Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Why are People so Allergic to Peanuts?

I write this post because recently a teenager died in the arms of her father after one bite of something with peanuts I believe it is the following which I learned years ago during one of the seminars I attended. First they plant cotton and because it is a fast grwoing plant it needs a lot of nutrients, especially nitrogen. It gets sprayed with herbicides, perhaps Round Up (most of the cotton is GMO) The following year they plant peanuts because they put nitrogen back into the soil. My mother planted on a new piece of land a lupine variety to enrich the soil for gardening. Fall rye does that too. Anyhow the peanuts enrich the soil but they also pick up all the toxins from the herbicides, Round Up, and perhaps even pesticides used to grow the cotton. I believe that one is actually not allergic to the peanut itself but the toxins, and the body makes the association "oh no, there is that toxic food again - I don't want that" Elephants do not like to eat genmanipu;ated cotton. Only when they do not get anything else they eat it. That told me a customer at the Super Market when I was reading the labels. I am not eating regular beanut butter or peanuts only organic ones. Anna Christine

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Help to Overcome Cancer.

Writing my last post I had to think of the sailor who had cancer and decided to sell everything to buy a sailboat to fulfill his lifelong dream to go sailing ... he recovered from his cancer without any medical help.

Surrendering to God (see last post) or doing something that gives us peace is what all the ones who are having cancer are looking for ... PEACE of mind.

Humans have the greatest peace of mind when they are doing what brings them the greatest joy and meaning in their lives.

For many men it is fishing. ">Therefore Dean Schrock, PhD, wrote 'Doctor's Orders: Go Fishing'

Anna Christine
PS.: Reconnective Healing® gives us, beside other benefits, stress reduction and peace of mind.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Is There Hope when One has Cancer?

When I read this headline on yahoo 'Terminally ill ‘Simpsons’ co-creator vows to give away fortune'

I had to think of a conversation I had years ago in Nanaimo with somebody from 'The Knights of Columbus'

I had told him about the recovery from somebody with Pancreatic and Liver Cancer without any medical intervention. This man told his story on the former radio station C-fun 1410 in Vancouver several years ago. The cancer had happened 15 years ago.

The member of the Knights of Columbus knew somebody who had been 25 years ago very sick so that the doctors did an explatory surgery. They discovered he was full of cancer. No hope to heal him with surgery or chemo. They stitched him up and told him the sad truth. This man was at the time of our conversation still alive. 25 years later!

The common link between both is surrendering to the situation ... no fighting ... surrendering. The guy from the radio said this.He belonged to Christian Science and after a lot of praying that didn't help he decided to surrender to God.

From the second one I believe that the surrendering also played a role, because there was no hope to be able to fight the cncer.

What I want to say is that there is always hope. I truly believe non of us knows what is in store for us. Neither the person who is sick nor the doctor.

Perhaps Sam Simon revovers after he has given everything away. Who knows.

Anna Christine

Monday, July 22, 2013

Dangers if Antibiotics

A few days ago I met an aquaintance whose whole body had sores after he had taken for three days an antibiotic because of an wound at the leg.

I am still very concerned, because a friend told me years ago about the death of a friend who had taken an antibiotic against a bladder infection.
The reason of his death was the disintegration of his skin. It dissolved.
Unfortunately I forgot the very complicate name of that condition.

I checked it on google at that time and found that there are in the USA lawyers who are specialised in that field.

I know the wife of the former chancellor Kohl could not go out during daylight. She was sensitive to sun after she had taken an antibiotic.
In case I need one day to take an antibiotic I will immediately stop when I experience the slightest skin sensation.
Actually I cannot remember when I took the last time an antibiotic. It was perhaps 30 years ago.

Anna Christine
PS.: I believe it has to do with the amount of toxins in our body.

Friday, July 19, 2013

What is Reconnective Healing®?

How many people really know about the benefits of Reconnective Healing®. These sessions are very different from all forms of energy healing. The are omore.

The Reconnective Healing Practitioner® is a cathalyst for the very high frequencies of light and information additional to energy.

- Stress is lifting
- Higher vitality
- Better sleep
- Abundance in life might increase because our vibratory level is higher
- Enables the body to heal itself and to rejuvenate
- It balances all body systems, also Chakras and Meridians.
- The mind is clearer, better brain function
- Better focus
- One is happier.calm and emotional balanced
- The memory is better because
- Reconnective Healing® upgrades the brain

Usually one needs only 3 sessions, sometimes even only 1.

More on my websites below

Anna Christine
PS.: info about the Health Fair in Nanaimo, BC, where I give short sessions on my last post, July 18th.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

What is Reconnective Healing?

In Nanaimo on Vancouver Island, Canada, one can experience 10 Min or 20 Min Reconnective Healing Sessions at the

Holistic Metaphysical Fair
Friday, August 16th 6pm to 8.30 pm Saturday, August 17th 10am to 4.00 pm

There will be also other practitioners of various healing arts and various readers.

Presented by Unity of Nanaimo
A Spiritual Education and Celebration Center
2325 E. Wellington Rd, Nanaimo, B.C.

Anna Christine