Thursday, August 21, 2014

Dr. Klinghardt about Lyme Disease - Brian Thiesen about Smart Meters and Military Studies on Microwaves

August 2014 we talked at CHLY Radio 101.7 from 3 - 4 pm about the following topics that are relevant for our health.

Here are the links I promised during the show to put on the Blog
Dr. Tent about the exploding Autoimmune Epedemic 
Brian Thiesen about Smart Meters and Microwaves, with Military study results on Microwaves
Dr. Klinghardt about Lyme disease, inerviewed by Dr. Merkola

Anna Christine
PS.: I am always every 3rd Tuesday from 3-4 pm on the show 'Living for the Health of it'
Details about the topics on 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

How to 'Manifest The Life of Your Dreams'

Manifest the Life of Your Dreams,
with Dr. Garland Landrith, PH.D.,
from the movie:  "What the Bleep"

at Unity of Nanaimo, 2325 East Wellington Road, Nanaimo, BC 

Dr. Landrith whose research was cited in "What the Bleep" is coming to Unity Centre of Nanaimo to teach us how to Manifest the Life of Your Dreams using Quantum Field Technology Combined With Tapping on Acupuncture Points and Heartmath. 

This course will teach you how to release old traumas and blocks, so your energy flows and you feel that you are "High on Life" or in a zone. EFT or the Tapping Technique has shown results that are often seen in a very short time, even with traumas or pain that have resisted years of therapy or energy work. Simply put, this technique has the potential to revolutionize the way that we can achieve unlimited growth. 

This class is unique from any other EFT/Tapping Class being Offered because it is oriented around Using Tapping For Positive Purposes...including how to get a natural High (increased endorphins), or to enhance your ability to get a new job, give a lecture or even help you hit a golf ball straight! In addition, course participates will be taught how to use Tapping with Prayer, Meditation, and how to Manifest Miracles with the Intentions of Your Mind.  Also training will be given on how to fall and stay asleep and how to find the Hidden Subconscious Stuff that is Holding us back. In addition we will be combining Tapping with Quantum Techniques including Heartmath.  Science has proved that we are Quantum Beings and have infinite potential so it makes sense that if we want to Manifest the Life of our Dreams we should use the Quantum Field Technology to help us get more results.  By combining Tapping with Heartmath our Heart Chakra will expand in love which is the basis for creating Miracles with our Intentions and Prayers.  You will be taught the same Quantum techniques that Dr Landrith used to literally reduced the crime rates in several major cities including most recently Dallas, proving that we can make the world a better place with our Quantum Intentions. Also Dr Landrith will work on healing with volunteers from the audience, so that you can learn how to do this healing technique by first hand observation.  Be sure and tell all your friends about this class, as it will be life transforming.
  • A 2-day Seminar starting Sunday, September 21st, 1:00 - 4:30p.m. and Monday September 22nd, 6:30 - 9:30p.m. (come Monday at 5:30 if you miss Sunday so you can catch up)
  • Cost is $50.00 single/$90 per couple for 2 days. $40 single/$70 per couple for one day.
  • Price includes workbooks on Quantum Tapping (EFT), Free CD/DVD, Papers, and includes Manifestation training with Positive Affirmations Etc. 
  • Space is limited.  Sign up at the information table to guarantee your spot.
  • Private Sessions are available:  Monday during the day from 11:30 to 3:30, and on Tuesday from 11:00 to 4:00.