Saturday, December 23, 2017

How Safe is our Meat

A few days ago they talked at the CBC about the CHRONIC WASTING DISEASE that affects mule deer, white-tailed deer, elk (or "wapiti"), moose, and reindeer.
I was shocked because I always thought that this meat would be safe.

This report reminded me of the Mad Cow Disease and that sometimes the Alzheimer's symptoms are very similar.

On the late radio show Coast to Coast talked many years ago an employee from a slaughter house and said the the prions  cannot be removed from the slaughter houses.
I told a friend about the Chronic Wasting Disease  

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Surprising Causes of Cancer

Did you know that in Israel cancer is not treated with Chemo? And their remission/success rate is  much higher. As a certified Reconnective Healing practitioner (Reconnection Certified Practitioner, RCP) I was thrilled to hear that

Here are what is commonly seen as surprising causes ... but is not all coming  down to not being in balance ... specifically emotional imbalance.
1 / 7. ...
2 / 7 Weight in Adolescence: Esophageal Cancer and Gastric Cancer.
3 / 7 Alcohol: Breast, Colon, Liver, Esophageal Cancer Risks.
4 / 7 Grilled Meat and Fish: Colorectal and Prostate Cancer Risks.
5 / 7 Sunscreen: Possible Skin Cancer Risk.
6 / 7 Working the Night Shift: Possible Breast Cancer Risk.

We say remission, because it seems the cancer is somewhere in hiding and might show up again. AND this is right! When the root cause, the emotional upset, is not removed the cancer will come again.

In Israel they have figured this out and therefore their success rate is high.  This is probably the reason they allowed Dr. Eric Pearl  years ago in the largest hospital for sick children to teach doctors and nurses Reconnective Healing.  Guess why?

Why do we say a cancer is in remission? In my opinion we are either healthy or not. Nobody says ''I am in remission of my flu''
To learn more about this go HERE.

Wise Owl,
Anna Christine (RHFP, RCP)

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Ascension Symptoms - Or Not?

Are THESE ascension symptoms?  To be honest, with all these Smart gadgets around it is difficult to find out.
I recommend to do your own research. A large number of Swedes is on disability because they have these 'Ascension Symptoms'

When these symptoms are bothering you too much it is best to find a Reconnective Healing® practitioner in your area.
When there is no one then  you will find  on a directory with practitioners all over the world.
Yes, Distant Reconnective Healing® is possible and as effective as sessions done in person.

YOu have to take these symptoms seriously.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

Sunday, October 29, 2017

How Safe is the Electrical Grid?

American Government is not so sure about this. Do they know more than we do?

BIG Lights Out Drill Planned for November 4th-6th ....Published on Oct 25, 2017
Elements of the US Department of Defense (DOD) will conduct a “communications interoperability” training exercise November 4-6, once again simulating a “very bad day” scenario. Amateur Radio and MARS organizations will take part.

“This exercise will begin with a national massive coronal mass ejection event which will impact the national power grid as well as all forms of traditional communication, including landline telephone,
cellphone, satellite, and Internet connectivity,” Army MARS Program 
Manager Paul English, WD8DBY, explained in an announcement.

During the exercise, a designated DOD Headquarters entity will request county-by-county status reports for the 3,143 US counties and county equivalents, in order to gain situational awareness and to determine the extent of impact of the scenario. Army and Air Force MARS organizations will work in conjunction with the Amateur Radio community, primarily on the 60-meter interoperability channels as well as on HF NVIS frequencies and local VHF and UHF, non-Internet linked Amateur Radio repeaters. 
from another source:

Wise Owl
 Anna Christine

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Skin Rash - What to Do? - Reconnecive Healing®

Listening to a radio show about 'Muckle Wells Syndrome'  I thought  ''When only everybody who experiences skin rashes  or other problems would know  about  the effectiveness of Reconnective Healing®."

Three Sessions of Reconnective Healing™
 would always be my first approach - perhaps even five sessions. More are not necessary.

Yes, I am a Certified Reconnection Practitioner™ and know nearly everything can improve.

Because Reconnective Healing  restores balance in all aspects of our being: physical, emotional, spiritual and mental. Any symptom is only showing us that there exists an underlying imbalance.
Therefore any illness with its symptoms must fall away when the system is back into balance. It is that simple.

An additional benefit is that Distant Reconnective Healing sessions are as effective as the ones done in person.  Sometimes there is not a practitioner  where we live.

Anna Christine
PS,: Reconnective Healing can be done world wide over large distances

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

How to have Healthy Teeth

To have healthy teeth includes more than brushing them in the morning and in the evening.

This information makes it pretty clear  what you have to do ...  when you are interested in having good teeth and good health with over 80 then take the time for THIS information.

Some people prefer to read important information ...  HERE it is.

This is less time consuming than all the visits to the dentist.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine,com

Liver Problems - What to do?

I just got the newsletter from Dr. Mercola with information about the LIVER. 

He said ''Do not store food in plastic containers. Plastic releases  plasticisers ... Put all food in glass containers.'' ...
In Germany  is one company that puts joghurt into glass. I always wonder how long it will take until we realise  how bad all plastic containers are for us.

Your healthy liver:
Produces bile, which helps carry away waste and break down fats
Helps regulate the levels of sugar, protein, and fat entering your bloodstream
Clears your blood of drugs, alcohol, and other potentially harmful substances
Processes nutrients absorbed by your intestines during digestion
Produces cholesterol, proteins, and clotting factors to help your blood clot
Regulates many of your hormones
Neutralizes highly reactive oxygen molecules, or free radicals

In the past he had Also detailed information what happens in the liver when we do not chew the meat enough.  It causes a fatty liver.
Had no time to post that.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Stroke and Dementia Patients can be Helped with Music

On Dr. Mercola's latest newsletter I found an article about the benefits of music for Dementia patients  
"Over the past decade, researchers investigating treatments for dementia and Alzheimer’s have discovered the benefits of music as therapy. The 2014 documentary “Alive Inside” demonstrates the remarkable benefits music can have on patients with dementia."

I had to think of my time as a Continuing Care Assistant. There was a lady in her fifties who was difficult to understand after she had a stroke. I did not see her for several months and when I came the second time Her speech was much better and understandable.
I asked her  ''What has happened?`'' and she told me she had been singing songs out of a children's song-book with her daughter. Obviously that had healed some of the damaged areas in the brain.

The right frequencies can heal ... it is important the music is harmonious.  Unfortunately many listen to very disturbing and inharmonious music and I really do not know what the effects on the body will be and can only recommend to stay away from this music.

Wise Owl,
Anna Christine

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Possible Cause of Mental Disorders like being Bipolar

A few months ago I found a very interesting product in a health food store. It is called TrueHope. A family father of 10 children has developed it ... after his wife had committed suicide after a 10 year battle of being bipolar. He worried about his children, especially about two of them
The whole story you`ll find on
Their phone number is 1-866-397-3121

Reading the brochure I had to think of one doctor, I believe he is a veterinarian who insists that all of our health problems are caused by the lack of  nutrients. Minerals are very important. He speaks once a month on the night show coast to coast from George Noory.

Using Himalayan Salt (it is pink) is for sure beneficial. The soil was already 80 years ago depleted of minerals - because of mass production.

Wise Owl,
Anna Christine