewo siege with Reconnective Healing.
600  docotrs came in March 2011 to the Reconnective Healing seminar that Dr. EWric Pearl gave in Serbia.

Reconnective Healing helped my PTSD that I had after a nasty car accident in 2005.

Anna Christine

Monday, May 21, 2012

What Means Pesticide Free?

Edward Groth writes on www.babycenter.com " The terms "organic" or "organically grown" indicate that the food has been produced without synthetic pesticides and also without synthetic fertilizers..."

Every time I read something like this I wonder  Do people not know that we have Pesticides and Herbicides? Dpm't they know about the difference between these two?

Herbicides contain toxins against herbs ... obviously they put a weed into the category of herbs ... For example: Dandalions are a herb but many see it as a weed.

Pesticides are against pests which are little critters like aphids.

and then there are
Fungicides which  are against fungus (plural fungi) but they are never mentioned.and I do not know which category includes them. Fruit trees can be affected by fungi

Therefore I am concerned when only the word Pesticide is used because it does not include Herbicides and Fungicides and I am sure the lawyers know that.

We have to start thinking ... actually electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) and the Fluoride in most of our toothpastes affects our brain negatively.
Fluoride is different from the mineral  Fluor.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

Friday, April 27, 2012

Toxins and Obesity

Finally the my believe got to a certain degree confirmed by the article 'Environmental pollutants adding to obesity crisis' in the Nanaimo Daily News, April 26, 2012..

Since a few years I noticed that on Vancouver Island the people get fatter and the real obese ones are usually under 45. Therefore I wondered what the reason might be.

The article is about the question whether our environment is making us fat. US, Canadian and British researchers are now studying the impact of as group of chemicals (called Obesogens)on the weight of humans and animals. The found that when humans and animals (even wildlife)  are exposed to these chemicals, they appear first in the bloodstream and after a while they are sequestered in the fat cells. Sequestered means deposited. When the person loses fat the released toxins suppress slightly the thyroid is function.

We all know that a pregnant or nursing mother should never lose weight because the toxins will be released from the fat cells
What about all the ingredients that are in the vaccines we expose our children to?

Our body is more o less like a bucket and can in my opinion only tolerate a certain amount of toxins. In my opinion  the cause of so many allergies.
Toxins are released from furniture, carpets, they are  in our food, the Pop we drink, medication, the chemtrails and a few heavy metals might be also in vaccines. We have to educate ourselves.

We have to be VERY considerate what we eat and have in our houses. Think of all the scented candles.

Research what is in your drinking  water and in the toothpaste you use.

Anna Christine

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Sound Healing with David Hickey - Parksville

Saturday April 28th. in the Parksville Community Centre
132 Jensen Ave. 7.00 pm – 9.30 pm
Advanced Booking Tickets $15 available from Brit Foods (Next to the Sally Ann across from the Beach Club)
At the door it will be $20

Amazing Music Therapy Event 
Music is organized sound and has a profound affect on our cardiovascular, autonomic, neuropeptide, endocrine and immune systems. The goal of music therapy is to decrease stress and pain, promote deep relaxation, improve learning, clarify personal values, develop self-awareness and to develop creativity.

Anna Christine

Friday, April 20, 2012

Lantzville Farmer's Market Opening - Life Energy

The Lantzville Farmer's Market Opening Day is
Sunday, May 27 at 1:00pm
Location: St. Philip's by the Sea

Fresh homegrown vegetables have a much higher life energy than the ones in Super Markets. Nobody knows how long ago the produce was harvested.

The life energy of the plant is as important as the nutritional value. How will you be full of energy when you eat old produce and/or DEAD food wisth a long shelf life.

Vegetables also make our body alkaline. An alkaline body is emotionally stable. We are happy and at peace.

This is of utmost importance during this time. This is a time of a tremendous SHIFT in our evolution.

Carol Chapman spoke yesterday at the Nanaimo Metaphysical Network about

We are shifting into the Fifth Root Race who is able to shift from the physical body into the spiritual body ... visible/invisible.

To be able to do this we have to be on a very high vibration. Fresh produce is only the beginning. This is the reason why Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection is so important. It helps us to reach higher vibratory levels than with meditation, and fresh fruit and vegetables.

Anna Christine

Monday, April 16, 2012

Reconnective Healing is Different from Energy Healing

Many seem to have problems with thisand say "it all comes from God" and so on.
I believe we have to let go of calling Reconnective Healing an Energy Healing. It is healing with vibrations. A photon is the smallest unit of energy, light,and information and all of the three vibrate.

Listening on Project Camelot to a long interview of George Kavassilas he gave me the answer to a client's concern.

When in Canada she had received from me Reconnective Healing Sessions. She lives in the Czek Republic and got told in a Spa to avoid Reiki.
Because her English was not very good I had not explained sufficiently the difference between Reconnective Healing and all forms of energy healing and now she was concerned. Now I had to explain it and I did.

This is the link to the interview
More in the middle section (ariynd 201.18) he says "When you want to bring healing out why do you not bring your Inner Light out? ... but what they are actually doing is that they are tagging the people for the harvest
That is reality ... and you don't want to hear it that is reality. I know you invested a lot of yourself, you have a good clientel base, you make lots of money, you have a status in your community. I understand all of that.I do. and it is hard to let go of that ... the Greys have been doing that forever...they get their followers, they perform miracles and then they go for the kill..."

Now, what means the 'tagging'? Luckily George Kavassilas gave a talk in Victoria and two of my friends went there. I asked them to find out what the 'tagging' means.
The answer "we are getting energetically tagged so that our energy can be 'harvested'."

Now I wonder of course whether this is one of the reasons that so many are tired. Chuckle.

Despite my chuckling ... this is serious and therefore I finally have written about this. The trigger for this post was the questioning of my worried client.

I believe we all have to make our own decisions. My decision is to receive only Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection.

Eric Pearl actually said nearly the same as George "That we remind the cells how to be the Light again. Healthy cells are surrounded by a bright light according to the research from Fritz Popp, Germany.

Anna Christine

Friday, March 30, 2012

What if Cancer is Not a Disease? - There is Help

I just wanted to give the Dialogue magazine, Vol. 23, from 2010, to one of my clients when I read the article line "What if Cancer is Not a Disease?"
I kept it of course.

It is a four page long awsome excerpt from a book axplaining cancer.
The understanding of the book should bring comfort to many.
Actually it seems to be similar to the observation of one of my teachers who had been an Orthopaedic Surgeon.

The title of the book is 'Cancer is not a Disease - It's a Survival Mechanism", Andreas Moritz, Landrum, SC (USA). The author: " after having seen thousands of cancer patients over a period of three decades, I began to recognize a ccertain pattern of thinking, believing andfeeling that was common to most of them."

"It will perhaps astound you to learn that a person who is afflicted with the main causes of cancer (which constitute the real illness) would most likely die quickly unless he actually grew cancer cells. In this work, I provide evidence to this effect."

"The following statement is very important in the consideration of cancer: "Vancer does not cause a person to be sick: it is the sickness of the person that causes the cancer."

"The body sees the cancer as being such an important defense mechanism that it even causes the growth of new blood vessels to guarantee the much needed supply of glucose and, ....... If the trigger mechanisms for cancer (causal factors)are properly taken care of, such a cancer can be avoided."

The Dialogue magazine contains a variety of topics provided by various readers. One is NOT getting this information through the media. The website is www.dialogue.ca

Reading this specific excerpt I understand even more why Reconnective Healing® has helped people with Cancer and many other afflictions.

It is good to get the book so that one can get rid of fear. Too many are fearful of cancer.

One can order the magazine through dialogue@dialogue.ca - Tel.: 250-758-9877. Let me give you a few excerpts from the 4 pages.

Anna Christine

Sunday, March 25, 2012

How to be More Energetic?

Do you know about the effects of negative ions on your energy level?
If not then better get informed.
Years ago I read at my uncle's place in Quebec a book about the benefits of negative ions.

He probably had the book because the son of his friends had developed the BIONAIRE Air purifier which releases negative ions in the air.

Russians and Israelis were running research with their Olympic teams to see whether their performance improved with the release of negative ions in their rooms.

Most people do not know anything about negative ions.
The night air contains more of them as the air during the day.
Therefore we have to open the window during the night. ... but this helps only when the curtains are from cotton or are pulled to the side.
Synthetic fibers attract negative ions ... it follows that curtains mmade from synthetic fibers reduce the amount of negative ions in the room.
The same applies to synthetic cloths.

My mother had already 50 years ago in her bookbindery an instrument that emmitted negative ions and since she had installed it the sickness rate of her employees went drastically down.

Therefore ... ways to improve your energy level might be To open during the night the windows
Have curtains from cotton
Have bedding from cotton
Wear cloths from cotton

Seems the Russians and the Israelis are always ahead of the game. They are also very interested in Reconnective Healing. The Russians tested it on their Pre-Olympic Team and the Israelis in the largest hospital for sick children in Tel Aviv. Doctors, Nurses and children were learning it.

Anna Christine

Monday, March 19, 2012

Acidic Reflux - Apples Help

Apples seem to be the best kept secret to eliminate Acidic Reflux but also to improve our skin and keep us youthful.. 1 - 3 apples a day give us vitality and strengthen the entire body. Because they contain life energy you'll find yourself having more energy too.

They support also our brain function because of their phosphorus and iron content. Apples taste sometimes sour but they cause in the body an alkaline state and people whose body fluids are alkaline are calm, relaxed and emotional stable.


Ewcwntly they said on the BBC that more and more orchards become wineyards ... in short WE DO NOT PRODUCE ENOUGH APPLES IN BC!!

Anna Christine
PS: Buying an apple tree is cheaper than Reflexology or Reconnective Healing sessions and safer than any medication.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Anxiety - Is There Help?

Today I heard that there is now a new documentary about anxiety.

That many people ask their doctor to prescribe them something against anxiety they have seen on TV.

I am unable to understand that people do not look FIRST for help from alternatice halth practitioners. There is not only Reflexology, JinShinDo Acupressure, and Reconnective Healing there are many other modalities that may help us to be again calm and centered.

Don't they realize that any medication that affects the brain also affects the brain in unwanted ways.

I found the following on the internet:
Common side-effects of benzodiazepines or tranquilizers

Lack of energy
Slow reflexes
Slurred speech
Confusion and disorientation
Impaired thinking and judgment
Memory loss,
Stomach upset
Blurred or double vision

In the big blue book the Pharmacists have are many more side effects.

Anna Christine

Monday, March 12, 2012

Electro Magnetic Frequencies an Uninsurable Risk

When the insurance companies don't want to pay for health damage (like brain tumors) caused by cell phones then the situation becomes serious.

The following was
Posted on September 24, 2010 on http://eon3emfblog.net/?p=382
CBC The National
Wendy Mesley reported 1 1/2 years ago about how many insurance companies are not covering cell phone manufacturers and wireless carriers – 60% refuse to insure purveyors against future health damage suits. Devra Davis interviewed.

We have now March 12, 2012 and the American and Canadian governments are allowing the electricity providers to install Smart Meters. This is very strange. What is the reason?
Unfortunately most of the people are allowing this installation.

On one of the videos on this website
Tremedous increase now of appliancies that emit low frequency wave emitting

1/3 from radio frequencies come form cell phones
1/3 from cell phone towers
1/3 from cordless phones used at home and GMS

Basically we can't get away from the radiation.

Please get educated about this issue and oppose the Smart Meters before too many, especially the children, are sick.

Many children have already Cancer and Brain Tumors, some are even born with cancer.

1976 the Russians caused with Electromagnetic Frequencies cancer in all employees of the American Embassy. The employees were sent back to the States and the next employess had after a certain time period again cancer.
Since 1976 Microwave Ovens are forbidden in Russia.

Anna Christine

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Smart Meters - Now the Problems Start - Hair Loss and More

and these problems are scary ... who wants to lose hair. Today I talked to somebody who came to my house and when he saw the poster "Attention CORIX - Do NOT install Smart Meter Here" beside my Analog Meter he told me about his and his girl friends experiences after the installation of Smart Meters at the outside of the apartment building they live in... Even a Hydro employee said to him "wait until they are all connected to the grid"

He told me about their problems: Headaches, stomach problems, lower backpain, emotional instability, disturbed sleep. They both have been healthy before.

He will actually write about this to the Nanaimo Bulletin, one of the local newspapers.

Even more scary was for me the story of one of his friends on Jingle Pot Road ... she and her dog are losing hair ... I forgot the other health problems.

About critical findings from Acupuncturists who learn also about Chinese Medicine you will find on my Blog on the website below.

Very concerned,
Anna Christine

Monday, March 5, 2012

John Hopkins - Cancer Update

I am so excited about this Cancer Update from John Hopkins.
This is an extremely good article. Everyone should read it. We have to change the way we eat.


Even when it is a long article ... one has to know these things.

Cancer Update from Johns Hopkins:

1. Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer
cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have
multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell cancer patients
that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after
treatment, it just means the tests are unable to detect the
cancer cells because they have not reached the detectable

2. Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in a
person's lifetime.

3. When the person's immune system is strong the cancer
cells will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and
forming tumors.

4. When a person has cancer it indicates the person has
nutritional deficiencies. These could be due to genetic,
but also to environmental, food and lifestyle factors.

5. To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies,changing
diet to eat more adequately and healthy, 4-5 times/day
and by including supplements will strengthen the immune system.

6. Chemotherapy involves poisoning the rapidly-growing
cancer cells and also destroys rapidly-growing healthy cells
in the bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract etc., and can
cause organ damage, like liver, kidneys, heart, lungs etc.

7. Radiation while destroying cancer cells also burns, scars
and damages healthy cells, tissues and organs.

8.. Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation will often
reduce tumor size.
However prolonged use of chemotherapy and radiation do not result in more tumor

9. When the body has too much toxic burden from
chemotherapy and radiation the immune system is either
compromised or destroyed, hence the person can succumb
to various kinds of infections and complications.

10. Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer cells to
mutate and become resistant and difficult to destroy.
Surgery can also cause cancer cells to spread to other sites.

11. An effective way to battle cancer is to starve the cancer
cells by not feeding it with the foods it needs to multiply.


a. Sugar substitutes like NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc. are made
with Aspartame and it is harmful. A better natural substitute
would be Manuka honey or molasses, but only in very small
amounts. Table salthas a chemical added to make it white in
color Better alternative is Bragg's aminos or sea salt.

b. Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the
gastro-intestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus. By cutting off milk and
substituting with unsweetened soy milk cancer cells are being starved.

c. Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment. A meat-based
dietis acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little other meat,
like chicken. Meat also contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones and
parasites, which are all harmful, especially to people with cancer.

d. A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole
grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruits help put the body into
an alkaline environment. About 20% can be from cooked
food including beans. Fresh vegetable juices provide live
enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to
cellular levels within 15 minutes to nourish and enhance
growth of healthy cells. To obtain live enzymes for building
healthy cells try and drink fresh vegetable juice (most
vegetables including bean sprouts) and eat some raw
vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Enzymes are destroyed at
temperatures of 104 degrees F (40 degrees C)..

e. Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which have high
caffeine Green teais a better alternative and has cancer
fighting properties. Water-best to drink purified water, or
filtered, to avoid known toxins and heavy metals in tap
water. Distilled water is acidic, avoid it.

12. Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of
digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in the
intestines becomes putrefied and leads to more toxic buildup.

13. Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering. By
refraining from or eating less meat it frees more enzymes
to attack the protein walls of cancer cells and allows the
body's killer cells to destroy the cancer cells.

14. Some supplements build up the immune system
(IP6, Flor-ssence, Essiac, anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals,
EFAs etc.) to enable the bodies own killer cells to destroy
cancer cells.. Other supplements like vitamin E are known
to cause apoptosis, or programmed cell death, the body's
normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted, or
unneeded cells.

15. Cancer is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit.

A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer warrior
be a survivor. Anger, un-forgiveness and bitterness put
the body into a stressful and acidic environment. Learn to
have a loving and forgiving spirit. Learn to relax and enjoy life.

16. Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated
environment. Exercising daily, and deep breathing help to
get more oxygen down to the cellular level. Oxygen therapy is another means
employed to destroy cancer cells.

1. No plastic containers in micro.

2. No water bottles in freezer.

3. No plastic wrap in microwave..

Johns Hopkins has recently sent this out in its newsletters. This information
is being circulated at Walter Reed Army Medical Center as well. Dioxin
chemicals cause cancer, especially breast cancer.Dioxins are highly poisonous
to the cells of our bodies. Don't freeze your plastic bottles with water in
them as this releases dioxins from the plastic. Recently, Dr Edward Fujimoto,
Wellness Program Manager at Castle Hospital , was on a TV program to explain
this health hazard. He talked about dioxins and how bad they are for us. He
said that we should not be heating our food in the microwave using plastic
containers. This especially applies to foods that contain fat. He said that the
combination of fat, high heat, and plastics releases dioxin into the food and
ultimately into the cells of the body. Instead, he recommends using glass, such
as Corning Ware, Pyrex or ceramic containers for heating food. You get the same
results, only without the dioxin. So such
things as TV dinners, instant ramen and soups, etc., should be removed from
the container and heated in something else. Paper isn't bad but you don't know
what is in the paper. It's just safer to use tempered glass, Corning Ware, etc.
He reminded us that a while ago some of the fast food restaurants moved away
from the foam containers to paper The dioxin problem is one of the reasons.

Please share this with your whole email list.........................
Also, he pointed out that plastic wrap, such as Saran, is just as dangerous
when placed over foods to be cooked in the microwave. As the food is nuked, the
high heat causes poisonous toxins to actually melt out of the plastic wrap and
drip into the food. Cover food with a paper towel instead.

This is an article that should be sent to anyone important in your life...

Sunday, February 26, 2012

An Acupuncturist Warns about Electro Magnetic Frequencies. - Electro Smog - Smart Meters

In connection with the installation from Smart Meters I got last week this link to a very important article and having studied some Chinese Medicine in connection with my JinShinDo Acupressure training I understand the danger that is lurking in many of us.

Warning by acupuncturists:
The Pulse, the Electronic Age and Radiation: Early Detection
By Leon Hammer, MD and Ross Rosen LAc

Please copy and paste ... you can read all of it here:

The 'Pulse' means in Acupuncture - Acupressure - Chinese Medicine something very different than the pulse we are counting when we are ill.

Every Meridian has a pulse and the quality and/or strength discloses when a concern is existing but the symptom has not shown up yet.

I am very grateful to be a certified JinShinDo Acupressurist.

Anna Christine

Bulletpoints for Reconnective Healing

Sunday, February 19, 2012

What Determines Property Value?

In a very near future the value of a property with fruit trees and a vegetable garden will be higher.
It happened in California. The value doubled in an area where the subdivision was done in a way that the fruit trees between the houses got the water from the roofs. They did not have to buy any fruits and the children were picking what they wanted and probably were healthier.

Yesterday I talked about GMO foods and their effects of fertility.
Today I got from Dr. Mercola a newsletter with THIS VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION

All I can say is ... we all have to cook from scratch ... that is actually cheaper than all the processed foods that are in boxes ... and it is healthier ... get a cook book ... and whoever has a property should plant vegetables and fruit trees.


Instead of 'beautiful' shrubs and trees we should have fruit trees on the front lawn.

In a very near future the value of a property with fruit trees and a vegetable garden will be higher.

It happened in California. I believe I had it on an earlier posting.

Anna Christine

Saturday, February 18, 2012

GMO Popp Corn - Infertility - Colitis

Below is a video from NaturalNews.com about cell research regarding GMO food. http://www.cmn.tv/videos/how-gmo-foods-alter-organ-function-and-pose-a-very-real-health-threat-to-humans/

Here are two sentences from it "the more genetically modified food you eat the less human you become"...."... more pesticide factory"

Another sentence "...code your body to produce poisons internally"

Researh has shown that GMO food like corn, soy, canola, cotton causes infertility in animals. A lot of processed food contains either corn or canola.
I once wanted to buy nice looking muffins made with vegetable oil, questioning the employee whether it is Canola Oil I got the answer "yes".

I do not eat anymore most of the crackers only crisp bread.

I believe this is the reason that so many young people have digestive problems and even Colitis. Everybody eats poppcorn in the cinema. A doctor said the hospitals are full of these young people. I know a young man whose colon had to be removed totally. ... This should make us think

Anna Christine
Watch HERE

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Earthquake - Who Will be the One who Helps Us??

Mitch Battros wrote on earthchamgesmedia the following and in my opinion we should all take it to heart:

"To this day, I remember my FEMA instructor's lesson, and of which to pass on to the neighborhoods we defend. His name is Richard Gelb, and this is what he said. "It is most important as you go out from here to train others within their own neighborhoods, to let them know up front - when a disaster occurs in their area, it will not be the Police dept. that saves them, it will not be the fire dept. coming to their rescue, it will not be Search and Rescue, nor will it be the Red Cross or FEMA -- IT WILL BE THEIR NEIGHBOR."

Anna Christine

Monday, February 13, 2012

What to do About Mental Conditions in Animals

Last year 7 Billions were spent by pet-owners in the USA for antidepressants/tranqulizers to help animals with their mental conditions.

I looked at a short newsclip and was chocked what is happening to our pets.

It is my opinion that they experience exactly the same as humans do because their nutrition is even worse than that of humans. Most of the dogs get only pellets with all kinds of healthy sounding ingredients, but most likely they contain GMO food and parts of animals that got GMO. And ... these pellets lack any life energy. In their desperation dogs are now eating apples and carrots and the woners think that is cute.

I had two dogs and they were all their life healthy ... not one visit to the Vet, no vaccination . What did I do? They were running around in the garden and they ate the same as we did.
Perhaps important to know that we ate a European diet and NOT any processed food.

The dogs experience the same as many children and the medical approach is the same P_ _ _ _ _. The Vet actually said that it decreases aggression. But I learned that it sometimes happens that people on antidepressants become very aggressive. ... What about a dog that experiences the same? A hamster became aggressive, why not a dog?

Wondering about this World
Wise Owl
Anna Christine

PS.: As much as I believe in Reconnective Healing ... pets need healthy food cooked from scratch and to run around in nature or, when it is a dog for hunting, beside a bycicle. My dog did that.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

How to Have a Better Immune System

Growing up on a farm directly affects regulation of the immune system www.sciencedaily.com

A new study has shown, for the first time, that growing up on a farm directly affects the regulation...

I sometimes wonder how much money is spent for studies that are in my opinion absolutely unnecessary ... everybody with a common sense knows that growing up on a farm is healthy ... these children run and play, they are not overregulated with 'hoovering' mothers who bring them to all kinds of activities. They are happy and free. Yes, they might have to help but this gives them a sense of being worthy. Children like to help.

Does nobody know that mothers milk adjusts to the necessities of the
I know that from humans and assume it is the same in the animal world.

To be honest I am unsure how I would have turned out when I would have grown up in this overregulated world children now grow up ... I was free and happy.

Instead of wasting money for studies we should create REAL PLAYGROUNDS with grass, bushes, trees, material to build little playhoues, sandboxes - in short give the children an area were they can be adventurers. Perhaps have a little area that they can use as a garden. Let each child plant a fruit tree. There is so much we have done wrong and have to correct now.
For example we have to teach them that soil is soil and NOT DIRT. That we need the soil to grow food and to live. That every bottle with desinfectant and cleaning stuff is hurting the soil and our planet and in the long run us too.

... and yes perhaps it would be good to have all day an adult there with Sirst Aid knowledge and knowledge how to garden because many even don't seem to know that anymore.

Upset Wise Owl
Anna Christine

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Smart Meters - are they Really Harmful?

Tja, I must admit I am surprised how sometimes people who seem intelligent believe they are not harmful.
They obviously have not heard about the Last Drop in The Bucket or The Last Straw on the Caml's Back.

That is very sad. We never know who and when we will be unable to handle microwave/radio-frequencies anymore.

For the ones who want information check www.citizensforsafetechnology.org

For both, the ones who do not want them and also the ones who still believe 'the earth is flat'

WE CAN NOW VOTE ... no no, that is not a governmental vote, seems as if the media is getting interested.

Are you worried about smart meters? - The Province - Opinion Poll:
(Please Vote!)

[Castlegar, BC] Do you think FortisBC should go ahead with the smart meters? - Castlegar News - Opinion Poll:
(Please Vote!)

[Surrey, BC] Worrying about smart meters isn't smart by Daniel McCully - The Province - February 02, 2012:
- (Please Comment)

We really live in an interesting time (remember that is a Chinese Curse)
Lets hope the acceleration of positive energies (this is called The Shift) is victorious
Anna Christine

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Who Eats GMO Foods? Humans or Animals?

The Germans don't like foods that contain glyphosates and have banned them. Here in Canada and America one can buy them.

Because it is so complicate to explain ... here is the link to an interview from Dr. Mercole with Dr. Huber about GMO foods.

Animals don't eat GMO foods when given the choice ... so much about the inner knowing or the intelligence of human.

It is in corn, cotton, soy and recently in alfalfa.
A man at the Superstore told me he was in India and the elephants do not want to eat GMO cotton.

Dr. Huber: "12 g per acre reduces the absorption of iron by 50%" also of manganese and zink.
The whole interview is very interesting and listening to it. Beside the pesticides the foods do not contain enough nutrients.

Therefore I am not surprised that so many are overweight. They do not get enough nutrients and the body is always hungry.

I use only olive oil and organic butter and as crackers I eat crispbread from Wasa or crackers with sunfloweroil.

Oh, Dr. Huber just talked about 40 new plant diseases they had before unter control... and animals are dying from botulism toxins because the residue of glyphosates kills in their intestines organisms that fight botulism.
He just said glyphosate nullifies all disease resistance.

You have to listen to it. I am going to bed now.

Dr. Mercola "Does it interfere with our gut ecology?"
Dr. Huber "the research is not done with humans yet, but the deficiency in minerals causes disease." One knows that it affects the guts of animals.

Wise Owl

Friday, January 27, 2012

Movie Pink Ribbons, Inc. - Law of Attraction

Listening to an interview about the new feature documentary Pink Ribbons, Inc. my first thought was "finally they have realized the dangers of all these Pink Ribbons" ... Many might think ... "What is the danger?" ....

the danger is FEAR and THE LAW OF ATTRACTION ... but the movie is unfortunately only about the involvement of corporations and their financial interests.

In Canada alone are 60 corporations connected with the Cancer Research Institute. The producer said it might be worldwide thousands.

I assume that everybody who reads this has heard about The Law of Attrraction and VISION BOARDS. We put on Vision Boards pictures of things we want to achieve or get in life. Some put these pictures also on the mirror and the kitchen cupboard doors.

The goal is to think a lot of our desires ... our vision.
Conclusion ... the more PINK RIBBONS we see the better we manifest what they represent.
Is your vision to have breast cancer? This is what Pink Ribbons might manifest.

Most likely every woman who sees a Pink Ribbon thinks of breast cancer and becomes fearful. Even I, who has nobody in the family with these 'apparent genes' thinks of it. I think of it even when I see blue or yellow ribbons ... because I am angry about this TRAP for women.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read the book The Power of Belief from Bruce Lipton and watch the movie THRIVE to see what is going on.

Very concerned
Anna Christine

Movie Pink Ribbons, Inc. - Law of Attraction

A few minutes ago I listened to an interview about the feature documentary PINK RIBBONS, Inc. At the beginning I was excited believing the movie would address a very important 'by-product' of all these Pink Ribbons .... this by-product is fear and the Law of Attraction.

Fear of all the women who believe they have to get breast cancer because a family member had it.
A while ago I saw a photo from a young dancer who got both her breasts amputated because several family members had breast cancer. Is nobody reading the books from Bruce Lipton and his opinion on the gene theory??

But film is about the corporations that are involved and want to make money by putting a Pink Ribbon on the box. There are 60 corporations in Canada and the filproducer said there are probably thousands worldwide

I assume that everybody who reads this knows about the Law of Attraction and Vision Boards. We put on a this board pictures from things we want sooner or later to achieve or to get ... and we put the picture there and perhaps also on the mirror and the kitchen cupboard so that we think often of our desires and manifest them faster.

NOW - what is done to the women by putting Pink Ribbons everywehere.

Can't you see it??? PLEASE start realising what is going on.
Please read 'Biology of Belief' from Bruce Lipton and watch also the movie THRIVE

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Reconnective Healing - Cerebral Palsy in THE LIVING MATRIX - Nanaimo

Special Movie Presentation, “The Living Matrix”,

An interesting film that shows us what is possible regarding HEALING

Friday, January 27th, 7:00 p.m. and

Sunday, January 29th, 12:30 p.m.,
with a pizza lunch by donation

Location: 2325 East Wellington, Nanaimo, BC V9R 6V7

Movie: $10.00

This new documentary challenges conventional medicine. Evidence-based research in bioenergetic medicine reveals energy and information fields – and NOT GENETICS – drive human physiology and biochemistry.

It shows that Quantum biology influences our health. Personal interviews tell the stories of people who recovered from chronic illness – including a five-year-old boy born with cerebral palsy who received a Reconnective Healing session by Dr. Eric Pearl,, an osteopathic doctor with a brain tumor, and a North Carolina housewife bedridden with chronic fatigue syndrome – the film demonstrates the effectiveness of bioenergetic medicine.

This movie shows what is possible in the field of healing and by many not known yet.

Please contact me for more information or write to unitynan@shaw.ca

Anna Christine
PS.: More about Reconnective Healing on www.ReconnectionToTheCosmos.com

Monday, January 23, 2012

Is There Help For Infertility

Before spending money for Holistic Health Practitioners ... Yes I know, I am one of them ... watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eilDbdLAyFs
and check your eating habits.

Do you eat Popcorn, crackers that contain corn, or use GMO products like Canola Oil or soy products?
Actually most crackers contain Canola oil or corn.

I had the sarkastic thought "it is strange how the planet is taking care that there are not too many of us, because so many of us are destroying the planet."

Anna Christine

Friday, January 20, 2012

Stress - Anxiety - Sleeping Problems? Fifth Dimensional Healing for 2012 -

The first experience of Reconnective Healing® which is Fifth Dimensional Healing is Calmness - reducing stress and relieving anxiety ... very important for 2012, because so many are concerned about December 21, 2012.

What is so important about Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection®?
The Relevance of two chapters from ‘The Book of Knowledge – The Keys of Enoch’, by J.J.Hurtak

Anna Christine will talk during this free two-hour workshop how Dr. Eric Pearl was able to do Recocnnective Healing, what it is all about, the difference between Reconnective Healing & The Reconnection, Scientific Research.
A Q and A period will follow.

Reconnective Healing goes according to Quantumphysicists beyond the 4th dimension … and exactly that is what we need now.

The next workshop will be
Saturday, January 28th, 2012 at 3 pm at my home-office.

Please contact me so that I know how many will come because space is limited. Contact info is on the website below

Anna Christine

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Is Honey Healthy?

To be honest ... I was surprised when I read November 19, 2011 in the Nanimo News Bulletin that honey is most likely only healthy when one buys honey locally ... Then we know what we get.

Food Safety News published the results of tests that showed that the honey bought mostly in stores is NOT honey.
Over 3/4 of the honey could not pass safety standards established by the World Health Organization. It came mostly from China and India

WHY did it not pass the safety standards?? . . . Because pollen particles were carefully filtered out. They are the healthy part of the honey and they also show where a honey comes from. The pollen is taken out so that animal antibiotics and other contaminants cannot be found and traced to the land of origin

Therefore it is best to buy honey loclly directly from a beekeeper.

For Vancouver Island check HERE.
You will find there Theo Fredrich from Fredrich's Honey

Anna Christine

Monday, January 16, 2012

Energydrinks and Hospitalization

Nov. 24, 2011 I read in the Nanaimo Daily News that hospitalization because of energydrink consumption jumped in the USA from
1.128 visits in 2005 to
13.114 visits in 2009 ... most patients were males between 18 and 39

Now this is scary. A few years ago I read the labels of some of these energy drinks and I wondered how anybody even think about drinking that.

When needed I drink the Energy Drink Chi-3. The 2 ounce bottle contains also ONE Ounce GoChi and Vitamin B 12.

The Vitamin B12 is the reasons I drink it from time to time, or when I have to drive longer distances.

Try it you' ll enjoy it, especially how smooth the transition is from low energy to energy and also how long it lasts.
Anna Christine

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Competition - Losing Weight and Having a Chance to Win Money

This is a reminder of a Weight Loss Competition with 1.000.000 in prizes ... for all the ones who want to lose weight and need a little 'activator' ... a little kick in the butt to get started.

The revolutionary, quadruple patent pending weight management formula, TAIslim™, is unveiled at the January 2009 Business Launch generating a wave of astounding results. TAIslim helps you to reach and maintain a healthy weight by fighting abdominal fat, enhancing your metabolism, helping to control your appetite, and cleansing and replenishing your body.

My experience was with TAIslim alone, but now there is TAIslim® SKINNYs™ :
Deemed Fat’s Newest Enemy, TAIslim® SKINNYs™ debuted in April. Delicious sugar-free SKINNYs are scientifically designed to help you feel full for hours. TAIslim SKINNYs are the perfect snack to help you manage your weight.

This is a 90 Day Challenge to lose weight and win money. Check all the details HERE

Hopefully you find this on time. If not .. then try it anyway to feel again good about yourself.

Anna Christine

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Natural Vitamins and Synthetic Vitamins - Difference

On Pam Edgar's weekly Radio Show ‘Living For The Health of It’
on CHLY 101.7 FM Radio Malaspina Nanaimo

I will talk this time about what is important to know about natuural vitamins and synthetic vitamins.

I will be on
The show is Tuesday, January 10th , 2012 from 3 – 4 pm

The whole show is always from 2 pm - 4 pm. On the Tuesdays I am on somebbody else will be there from 2 pm - 3 pm.

Here are the former Shows and their content- Theu are available to listen on the CHLY website, under the ‘Podcast’ button on the right,there will be a link to the menu.

August - the dangers of an acidic body
September - a common link between sleep apnea, snoring, incontinence and acidic reflux which I discovered during my work and my life.
October - fluoride and also Smart-Meters.
November - Sport injuries, especially concussions

The total length of the show is from 2 pm – 4 pm – there will be another speaker from 2 pm – 3 pm.

If you have any questions you can call in during the show. The number will be announced.

Hope you have time to listen
Anna Christine