Sunday, February 26, 2012

An Acupuncturist Warns about Electro Magnetic Frequencies. - Electro Smog - Smart Meters

In connection with the installation from Smart Meters I got last week this link to a very important article and having studied some Chinese Medicine in connection with my JinShinDo Acupressure training I understand the danger that is lurking in many of us.

Warning by acupuncturists:
The Pulse, the Electronic Age and Radiation: Early Detection
By Leon Hammer, MD and Ross Rosen LAc

Please copy and paste ... you can read all of it here:

The 'Pulse' means in Acupuncture - Acupressure - Chinese Medicine something very different than the pulse we are counting when we are ill.

Every Meridian has a pulse and the quality and/or strength discloses when a concern is existing but the symptom has not shown up yet.

I am very grateful to be a certified JinShinDo Acupressurist.

Anna Christine

Bulletpoints for Reconnective Healing

Sunday, February 19, 2012

What Determines Property Value?

In a very near future the value of a property with fruit trees and a vegetable garden will be higher.
It happened in California. The value doubled in an area where the subdivision was done in a way that the fruit trees between the houses got the water from the roofs. They did not have to buy any fruits and the children were picking what they wanted and probably were healthier.

Yesterday I talked about GMO foods and their effects of fertility.
Today I got from Dr. Mercola a newsletter with THIS VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION

All I can say is ... we all have to cook from scratch ... that is actually cheaper than all the processed foods that are in boxes ... and it is healthier ... get a cook book ... and whoever has a property should plant vegetables and fruit trees.


Instead of 'beautiful' shrubs and trees we should have fruit trees on the front lawn.

In a very near future the value of a property with fruit trees and a vegetable garden will be higher.

It happened in California. I believe I had it on an earlier posting.

Anna Christine

Saturday, February 18, 2012

GMO Popp Corn - Infertility - Colitis

Below is a video from about cell research regarding GMO food.

Here are two sentences from it "the more genetically modified food you eat the less human you become"...."... more pesticide factory"

Another sentence "...code your body to produce poisons internally"

Researh has shown that GMO food like corn, soy, canola, cotton causes infertility in animals. A lot of processed food contains either corn or canola.
I once wanted to buy nice looking muffins made with vegetable oil, questioning the employee whether it is Canola Oil I got the answer "yes".

I do not eat anymore most of the crackers only crisp bread.

I believe this is the reason that so many young people have digestive problems and even Colitis. Everybody eats poppcorn in the cinema. A doctor said the hospitals are full of these young people. I know a young man whose colon had to be removed totally. ... This should make us think

Anna Christine
Watch HERE

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Earthquake - Who Will be the One who Helps Us??

Mitch Battros wrote on earthchamgesmedia the following and in my opinion we should all take it to heart:

"To this day, I remember my FEMA instructor's lesson, and of which to pass on to the neighborhoods we defend. His name is Richard Gelb, and this is what he said. "It is most important as you go out from here to train others within their own neighborhoods, to let them know up front - when a disaster occurs in their area, it will not be the Police dept. that saves them, it will not be the fire dept. coming to their rescue, it will not be Search and Rescue, nor will it be the Red Cross or FEMA -- IT WILL BE THEIR NEIGHBOR."

Anna Christine

Monday, February 13, 2012

What to do About Mental Conditions in Animals

Last year 7 Billions were spent by pet-owners in the USA for antidepressants/tranqulizers to help animals with their mental conditions.

I looked at a short newsclip and was chocked what is happening to our pets.

It is my opinion that they experience exactly the same as humans do because their nutrition is even worse than that of humans. Most of the dogs get only pellets with all kinds of healthy sounding ingredients, but most likely they contain GMO food and parts of animals that got GMO. And ... these pellets lack any life energy. In their desperation dogs are now eating apples and carrots and the woners think that is cute.

I had two dogs and they were all their life healthy ... not one visit to the Vet, no vaccination . What did I do? They were running around in the garden and they ate the same as we did.
Perhaps important to know that we ate a European diet and NOT any processed food.

The dogs experience the same as many children and the medical approach is the same P_ _ _ _ _. The Vet actually said that it decreases aggression. But I learned that it sometimes happens that people on antidepressants become very aggressive. ... What about a dog that experiences the same? A hamster became aggressive, why not a dog?

Wondering about this World
Wise Owl
Anna Christine

PS.: As much as I believe in Reconnective Healing ... pets need healthy food cooked from scratch and to run around in nature or, when it is a dog for hunting, beside a bycicle. My dog did that.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

How to Have a Better Immune System

Growing up on a farm directly affects regulation of the immune system

A new study has shown, for the first time, that growing up on a farm directly affects the regulation...

I sometimes wonder how much money is spent for studies that are in my opinion absolutely unnecessary ... everybody with a common sense knows that growing up on a farm is healthy ... these children run and play, they are not overregulated with 'hoovering' mothers who bring them to all kinds of activities. They are happy and free. Yes, they might have to help but this gives them a sense of being worthy. Children like to help.

Does nobody know that mothers milk adjusts to the necessities of the
I know that from humans and assume it is the same in the animal world.

To be honest I am unsure how I would have turned out when I would have grown up in this overregulated world children now grow up ... I was free and happy.

Instead of wasting money for studies we should create REAL PLAYGROUNDS with grass, bushes, trees, material to build little playhoues, sandboxes - in short give the children an area were they can be adventurers. Perhaps have a little area that they can use as a garden. Let each child plant a fruit tree. There is so much we have done wrong and have to correct now.
For example we have to teach them that soil is soil and NOT DIRT. That we need the soil to grow food and to live. That every bottle with desinfectant and cleaning stuff is hurting the soil and our planet and in the long run us too.

... and yes perhaps it would be good to have all day an adult there with Sirst Aid knowledge and knowledge how to garden because many even don't seem to know that anymore.

Upset Wise Owl
Anna Christine

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Smart Meters - are they Really Harmful?

Tja, I must admit I am surprised how sometimes people who seem intelligent believe they are not harmful.
They obviously have not heard about the Last Drop in The Bucket or The Last Straw on the Caml's Back.

That is very sad. We never know who and when we will be unable to handle microwave/radio-frequencies anymore.

For the ones who want information check

For both, the ones who do not want them and also the ones who still believe 'the earth is flat'

WE CAN NOW VOTE ... no no, that is not a governmental vote, seems as if the media is getting interested.

Are you worried about smart meters? - The Province - Opinion Poll:
(Please Vote!)

[Castlegar, BC] Do you think FortisBC should go ahead with the smart meters? - Castlegar News - Opinion Poll:
(Please Vote!)

[Surrey, BC] Worrying about smart meters isn't smart by Daniel McCully - The Province - February 02, 2012:
- (Please Comment)

We really live in an interesting time (remember that is a Chinese Curse)
Lets hope the acceleration of positive energies (this is called The Shift) is victorious
Anna Christine