Friday, September 28, 2012

2912 - Solar Flares - The Keys of Enoch® - Reconnective Healing®

A big Thank You to all the ones who came to the information evening about the above topic at Inn on Long Lake .

Here are the links I promised to give you
Dr. J. J. Hurtaks sites are
 and for the Akademy for Future Science

Mitch Battross is at
His books are 'Global Warming a Convenient Disguise' and 'Solar Rain'

and the book title about the Hopis is
The Hopi Survival Kit, Thomas E. Mails

When you have any idea how to help Nanaimo that has in most parts a stuck energy then let me know.

This might even have attracted all the 'Master' Healers. Why? - because it is a match, I mean 'birds of the same freather flock together'

and that is bad for all of us here on Vancouver Island!!!

Lots of Love and Balanced Chakras
Anna Christine

P.S. I forgot to mention that I offer from now on the Cutting of Energy Cords with all of my sessions, with the exception of The Reconnection. Too many are very tired