Saturday, November 22, 2014

Dr. Mercola about Documentary 'Poison on the Platter'

You have to read about the effectss of GE foods ( gene manipulated foods) on THIS LINK FROM Dr. Mercola
Excerpt ...
.....Epidemiological patterns reflect a rise in more than 30 human diseases alongside the steady increase of GE ingredients in our food supply and the dramatic increase in the use of agrichemicals, such as glyphosate.
Glyphosate is not “just” an herbicide—it was originally patented as a mineral chelator. It immobilizes nutrients, making them unavailable for your body. Glyphosate is also patented as an antibiotic that can devastate human gut bacteria.
When you mix the genes of one species with those of another, you’re courting disaster. GE food trials involving laboratory animals have uncovered higher mortality, infertility, and multi-organ damage—such as bleeding stomachs.
Even Monsanto’s own mouse studies demonstrated that GE foods have toxic effects on multiple organs, including the liver and kidneys. One of the most ominous concerns about the GE food system is its impact on our soils....
Anna Christine

Saturday, November 1, 2014

What shall we do? - Eating Meat or being a Vegetarian

I wonder whether people, ever think about the pain of the animals these experience during the slaughtering

The movie POWDER gives us a lot of insight

Did you ever think about all the stress hormones that are released before and during the slaughtering and are in the meat we eat. How do these affect us?

Anna Christine

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Heilung im Licht - Healing in the Light

Als ich in einem der youtube videos von Arnim Risi  hoerte

"Nur das wir keinen Krebs finden heisst nicht das sie keinen Krebs haben" aus dem Buch 'Heilung im Licht' von Armin Risi - die Zuhoerer lachten

musste ich an das Buch "Chemotherapie heilt Krebs und die Erde ist eine Scheibe"  denken

When I heard Arnim Risi in one of the youtube videos say:
``Only that we cannot find cancer does not mean that they do not have cancer` fron the book `Healing in the Light`, from Arnim Risi.- the audience applauded

I had to think of the German title .``Chemotherapy is healing cancer and the  Earth is flat`
see also

Anna Christine

Saturday, October 4, 2014

What We Can do to Help Kidneys and Liver

Out of curiosity I visited a Naturepath to who several of my clients went . He told me that he gives everybody something to help the liver to detoxify. This made absolutely sense to me because of all the toxins in our food and environment.

Years go I heard on  a radio show that it is actually better to help first the kidneys before detoxifying the liver ... because when the kidneys are loaded with toxins it could be dangerous when an additional load of toxins come from the liver.

This made a lo of sense to me. From a friend who is on dialysis I learned that kidneys actually do not give any warning signs when they are in distress ... because they are loaded with toxins.

Just think about how many are taking medication and the effects they have on liver and kidneys.

I decided to drink during the summer a herbal tea from fresh horsetail and during the winter a tea from dried horsetail, dandelions, an,d nettles. Additional also sometimes a tea from lemon balm or sage.
The French Herbalist Messegue wrote that whoever has sage in the garden will never die.

An, in my opinion, excellent Iridologist in Berlin was surprised how few toxins were in my body.

Anna Christine

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Dr. Klinghardt about Lyme Disease - Brian Thiesen about Smart Meters and Military Studies on Microwaves

August 2014 we talked at CHLY Radio 101.7 from 3 - 4 pm about the following topics that are relevant for our health.

Here are the links I promised during the show to put on the Blog
Dr. Tent about the exploding Autoimmune Epedemic 
Brian Thiesen about Smart Meters and Microwaves, with Military study results on Microwaves
Dr. Klinghardt about Lyme disease, inerviewed by Dr. Merkola

Anna Christine
PS.: I am always every 3rd Tuesday from 3-4 pm on the show 'Living for the Health of it'
Details about the topics on 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

How to 'Manifest The Life of Your Dreams'

Manifest the Life of Your Dreams,
with Dr. Garland Landrith, PH.D.,
from the movie:  "What the Bleep"

at Unity of Nanaimo, 2325 East Wellington Road, Nanaimo, BC 

Dr. Landrith whose research was cited in "What the Bleep" is coming to Unity Centre of Nanaimo to teach us how to Manifest the Life of Your Dreams using Quantum Field Technology Combined With Tapping on Acupuncture Points and Heartmath. 

This course will teach you how to release old traumas and blocks, so your energy flows and you feel that you are "High on Life" or in a zone. EFT or the Tapping Technique has shown results that are often seen in a very short time, even with traumas or pain that have resisted years of therapy or energy work. Simply put, this technique has the potential to revolutionize the way that we can achieve unlimited growth. 

This class is unique from any other EFT/Tapping Class being Offered because it is oriented around Using Tapping For Positive Purposes...including how to get a natural High (increased endorphins), or to enhance your ability to get a new job, give a lecture or even help you hit a golf ball straight! In addition, course participates will be taught how to use Tapping with Prayer, Meditation, and how to Manifest Miracles with the Intentions of Your Mind.  Also training will be given on how to fall and stay asleep and how to find the Hidden Subconscious Stuff that is Holding us back. In addition we will be combining Tapping with Quantum Techniques including Heartmath.  Science has proved that we are Quantum Beings and have infinite potential so it makes sense that if we want to Manifest the Life of our Dreams we should use the Quantum Field Technology to help us get more results.  By combining Tapping with Heartmath our Heart Chakra will expand in love which is the basis for creating Miracles with our Intentions and Prayers.  You will be taught the same Quantum techniques that Dr Landrith used to literally reduced the crime rates in several major cities including most recently Dallas, proving that we can make the world a better place with our Quantum Intentions. Also Dr Landrith will work on healing with volunteers from the audience, so that you can learn how to do this healing technique by first hand observation.  Be sure and tell all your friends about this class, as it will be life transforming.
  • A 2-day Seminar starting Sunday, September 21st, 1:00 - 4:30p.m. and Monday September 22nd, 6:30 - 9:30p.m. (come Monday at 5:30 if you miss Sunday so you can catch up)
  • Cost is $50.00 single/$90 per couple for 2 days. $40 single/$70 per couple for one day.
  • Price includes workbooks on Quantum Tapping (EFT), Free CD/DVD, Papers, and includes Manifestation training with Positive Affirmations Etc. 
  • Space is limited.  Sign up at the information table to guarantee your spot.
  • Private Sessions are available:  Monday during the day from 11:30 to 3:30, and on Tuesday from 11:00 to 4:00.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Joshu Healed from Stage 3 Cancer (Prostate and Colon) Naturally

The following mail I got from RawWorldNews ... you have to read it ... Joshua has proven that Hypokrates was right "You are what you eat"

As much as I believe in the wholistik modalities I practice - Reflexology, Reconnective Healing®, JinShinDo® Acupressure and CranioSacral Therapy  ... their success is most likely affected by the food we eat.

`Dear Friends,

Joshua's story yesterday of healing stage 3 cance*r went viral, with over 2000 shares on Facebook in less than 24 hours!  Thank you!  We couldn't have done that without you! :-) 

The other 27 minute step-by-step healing video that I shared yesterday, covering exactly how to heal yourself naturally or just to be healthy in general also took off.  It's some of the most valuable and high impacting information I have ever put out there.  If you haven't watched it yet, I highly recommend watching it over the weekend by clicking here, because I'm intending to also do a Part II next week to expand further upon this information. 

For those of you who are interested in getting in contact with Joshua and his wife Crystal, their Facebook Pages are below:

If you missed yesterday's post, here it is again below:

Joshua, who weighed 330 pounds at the time, was told that if he didn't go into chemotherapy and under the knlfe, his young wife would become a widow within 6 months. Joshua was an angry person back then, and if his 90lb wife hadn't somehow restrained him from attacking the doct0r after this widow comment, it could have turned into an ugly situation… Instead, Joshua decided to take his health into his own hands and he actually healed himself from prostate and colon cance*r naturally. Oh boy did he prove those doctors wrong! Check out my amazing, inspiring video intervlew with him at the link below...

If you want to know exactly how to heal yourself naturally, like Joshua did, or if you simply just want to feel healthy with more energy and a higher quality of life, I created a step-by-step video below covering exactly how to do all this. If you watch this 27 minute video, you will have all the information you require at your fingertips, so you can do this for yourself and feel 100% empowered. Don't worry, this is not an "extreme raw food" approach. This can be achieved by anyone, no matter what you eat. This video has already helped change people's lives, as you can witness if you read some of the comments below this video on YouTube :-)

Please help me share these two links to get this much needed information out there :-)!  Either forward this email or click the share buttons at each of the two links above.  Thank you! :-)

Anna Christine

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

ADD and ADHD - Research About Psychiatric Drugs - Do Suicide Rates Increase?

This is interesting, I found this video per accident ... The Psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin talks about the research done with Psychiatric drugs we give to our children. . HERE you can listen to him.

He is so sincere, so caring, so kind and he was the first whistle blower and often feared for his life when he was telling the truth about these drugs.
His website is

Hi just says it is better to be with loving children during the war, then to be sent out of London. The research is overwhelming.

Everybody who thinks about taking these drugs or giving them to their children should watch this and listen to him

I am glad to have found this so that you get information from somebody one can trust.

Anna Christine

PS.: experiencing how much clients come into balance after a Reconnective Healing session I believe that this is a better approach.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

NaturalNews Talk Hour Show: NEW Smart meters interview with Josh del Sol

Hi ,
just got this ... listen to the link below and pass it on to everybody you know ... 

Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2014 9:02 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: NaturalNews Talk Hour Show: NEW Smart meters interview with Josh del Sol
Please listen to this.  Josh covers dirty electricity and its effects on bills, health, and increased ground voltage (don't even consider Earthing!), Agenda 21, rate increases, etc. way beyond what you saw in Take Back Your Power.  He mentions a house in Vancouver that caught fire twice, once with the first s'meter, again with the second.  There's no way he's making this up. 

Please join us in front of MLA Leonard Krog's office, 4-77 Victoria Cres, Nanaimo from 11:00 a.m - 1:00 p.m. Saturday, June 14th, 2014 is the National Day of Protest against the Smart Meters

Christel Martin, B.G.S., C.C.,
Nanaimo, B.C.
Take Back Your Power (video):
Join the BC Hydro Class Action:
Dr. Martin Pall & Paul Dart in Oregon:

Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Blood-Brain-Barrier - Another possible Cause of Vascular Dementia and Alzheimer's

More and more are suffering and will suffer of Vascular Dementia and/or Alzheimer's.
May 20th, 2014 I talked about the possible and never mentioned causes of this on  "Living for the Health of It' on CHLY 101.7fm Episode #195 ... May 20'14 is now available at , under the Podcast Button on the right, scroll down to the show title and click on the correct date to listen or download and listen later.

For more info about the topic of that specific day "Not known causes of Vascular Dementia and Alzheimer's like Blood Brain Barrier and EMR ... at least in my opinion" ...  check the following websites.

The following is a very good website ... it does not mention the real root cause

Anna Christine 

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Another Possible Cause of Cancer - What really Killed Steve Jobs?

Watching the video below I had to think of what I had learned during my university years in Hamburg in the medical lectures that related to jobs. I had studied to become a vocational teacher in the printing industry.

Because the production fumes in some companies are a hazard for the health of the employees, especially their lungs, ... these companies did not employ people who were smokers.  They were afraid to get sued in case the employee got cancer.
Meaning the Cement plant would not have employed the parents of Steve Jobs because of their high likelihood to get cancer.

Isn't it strange that now more and more people have Pancreatic Cancer? The laptops and also the cell phones are often pretty close to our organs. Guess we have to do some thinking how we can stay healthy..

Anna Christine 
PS.: on Tuesdaay May20, 2014 I will talk on CHLY Radio, FM 101.7  from 3pm-4pm (PST) about possible causes of Vascular Dementia and Alzheimer's

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Why I Do Not Eat Peanuts

I wonder how many people know that often peanuts are planted after cotton had been growing on the land. This is done to bring nitrate, back into the soil. Cotton grows fast and needs a lot.

The problem is that the peanuts also absorb whatever is in the soil. This is the reason I do not eat them ...  in my opinion that might be the reason that so many are allergic to them.

I was thinking about this when I got this petition.

Anna Christine

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Why have Teenagers now Shingles?

Already 2011 was an article  in the alive magazine with the title 'The Changing face of Shingles'  ... because it happens now more often that teenagers have Shingles. The medical field is wondering why teenagers have now a disease that only affected older people in the past  ... and even that happened seldom. In my distant family only one case.
The reason that older people sometimes got Shingles was that their immune system was not so good anymore.
At the moment I have a teenage client with Shingles and ... the Shingles are at the area where she always had her cell phone. This makes it in my opinion pretty obvious why she got them.
Doctors of Chinese Medicine are very much concerned about the  increasing WiFi exposure. Dr. Hamer wrote a long article about this. They have noticed that it stresses the body and weakens the immune system. 

Doctors who cannot understand why teenagers have now more often Shingles should get more information about the effects of EMR/ElectroMagneticRadiation on our body.
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt from Seattle recommends to have at least the bed room WiFi free. The body heals during the sleeping hours but it can only do it when that is not getting stressed by cell phones, I-phones, laptops, portable phones, TV, and computers.
Anna Christine


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria - What Can We Do?

Recently Maryn McKenna talked in the radio  about antibiotic resistant bacteria and the following are a few notes I took and also my own recommendations:

The situation now:
Last year the top Health Chiefs said
"We have already people we have nothing for"
"A serious a threat  as terrorism"
"We are facing a nightmare"

How will this affect us?
and they mentioned:  In the Intensive Care Unit - When we are older - Organ transplants - Cancer - Complicate surgeries -Hip and knee replacements

Can we avoid it?
after a short hesitation "I don't think we do - we are in real trouble"

What can we do?

  • Do not pressure for antibiotics
  • When a child is sick wait 3 days to see whether the child recovers,  before you ask for antibiotics 
  • When you are sick then go to bed, let your body fight the illness with a fever so that you get a functioning immune system 
  • Think twice before you consume animal products that are not organic.
  • We have to make sure that our immune system is in perfect condition so that we are not getting sick.
  • Eat lots of raw produce
  • Sleep enough
  • Avoid as much as possible EMF and WiFi

Pasteur said at the end of his life "It is not the bug it is the terrain, the condition of our body (immune system)"

It is not only about the antibiotics we take for every little sniffle and sneeze. Did you know that animals grow faster when they get small amounts of antibiotics? 
With every piece of meat, with every egg, with all the milk, with all the cheese and all the cold meat, also the ice cream made from milk we get antibiotics in our body.

This is the reason I only consume organic eggs, organic cheese and once in a while organic chicken or lamb. and ice cream made from almond milk. I NEVER drink milk

Maryn McKenna wrote the book 'Superbug' ... 

Anna Christine  

Thursday, January 30, 2014

How to Help Someone Who Has a Heart Attack

Today they talked in the radio about the tragic death of a woman whose scarf got caught in an escalator and I had to think about what I had learned in the past and whether this woman would have survived when one of the bystanders would have known and applied what I had learned  after calling 911 .

During my Jin Shin Do seminars.I learned about a spot on each foot that has to be pushed to re-activate the heart. One has to push with both thumbs  as strong as possible on both points at the same time. Of course the shoes and socks have to be taken of first.
The pressure-push action has to be repeated a few times until the person opens they eyes.or starts breathing again.

Unfortunately this is not taught during First Aid Classes.
One of my co-students, a registered nurse, saved the life of a man at emergency by doing this  And during my time as a Continuing Care Assistant I brought a young woman back to life who had fallen of the chair and was unconscious. The registered nurse did the three checks to see whether the woman is dead or not. I went to the feet and pushed with my thumbs on these two points and the young woman opened her eyes.

When you live om Vancouver Island in the area of Ladysmith, Nanaimo, Nanoose, Parksville, Qualicum or Comox contact me and I will give a Self Help Workshop at which I  will also give you other useful self-help tips.

This method is easier to apply than Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to restore spontaneous blood circulation and breathing in a person who is in cardiac arrest. 

Ask somebody else to call 911.

Anna Christine

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Why to be a Vegetarian

In case you are still enjoying your meat and milk, because there is not a small family farm in your area, have a look at

When you chose to be a vegetarian make sure you are getting enough protein from other sources. There are some very pale vegetarians around.

Anna Christine
PS.:  in case the link does not function copy and paste this one

Saturday, January 4, 2014

GMO - Amazing Change for the Beginning of 2014

Happy NEW YEAR!... This will be an exciting year for many but not for all. The truth about many things will be revealed.

Let us start with this short 5 min video clip - well worth watching.

Finally this colossal GMO travesty is beginning to break through into the mainstream media, which up to now had remained strangely silent on an issue that threatens to devastate all of life – human and ecological.

We are ALL threatened by this and have to wake up to this threat to out survival. We have to be determined to take a personal stand by not bying anything that contains GMO.

Fox News Shockingly Reports The Truth On GMOs
Click HERE to watcch the 5 min video.

Anna Christine