Sunday, October 30, 2011

Nanaimo - Metaphysical Fair

Holistic Metaphysical Fair at the
Unity Spiritual Education Center in Nanaimo, Vancouver Island
2325 East Wellington Road (between Dowen and Jinglepot Road
Saturday, November 5th,10:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.

$2.00 Admission includes appetizers.

Reconnective Healing, Reiki, Reflexology, Massage, Past Life Readings, Clairvoyants, Tarot Cards, and more will be offered at varied rates.

Tickets for Practitioners are available for $5.00 per ticket, (to be purchased at the fair) ... chose the services you like.

Please come and enjoy this Unity and, please, let your friends know too.

Perhaps there are still places left to participate in the Fair and to support Unity's fundraising.

I will be there so that you can experience short Reconnective Healing sessions. This new and powerful form of healing is in Serbia already part of the medical training. 600 doctors came to the seminar.

Anna Christine

Thursday, October 27, 2011

REconnective Healing at Mind, Body, Spirit Fair in Nanaimo at Country Club Mall.


I will be at this Health and Psychic Fair to answer all your questions regarding Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection ... and to give short Reconnective Healing Sessions. Length 10 min or 20 min.

The dates are:

Friday October 28th, 9:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M.
Saturday October 29th, 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.
Sunday October 30th, 11:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.

When itis getting quiet in the evenings I might leave about one hour earlier

Reconnective Healing is part of the Medical Training in Serbia. It is the only form of healing that goes beyond the 4th dimension ... discovered the Quantum Physicists. Look up the bullets about RH on my website below.

I know it is late to let you know, but I was too busy with clients and to let people know about the dangers of Smart Meters. gives a lot of information.

Anna Christine
PS.: great info about Chemtrails ... Smart Meters and more on ... with proof how one gets fried in his bedroom because of the Smart Meters on the other houses.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Dangers of Prescription Drugs and Driving a Car

Dr. Mercola had in his recent newsletter the following headline.
The New Epidemic Sweeping Across America (and it's Not a Disease)

Always curious I wanted to know what it is about ... I read that

37,485 people died from drugs which was  fueled by overdoses on prescription pain and anxiety medications, versus 36,284 from traffic accidents

Now I started thinking ... unfortunately I don't know how many passengers are in an airplaine and took about 300 ... then the above figure would mean that around TEN airplanes would have to drop per year to reach the figure of over 3000 ... I magine how scared people would be of flying.

Without any fear they get into their cars and take prescription drugs (probably without checking out what the side effects of the drug might be).

Do people ever think about that any drug that requires a liver check is for example most likely hard on the liver and/or kidneys?

Perhaps it would be wise to check on google what the drug one takes is all about.

Wise and curious Owl
Anna Christine
PS>: After a Reconnective Healing session clients tand to feel calm ... some are energized.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Dangers of Milk and Fancy Coffees with Milk

Yesterday I was at one of the major coffee-bars and was surprised how many are actually drinking coffees loaded with milk and probably sugar. Very few have a plain coffee. Do they not know what cows get to stay healthy and produce a lot of milk? They get antibiotics. I don't know the rules for Canada regarding growth hormones in general but I just read on Dr. Mercola's website that there is one specific hormone that is not allowed in Canada and many other countries. In the USA it is allowed.

What I noticed on my walks around Westwood Lake is that half of the men have noticable breasts.  Could it be from meat and dairy products with growth hormones?

Or is it from the water in plastic bottles. Apparently the plastic releases chemicals that mimic female hormones.

What about cookies produced in the USA that contain milk?

I have an audio tape called "dangers of milk" which caused me to only buy organic butter, cheese, and joghurt.

We all need to educate ourselves more about the things we eat. Google makes it easy.
Just type in the search bar "dangers of ---"
or "side effects of ---" and then go to page two and get educated.

In regard to the masculinity of men I heard years ago something very scary in the radio.
More about that another time

Anna Christine

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Reactions of a Toxic Body

Another perspective on my post from yesterday ... we can also see
our health as the FROG - the body as the WATER -  and what we eat as the HEAT

On my yahoo-landing-page I read today the following headline
Alberta Woman suing Tim Hortens over 'toxic' Iced Coffee.

Since I had a few months ago with my friends one of these coffees and nothing happened to us. I wondered whether extreme reactions to fairly small amounts of 'toxic' food ingredients are also a sign that this was 'the last drop in a bucket' of an already toxic body.

This is in my opinion a thought worth to think about.

I did a bit of google research and found this Blog

where several people reported about their experiences with various fancy coffees.

Under No 10. is written "Everything I order at Tim Hortons gives me diarrhea. Coffee, soup, chili, ......  Same result.
Comment by Timmy Runs on December 18, 2010 at 8:11 pm

Another way to think about this is the following "the healthier a bocy is the faster and more violent it will react to any toxic substance consumed."

Therefore we really have to think about what we eat and avoid as much as possible o eat processed food because we'll never know how many toxins it contains.

Homegrown organically grown food is the best.

Anna Christine

Friday, October 21, 2011

Smart Meter dangers - Don't behave like a Frog

On a recent Sign-Up Action against Smart Meters in Qualicum Beach, Vancouver Island,I was holding up the following sign

"Who Wants to be Cooked in a Micro-Wave Oven?"

I am writing this because I believe many did not understand what the message was.

Living in a modern world means to be constantly exposed to electromagnetic frequencies also called micro waaves.

These are constantly getting more and more. The cell towers we need for cell phones are so dangerous that the population in Swizzerland hated them. The companies constructed therefore  artificial pine trees on a rolling platform. Every needle was an antenna. When the population found out where they were one rolled them to another location.

People's sensitivity to these frequencies is different and is most likely depending of their lifestyle, exposure to toxins, eating habits and emotional stability.

Do you know how a frog behaves? Placed in a cooking pot with cold water the frog stays happily in it when it gets heated up ... more and more and more ... warmer and warmer until it boils and the frog dies.

This seems to happen to us now, radio, telephone, I-phone, computers, I-pods, Blackberries, cellphones, cellphone towers and now Smart-Meters and their distribution antennas ... all are emitting electromagnetic frequencies. To a certain degree we will adapt to that but qho will and who will not?

Slowly but slowly the radiation gets more and more and more  ...  we are the frogs ... we have to wake up ... and we have to stop it!

Our immune system might suffer as that of the bees which are dying. Plants are affected and there are already many humans with a Hypersensitivity to Electromagnetic Frequencies. Nobody knows how many will be there in 5 years.

Anna Christine


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Population Reduction

Nature published recently an article called  'Solutions for a Cultivated Planet'
It was pointed out that only 35% of all crops are used for food production and 65% are used to feed animals we later kill and eat.

To make it even worse ... between 30% - 50% of food grown is not eaten
  • losses on fields  
  • not enough cooling capacities
  • he forgot the food that is rotting in many fridges and then thrown out
  • he forgot also all the food the supermarkets have to throw out because the expiry date is reached but whoich is ok and could be used by food kitchens. I know this from a mature supermarket employee
  • he forgot all the produce not used because the vegetables and fruits don't have the perfect size
The article points out we do not have to cut the rainforest down ...  when we use the cultivated land more for growing food that humans eat and not so much for food that our cattle, pigs, chicken, and turkeys eat.

In short when we start eating less meat and more grains and vegetables.
Having grown up in Germany I must say the way we ate was actually healthy ... fish on Friday and meat on Sunday ... the other days we ate other things. I honestly can't remember because my priotity is not eating.

Now comes the polulation reduction part.
Accidently I read yesterday in the metaphysical book 'The Pleiadian Agenda'the following:
  1. People who eat mainly fruits have no sex drive
  2. People who eat also vegetables have only a little bit of sex drive
  3. People who are half hearted vegetariens and eat chicken and other poultry have kind of a normal sex drive ... perhaps now and then or once or twice a week... the author did not get into the details
  4. BUT the BEEF and PORK eaters really go for it
Writing this I can't remember about whether fish was mentioned or not.

Which means the overpopulation problem will be solved over time when we become vegetarians.

AND the Overpopulation Problem will even be solved faster when we CONSUME GMO CORN, GMO SOY BEAN products, GMO CANOLA OIL AND WHAT ELSE IS GENEMANIPULATED.
because  research has shown that GMO food REDUCES OUR FERTILITY.

Mice and other animals like elephants (somebody in the Supermarket told me that, he has been in Asia) for example know that ... they are obviously smarter than humans ... why??? Having the choice between GMO food and NOT-GMO food they chose to eat the NON-HMO food.

Reading and thinking Wise Owl
Anna Christine
PS.: my thinking is so good because research has proven that Reconnective Healing upgrades and balances the brain. I actually have MRI proof.

Friday, October 14, 2011

What Can be Done with Microwaves

Hi this is an interesting interview of Barrie Tower who was a member of the Royal Navy and explains what can be done with microwaves.

For example: They were used by the Russians who directed the waves towards the US Ambassy and after 18 months everybody who worked in the Ambassy had to be replaced because they had cancer.
The same happened to the next group of employees.

Actually I was watching a shorter video but at the moment I cannot find it. Knowledge about this issue has to be made public because of the Smart-Meter installation that is happening.
Radiowaves are also microwaves.

The Netherlands opted out. China and India too.

After watching this you will know more.
Anna Christine

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Fluoride - Smart-Meter - Chemtrail Connection

Sodium Fluoride that is in most of our tooth pastes and the drinking water  is actually toxic waste from the aluminium, phosphoric acid and phosphate fertilizer industries. Millions of tons of fluoride are produced each year. It is different from the naturally occuring fluoride that seems to be good for teeth.

At the back of your toothpaste you'll find it is for adults and children over 12 and a warning label that if more than a pea-sized amount is swallowed, to get medical help immediately.

So, what is wrong with our authorities that they allow this?
  • Hyperactivity and a lower IQ in children
  • More docile towards authority
  • Numbs brain
  • Memory problems
  • Cancer
  • Dental fluorosis and Skeletal fluorises
  • Osteoporosis, skeletal thinning, fractures,
  • Anemia
  • Arthritis
  • Kidney disease
  • Calcification of Pineal Gland
  • Immune deficiencies
  • Premature aging since it damages enzymes.
  • Digestive system,
  • Respiratory system
  • Blood circulation,
  • Liver
  • Thyroid - Hormone disruptor
Charles E. Perkins, Chemist, after nearly 20 years of fluoride research: “Any person that drinks artificially flioridated water for a period of one year or more will never be the same person mentally or physically”
It numbs brain and makes people more docile towards authority ...
This was the reason it was used by Stalin in the prison camps and by Hitler in the Eastern occipied countries.
Perhaps this is the reason that there is not a public outcry about the installation of Smart-Meters. I begin to wonder. gives you a lot of information and also what you can do.

When we are longer than 8 minutes exposed to electromagnetic frequencies from cell phones, portable phones, wireless technology, cell-towers and what is connected to the Smart-Meters our blood-brain-barrier is opened and the toxins and heavy metals in the blood get into the brain.
Chemtrails contain beside other things aluminum and Barium. 
Alzheimers went up 200% ... I don't know over which time period.

On google you'll find more about Chemtrails. They are NOT Con-trails.

All I know is that during an Estate-Talk at the bank it was said  everybody's brain will not function properly anymore when we are old.

Pam Edgar and I talked on October 11th on CHLY radio about this topic.

Anna Christine
PS.: it is for our health so important to be informed.


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Interview with Somebody of the Royal Navy in Regard to Microwaves

Most of us are very busy with work and family and they don't have time to research and read a lot about electromagnetic frequencies and what can achieved with them beside having the radio play, and telephone,TV, Computer, laptop, fridge, freezer, light bulbs functioning ... this here will open your horizon.

Please please stay calm and happy after knowing that! I am serious about the happiness!!!

Anna Christine

Monday, October 10, 2011

Why Raw Food? - Because it Has Life Energy

In my last post I wrote about the lacking life energy of microwaved food.
Depending of the age and health of our parents we are all born with a certain amount of life energy called Kidney Jing.

This Jing gets replenished by sleeping, meditating, being in nature, and also eating healthy food, nuts, grains, seeds, dried and fresh fruits, legumes, fish, boiled eggs, raw food and steamed vegetables.

... and as little as possible processed food.
Processed and microwaved food has no life energy ... this is one of the reasons so many are sick.

Dr.Fritz Popp in Germany found out that evey cell is surrounded by a 'halo' ... that is its life energy. When we become sick this life energy diminishes ... as for example in cancer ... and chemo reduces it even more.

This is probably one of the reasons why microwave ovens were in Russia in 1975 forbidden.

When we want to be healthy we have to start thinking, observing and drawing conclusions.

Some people don't know what healthy food is. The parents never told and showed them ... but there is also another reason ... more about that in my next post.

Anna Christine

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Is Microwaved Food Healthier than Steamed or Cooked Food?

Listening today, October 8, 2011, to the weekly CBC Show Quirks and Quarks I could not believe what I heard.

Dr. Massimo Marcone, of the Department of Food Science at the University of Guelph was interviewed and

was in all seriousness saying ( use this link ) that microwaved food is healthier that otherwise prepared food because it contains more nutrients.

The coincidences of life are amazing. Before the radio show I  was at a Petition Signing against Smart Meters in Qualicum. Holding up a sign "Who likes to be cooked in a Microwave Oven?" a couple told me the story of two dentists who were only eating microwaved food because they had no time for cooking properly ... the microwave oven was close to where they worked. They became very sick and the doctor could not figure out what was causing it.

Finally they went to a Naturepath who found the correlation between the microwaved food and their deteriorating health.

There are in my opinion most likely three REASONS ...
1.The lack of life energy in the microwaved food
2.The nutrients might have another frequency or molecular structure
3.The exposure to the radiation of the micro wave oven

The Russians forbid in 1976 Microwave Ovens.
I had a few years ago in Germany a device to measure microwaves. This little tool did not have a scale but by the noise level one knew whether it was a lot or not. Through three brick walls one could still hear the noise.

I have no microwave oven and avoid in restaurants food that is microwaved.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

Saturday, October 1, 2011

What is the Smart-Meter - Blood-Brain Barrier - Connection

Do Smart-Meters cause health problems? I believe they do. Years ago I heard on a tape about cell phones and portable phones that  after 8 minutes the blood-brain barrier that protects our brain opens and all the toxins and heavy metals that might be in the blood are getting into the brain.

Before writing this post I wanted to make sure that there is proof on the internet and searched for german research about opening of blood brain barrier after 8 min in cell phone

I found THIS which explains pretty well the dangers. It explains also why Alzheimers has a 200% increase.

Now ... imagine to have a Smart-Meter at your house and on all the other houses, which are constantly emitting electromagnetic radiation. After reading another website I even don't dare to imagine what the health of many citizens might be in a few years.

I truly hope the Canadians and Americans wake up and take action. What concerns me too is that burglars with technical Know-How can see when we are on vacation and they can also access our wireless laptops.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine