Sunday, April 1, 2018

How to Heal Our Body

I hear often "I am healthy. I do not go to the doctor". This always surprises me because any illness is like an iceberg. It grows unnoticeable and very slowly after the first damage was done to the body..  the symptom is the tip of the iceberg. We never know when it shows up.
It can be after 14 days, after 5 years, after 10, 20, 30, 40 or more years.

What concerns me even more to hear now more often that somebody died without being ill before. The latest was that somebody lost three of her friends who had never been sick before.

During a broadcast about colon cancer an upset woman who was diagnosed with colon cancer said "Why did nobody tell me to get checked?"

We are responsible for our health and nobody else. .. and we can heal our body by eating healthy, best raw organic foods. Like Fresh, green vegetables, Organic lemon juice, Himalaya Salt, Honey, Molasses, Organic protein. Seeds, Nuts, Dates, Apricots, Raisins, Extra-virgin cold-pressed, organic oils.

Today I found this article on Dr. Mercola's website which explains very well why the above is happening.

Are You Becoming a Boiled Frog?
October 4, 2008
by Lloyd Fielder, DC

There used to be an experiment in high school, where they would drop a frog into a pot of extremely hot water to test the frog’s nervous system, and see if the frog was smart enough to jump out. It always did.
Then they would drop the same frog into a pot of room temperature water where it inevitably just stayed and swam, unaware and seemingly unaffected by its surroundings.
Lastly, they placed a burner under the pot and turned it on, slowly increasing the temperature one degree per minute. The frog continued to just swim around without noticing what was happening. The water became hotter and hotter ... and the frog eventually died.
Despite the fact that the frog literally was being boiled, it never once tried to escape from certain death. It never even noticed the precarious situation it was in.
This cruel experiment is no longer done. However, it can provide you with excellent information about how you can assess your own health. Because the temperature change was slow, the frog didn’t notice the pain or discomfort of being boiled. The frog died slowly, and never once knew of the urgent need to escape certain death.
Unfortunately, There is a Strong Chance You are Like Those Frogs
Every day we are subjected to stress in the forms of unnatural pollution and toxins, unhealthy diets, emotional and mental pressures of work, family issues, paying the bills ... as well as not getting nearly enough exercise, sunlight, or laughter.
Slowly throughout your lifetime, your nervous system has become so accustomed to your unnatural and unhealthy choices that you don’t even realize they are killing you, one degree at a time. By the time you finally realize that something is wrong, the downward spiral has sometimes gone on for decades.
Only the lucky ones get symptoms in the early stage, and many individuals will either ignore the symptoms, or mask them with drugs. Did you know the first sign of heart disease, more than 50 percent of the time, is a heart attack? And that fifty percent of heart attack victims die instantly?
Are You Willing To Play with Those Kinds of Odds?
Heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, arthritis and even tooth decay are all processes that occur over time due to unhealthy lifestyles.
If there was a way to assess where you are currently, and where you are headed, wouldn’t you want to find out if you are “being boiled” before it is too late?
We are like those boiling frogs, sitting in a pot of water that is slowly killing us and we never do anything to stop it. What’s worse is that someone else committed the frogs to their untimely demise, but sadly we continue to do this to ourselves with poor lifestyle choices, day after day after day.
Fortunately, your body has an amazing capacity for self healing. You can in fact turn things around, and start a positive healthy spiral upwards, even in the face of deadly disease.
It is quite clear that the conventional medical model will not help you get out of this dilemma, so I would strongly encourage you to locate a clinician who can help guide and coach you with the principles Dr. Mercola has been teaching on this site. Our team is currently in the process of compiling a list of clinicians we could refer you to, although it will likely be a while before that project is completed.
However, many do not realize that Dr. Mercola has an active medical clinic a few minutes west of O’Hare airport in Chicago. Here at Dr. Mercola’s Natural Health Center, we have helped thousands of people determine what they need to do to address their health challenges and poor lifestyle choices. You will be on the path toward optimal health the very first day you are here!
Our center has stood the test of time. We have seen over 25,000 patients during our 23 years of serving the community. Our simple and extremely effective solutions will not only add years to your life, but more importantly, add vibrant, healthy life to the rest of your years.
Give us a call! Come to one of our free lectures, and find out if you are a frog in hot water!

Because it is always better to be preventative I am drinking since over four years Himalayan Goji Juice and since April 2008 GoChi. I have been all the time healthy and energetic. My very toxic body and liver (lead, mercury, woodpreservatives, formaldehyde)is slowly
I must have been psychic when I called my business Energy All Around Therapies.

Anna Christine Doehring

Anastasia - The Ringing Cedar sSeries

Ten years ago I was reading with interest aeries of books,
called the Ringing Cedars series or Anastasia. This series offers
a glimpse of what that could look like.

With all the commotion happening in the world, it is a breathe of
fresh air to read this material. I know a few of you already have,
or are in the process of reading it... If you haven't heard of
this series, I came across these posts that nicely summarized
what they are all about.

There is also another post that includes information on "Healing Gardens"
In order to keep this email from being excessively long, I'll sent that
in a separate email... look for Healing Gardens in the subject line.

I feel this material may help us envision more positive possibilities for
the planet, and as more and more people connect with it, it does have
the great potential to motivate us toward this grander direction.

*************** Brief Introduction to the Anastasia Books**********************

The story began in 1994 on the bank of the River Ob amidst the endless
expanses of the Siberian taiga. The well-known Siberian entrepreneur
Vladimir Megre met with two elderly gentlemen who told him about the amazing
properties of the Siberian cedar (also known in the West as the Siberian
pine). At first he didn't pay much attention to what they told him, but as
he continued to reflect on it, Vladimir began to discover, in the historical
and scientific literature he examined, more and more evidence supporting
their words. Finally he decided to organize an expedition with a fleet of
river steamers. The expedition was ostensibly for commercial purposes, but
in actual fact his overriding motivation was to find the elders again and
learn more about the secrets of the cedar.

This incredible series of books has already been a massive seller in Russia
and we interviewed the publisher of the English translations, Leonid
Sharashkin, at the Science and Consciousness Conference in Santa Fe, where
everyone was spell bound by the information.

Many people ask if Anastasia is "real". Leonid answers simply, that it
doesn't really matter whether there is a human being called Anastasia
somewhere in the Siberian Taiga, as long as the information connects with
the part of all of us that is all-knowing. Once you read the books, you will

Click this link for an interview on this series

Head Injuries of Rugby Players

Head Injuries of Rugby Players and their Consequences.
This is a short notice to make all athletes, especially the Ruby players aware about the long term effects of injuries they sustain, especially head injuries.
I remember a 17 year old teenager who had several blockages of the Chi flow (energy flow) on his head so that I asked him how he is doing in school.
His answer confirmed my findings. He was actually pretty concerned about his memory and the ability to focus for longer times on a task, because he had noticed in school how this affected his grades.
He was at that time moving to Vancouver and all I could say at that time was “Please, when you don’t want to have very early problems with your mental function then go in Vancouver to a therapist who does similar work”. CranioSacral Therapy, Acupressure and Reflexology.
I can only hope he did.
AnnaChristine Head Injuries of Rugby Players and their Consequences.
This is a short notice to make all athletes, especially the Ruby players aware about the long term effects of injuries they sustain, especially head injuries.
I remember a 17 year old teenager who had several blockages of the Chi flow (energy flow) on his head so that I asked him how he is doing in school.
His answer confirmed my findings. He was actually pretty concerned about his memory and the ability to focus for longer times on a task, because he had noticed in school how this affected his grades.
He was at that time moving to Vancouver and all I could say at that time was “Please, when you don’t want to have very early problems with your mental function then go in Vancouver to a therapist who does similar work”. CranioSacral Therapy, Acupressure and Reflexology.
I can only hope he did.
Anna Christine

Which Type of Lightbulbs Do You Like?

Just wanted to let you know that it is impossible to buy certain normal lightbulbs in Germany.
They become replaced with they new toxic weird looking ones, that contain Mercury.

I heard this when talking with my family. It is a big issue there, becausse all the producers of floor lamps have to come up with new designs. And the floorlamps one has have to do without bulbs.

Guess there is a market ... when you are really good then start making these bulbs.

The reason is the Global Warming issue.

Guess one should better line the streets with trees so that they use the car emissions for growing instead of controlling the citizens.

So much for now, tried to get two p[osts going and couldn't. Strange
Hope this functions
Anna Christine

Believe in Yourself and Listen to your Gut Instincts

When we only would be able to listen to our INTUITION, our first impression, our first gut feeling and follow it. Deep deep inside we know what is right for us.

Our hectic life with all its stress, technical distractions, and loudness makes this inner voice more and more difficult to come through ... We have to learn to find inner stillness to be able to listen ... and follow the message we receive.

Just sit down a few times during the day, take a deep belly breath, let your shoulders drop, imagine a heavy load going away, exhale .... and do this a few minutes ... over time these short periods might become longer and life will be easier.

We have to believe in ourself ... we have to trust the message ... we are more powerful than we believe ... ONLY that WE CANNOT SEE IT we have TO KNOW IT.

Anna Christine

Climate Change - What Can We Do?

Today I got this mail and remembered having learned this already in school. Most of the streets in Berlin are lined with large trees. I think it is best to plant a tree: 

·       According to Canadian sources Canada has 990 million acres of forests,
·       370 million acres of wetlands and 
·       167 million acres of crop-yielding farmland.
·       These are known as "carbon sinks".  I.e. :-  they absorb carbon.
·       Biologists tell us that trees absorb about 2.6 tones of carbon per acre 
·       So if you do the math 990 million acres x 2.6 tones/acre=2.574 billion tones of carbon being absorbed every year here in Canada.
·       Now if you do more math: 36 trillion tones (amount of world emission x 0.0167 (1.67%)=601.2 million tones - this is the amount of carbon that Canada contributes to world emissions - in the forests alone, Canada absorbs almost 4 times the amount of carbon it emits.
·       AGAIN :--  In the forests alone, Canada absorbs  4 times the carbon it emits.
·       This means that the other three quarters of our forests are being sustained by carbon being emitted by the rest of the world.
·       This calculation does not take into account the wetland or farmland  that also absorbs  carbon.
·       Canada really couldn't get any greener, so why are our politicians hell bent on punishing us with these ridiculous carbon taxes?
·       If the media were honest, this information would be made public. SHOULD BE MADE PUBLIC !
·       Considering the fact that Canada is given no credit for absorbing much more carbon than it emits I think there is a good case for some lawyer to charge governments with a  “class action suit “

Perhaps it was taken from this or from teh Toronto Sun, August 10th, 2016

Wise Owl
Anna Christine