Sunday, February 12, 2012

How to Have a Better Immune System

Growing up on a farm directly affects regulation of the immune system

A new study has shown, for the first time, that growing up on a farm directly affects the regulation...

I sometimes wonder how much money is spent for studies that are in my opinion absolutely unnecessary ... everybody with a common sense knows that growing up on a farm is healthy ... these children run and play, they are not overregulated with 'hoovering' mothers who bring them to all kinds of activities. They are happy and free. Yes, they might have to help but this gives them a sense of being worthy. Children like to help.

Does nobody know that mothers milk adjusts to the necessities of the
I know that from humans and assume it is the same in the animal world.

To be honest I am unsure how I would have turned out when I would have grown up in this overregulated world children now grow up ... I was free and happy.

Instead of wasting money for studies we should create REAL PLAYGROUNDS with grass, bushes, trees, material to build little playhoues, sandboxes - in short give the children an area were they can be adventurers. Perhaps have a little area that they can use as a garden. Let each child plant a fruit tree. There is so much we have done wrong and have to correct now.
For example we have to teach them that soil is soil and NOT DIRT. That we need the soil to grow food and to live. That every bottle with desinfectant and cleaning stuff is hurting the soil and our planet and in the long run us too.

... and yes perhaps it would be good to have all day an adult there with Sirst Aid knowledge and knowledge how to garden because many even don't seem to know that anymore.

Upset Wise Owl
Anna Christine

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