Tuesday, July 31, 2012

GMO Corn - Do We Have Enough?

One day after my last blog post from July 22, 2012, they talked in the CBC about corn and the danger that the corn prices will rise because of the drought in some parts of the USA, and also a bit in Canada.

It was said that we are not getting the message about the severity of the situation. Corn is the basis of so many processed foods. Now, this is in my opinion scary when it is GMO.

a lot of corn is taken out of the food production for the production of Ethanol - now, that is in my opinion a crime ... we need the soil for food production. ... the oil companies have to wake up and utilize the research of Nikola Tesla and create the energy from the Zero-Point field .... that has to be the future.

more years like this much more certain

An agriculteral  researcher, a believe his name was Jim Brown, said "....I am not going to say whether this event (drought) is caused by the climate change or CO 2- emissions ... we have to make them more drought resistance....".

I thought "that is strange, as far as I know the original corn does not need as much water as the GMO corn ... and that is the reason so many Indian farmers commit suicide... why do they have to research?"
Guess going back to the original corn would be the smartest way, only that Monsanto would be unhappy about that.

The researcher pointed out that we have to store more food to be prepared.

Most people have in my opinion no idea how easily our food supply can collapse. The supermarkets have only enough for 3 days, I believe and I doubt that the wholesaler has much more ... and then? ... what happens then?

Hope this makes the reader wonder whether it would not be a good idea to have a garden or participate in community gardening.

Anna Christine

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Gene Manipulated (GMO) Corn - Pop-Corn

Recently the Nanaimo Daily News had on their Health page a photo of three boys munching Pop-Corn and obviously watching TV.  The title was 'Too much TV makes children fat'.

Yes, it most likely does because children have too move ... the more the better.

What really concerned me was the bowl with Pop-Corn because I believe that most corn is GMO ... when you want to know what this can do to your body and that of your children then search for Health Risks of GMO Corn under google.

Here is one link I found http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/01/12/monsantos-gmo-corn-linked_n_420365.html

Here is another one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BY8ZAX4Cfxw

After reading  I wondered whether that could have been the reason the 25 your old daughter of another  seminar participants needed dialysis. The mother had no idea what the reason could be and she knew health wise a lot.

For a while I thought it might have been the habit of teenage girls to wear no undershirts because their back is often bare and gets cold  but now I am not so sure anymore.

Personally I am not eating anything with corn ... no corn cubs (that is very sad) ... no crackers ... and recently I learned it can be also in fructose. Guess one has to check which products contain corn.

I only buy organic corn  and organic Pop-Corn.

Buying food becomes more and more complicate.

Remember ... we as the consumer have power ... when nobody buys products that contain a specific ingredient then the manufacturers will eventually listen  GMO corn is in Poland forbidden.

We all need to get educated to stay healthy and with google it is easy.

Anna Christine

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Are Brain MRIs Harmful?

A few days ago a Professor for Neuroscience talked at the radio about research with functional MRI to decode the areas of the brain that are responsible for vision.

I was surprised that people are obviously willing to be part of this research and be exposed to MRIs.

Around 10 years ago I talked with a Doctor. for Radiology and Nuclear Medicine. He said to me to opt for a Cat Scan or an MRI only when absolutely necessary.

Three years after a car accident with concussion I called him because I wanted to know whether I should get an MRI. He said: "When you would be my wife ... No."

I think we live in a strange world. People are much to gullible and often we also do not have the scientific know how and need to trust.

Anna Christine

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Anna Christine on Pam Edgar's Redio Show "Living For The Health Of It"

Every second Tuesday of a month Anna Christine is from 3pm 4 pm on Pam Edgar's Radio Show "Living For The Health Of I"

She talks every time about one specific topic but mentions also health issues that she regards as very important to know.

A few listeners phoned Pam and said they could not remember everything because Anna Christine did not repeat things

Therefore Anna Christine decided to post her notes on

She is sorry not to repeat the content but it is aalways so much to say that there is just no time for this.

Anna Christine

Monday, July 2, 2012

Colitis - Why Do We Get It?

A few days ago they talked in the radio about various conditions of the body and the following sentence caused me to write about this in my Blog.  The young man talked about his Colitis and the sentence that upset me was:

"we pass along diseases"

In my opinion we do NOT pass along disease!! When there are several family members who have Colitis then the entire family is either under enormous stress or their eating habits are wrong.

Nobody knows the effects of processed food, GMO food,  all the herbicides, pesticides and perhaps fungicides that fruits and vegetables are exposed to. ... and all the food additives that don't have to be declared because they are added only in small amounts.

For example, most crackers contain either corn or Canola oil. Both are gene manipulated.  Canola oil is often called vegetable oil.

When father and son have colitis then their life circumstances and/or their eating habits are the same. The father did NOT pass along the Colitis.

When in doubt I always check at google. ... and look whose website it is.

In my first Chemistry class the teacher said the following important sentence:  "Never put anything together when you don't know how it reacts with each other."

And what are we doing daily when we eat foods with additives, eat meat from animals that got vaccinated and got antibiotics, eat produce that was sprayed, take medication, get vaccinated, drink soft drinks and beer with additives, inhale fumes from furniture and candles, put cream on our skin and so on.

And we also use tooth paste with fluoride (so that don't think too much)  and are exposed to more and more electromagnetic frequencies.

Actually it is amazing how well many do.

We have to cook from scratch and eat only things our great-grandmothers were eating.

Despite all of this ... Life is fun ... you just have to think about what you do and eat.

Anna Christine