Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Link of Constipation - Emphysema

Anna Christine Doehring

The Link of Constipation - Emphysema

It is strange, nobody seems to wonder why we have a high increase of problems with bowel regularity and at the same time also a high increase of lung problems as emphysema, bronchitis and asthma.
According to a doctor from one of my customers about 30% of his patients have problems with bowel regularity.

Emphysema is described as a desperation of never getting a full breath. Nothing seems to happen when people with emphysema inhale. Oxygen cannot get in and carbon dioxide can not get out. The result is a feeling of slow suffocation.
Many might be also familiar with the medical term chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) for bronchitis and emphysema.
More than 25 Million people are in North America affected. It is the killer number 4.

It is believed that emphysema is triggered by smoking and irritants in the air. Doctors will say that there is no chance to get better when one has emphysema. 10 years ago I read in the monthly publication of the Reflexology Association of Canada a case description. A therapist had given regular sessions to a person with emphysema. After a lot of sessions (at least I believe it was a lot) the doctor very surprised said "I have neer seen anybody getting better with emphysema".

I truly believe that a build up of toxins in the colon is a major cause of COPD. Constipation causes a build up of toxins (putrified remnants of the food we ate).

We have several ways to get rid of toxins: the large intestines (colon), the lungs (breath), the skin, the lymphatic system, and the kidneys (urine).

Could it be that all the people who still happily smoke with 90 have regular bowel movements.

I truly can't understand that nobody talks about the importance of at least 2 (two) bowel movements daily
The following recommendations for patients with COPD are all addressing the secondary problem which is the difficulty to breathe.
breathe deeply
stop smoking
use air filters
protect lung tissue from pollution and pollen
take antioxidants, best by eating fresh fruits and vegetables, Co-Enzyme Q-10.

People who are prone to inflammation are more prone to attract COPD. Omega ooils and other nutrients that reduce inflammation will help.
I wonder whether SOD which is also an anti inflammatory will be beneficial. People who took over a time period of thirty days 4 ounces of GoChi daily experienced a higher production of SOD.

I truly cannot understand that nobody addresses the importance of regular bowelmovements for our health. The death starts in the colon said the physician Dr. Bernard Jensen. From is book "Dr. Jensen's Guide to Better Bowel Care" (page 84) "... At the same time, I was learning that when the bowel is underactive, the other elimination channels - the skin, kidneys, lymphatic system, and lungs - are overtaxed. So many things point back to the bowel when something is wrong in the body and during a healing crisis. "

The first double blind, placebo controlled clinical trial with GoChi showed after drinking 4 ounces daily for 14 days, beside 13 health benefits like stress reduction, better sleep, more energy, better mental focus also more bowel regularity. search for GoChi.

Dr. Bernard Jensen's book is exceptional and I can only recommend it, but might be to complicate for many ... I have also not the patience to do what he said and decided to trust the bowel regulating properties of this GoChi juice

The next time I'll write about the Sniff Breathing he recommends to strengthen the lungs.

Anna Christine Doehring

Are You Becoming a Boiled Frog?

Anna Christine Doehring

How often have I heard "I am healthy. I don't go to the doctor." when I talked about the benefits of the descendants of one specific gojiberry that are in maximized unpasteurized form in GoChi.

Most do not know that a symptom is the tip of an iceberg and that this iceberg (disease) is building up unnoticed, until it is often too late.

Recently on a radio show about colon health a woman with newly diagnosed colon cancer said "why did nobody tell me that I have to get checked"

Have you heard about people who suddenly died without ever having been sick ? I have. The worst was somebody who told that in her circle of friends three have died recently without ever having been sick.

Today I found this article on Dr. Mercola's website. I explains very well how this is possible.

Are You Becoming a Boiled Frog?
October 4, 2008
by Lloyd Fielder, DC

There used to be an experiment in high school, where they would drop a frog into a pot of extremely hot water to test the frog’s nervous system, and see if the frog was smart enough to jump out. It always did.
Then they would drop the same frog into a pot of room temperature water where it inevitably just stayed and swam, unaware and seemingly unaffected by its surroundings.
Lastly, they placed a burner under the pot and turned it on, slowly increasing the temperature one degree per minute. The frog continued to just swim around without noticing what was happening. The water became hotter and hotter ... and the frog eventually died.
Despite the fact that the frog literally was being boiled, it never once tried to escape from certain death. It never even noticed the precarious situation it was in.
This cruel experiment is no longer done. However, it can provide you with excellent information about how you can assess your own health. Because the temperature change was slow, the frog didn’t notice the pain or discomfort of being boiled. The frog died slowly, and never once knew of the urgent need to escape certain death.
Unfortunately, There is a Strong Chance You are Like Those Frogs
Every day we are subjected to stress in the forms of unnatural pollution and toxins, unhealthy diets, emotional and mental pressures of work, family issues, paying the bills ... as well as not getting nearly enough exercise, sunlight, or laughter.
Slowly throughout your lifetime, your nervous system has become so accustomed to your unnatural and unhealthy choices that you don’t even realize they are killing you, one degree at a time. By the time you finally realize that something is wrong, the downward spiral has sometimes gone on for decades.
Only the lucky ones get symptoms in the early stage, and many individuals will either ignore the symptoms, or mask them with drugs. Did you know the first sign of heart disease, more than 50 percent of the time, is a heart attack? And that fifty percent of heart attack victims die instantly?
Are You Willing To Play with Those Kinds of Odds?
Heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, arthritis and even tooth decay are all processes that occur over time due to unhealthy lifestyles.
If there was a way to assess where you are currently, and where you are headed, wouldn’t you want to find out if you are “being boiled” before it is too late?
We are like those boiling frogs, sitting in a pot of water that is slowly killing us and we never do anything to stop it. What’s worse is that someone else committed the frogs to their untimely demise, but sadly we continue to do this to ourselves with poor lifestyle choices, day after day after day.
Fortunately, your body has an amazing capacity for self healing. You can in fact turn things around, and start a positive healthy spiral upwards, even in the face of deadly disease.
It is quite clear that the conventional medical model will not help you get out of this dilemma, so I would strongly encourage you to locate a clinician who can help guide and coach you with the principles Dr. Mercola has been teaching on this site. Our team is currently in the process of compiling a list of clinicians we could refer you to, although it will likely be a while before that project is completed.
However, many do not realize that Dr. Mercola has an active medical clinic a few minutes west of O’Hare airport in Chicago. Here at Dr. Mercola’s Natural Health Center, we have helped thousands of people determine what they need to do to address their health challenges and poor lifestyle choices. You will be on the path toward optimal health the very first day you are here!
Our center has stood the test of time. We have seen over 25,000 patients during our 23 years of serving the community. Our simple and extremely effective solutions will not only add years to your life, but more importantly, add vibrant, healthy life to the rest of your years.
Give us a call! Come to one of our free lectures, and find out if you are a frog in hot water!


Prevention is not only benefical for our general health, it is also of benefit to have a very healthy body in case something unexpected, like an accident, is happening.
A healthy body will always heal faster. We might also survive a serious infection that otherwise would have killed us.

Anna Christine Doehring

Sunday, November 16, 2008

LOW ENERGY is the First Warning Sign

It seems as if many believe that being constantly fatigued and waking up tired is normal.
But ... this is a condition that has to be taken seriously and is a sign of adrenal exhaustion. Other signs are being lethargic, needing constantly coffee to get through the day, fatigue that is not relieved by sleep, reocurring infections, long recovery times after illness and low sex drive.

Low sexdrive seems to alarm everybody, especially men. They don't seem to know that low sexdrive is indicating that there are some health problems.

To create the right environment with candles, seductive underwear, the right music is never adressing the root cause. Most likeley it is stress, constant stress.

Constant stress exhausts the adrenal glands. The biological response to stress is the Fight and Flight reaction with the secretion of cortisol to give us the powerboost to be able kill the tiger, chase the bear away, climb on a tree, knock the intruder down, or run away.
As soon as the dangerous situation is over the adrenal function goes back to normal. That is a normal reaction.

Our daily life with often constant stress causes adrenal exhaustion. Dr. Bob Martin said on one of his Sunday radio shows that Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia are the endstage of Adrenal Exhaustion.

Blood tests and unrine tests can be used to find out whether this is the cause.

What can we do to help our body to stay calm and centered and have energy?
1. Modifying our diet and eating more raw food, that still contains life energy.
2. Getting rid of coffee addiction
3. Deep Breathing ... belly breathing, because one cannot be tense during belly breathing ... it is absolutely impossible. The goal is to always do belly breathing. To get in the habit it is best to lay down, put a heavy book on the tummy. When we inhale the book has to go up, when we exhale it has to come down. Do it for one week, 15 minutes per day.
4. Going early to bed. Melatonin is only secreted before midnight.
5. Meditating
6. Walking in nature
7. Taking Antioxidants and Supplements .... I take now the new daily supplement Daily Edge from FreeLife.
I specifically love that one bottle with 120 capsules contains as much Resveratrol as there is in 22 bottles of Red Wine.
One of my customers, a health professional, was totally surprised that Daily Edge is based on all the latest scientific research.
8. I personally believe the most in GoChi, because the first scientific study proves that it gives us more energy. More on the other postings in this blog. Goji is used in Asia to build up our kidney-energy. The kidneys are the seat of our core energy.

I can only recommend to drink GoChi for 90 days to experience what it means to be full of vitality. There is a 90 day money back guarantee.

Our bodies are designed to be healthy and energetic. When we once were full of energy we can always regain this state of vitality.

Anna Christina Doehring

Sunday, November 9, 2008

difference between goji and wolfberries

There is a BIG difference between gojiberries and wolfberries
Anna Christine Doehring
Nov. 9., 2008

The difference is SO significant that the book from Earl Mindell, R.Ph., M.H., Ph.D "Goji - the Himalayan Health Secret" is not allowed to be placed beside any goji product that has not a specific picture of the Spectral Signature on it. The assurance that only the best gojiberries were used. He told me that personally a few years ago.
This Spectral Signature picture assures the same potency for every bottle of GoChi and Himalayan Goji Juice. Wolfberries are lacking the high amount of bioactive polysaccharides (LBPs) that goji berries have.

When the scientists researched the nutritional content of the goji berries in Asia they could not explain the health benefits with the ingredients they found. What was it? Only when they checked the berries with the Spectral Analysis they found the active ingredients, the bioactive polysaccharides (LBPs)

The LBPs are causing the results and are even maximized in the Himalayan Goji Juice and the GoChi(TM) juice.
The popularity of all goji products increased tremendously, triggered by the positive life changes people experienced who were drinking the Himalayan Goji Juice and now since March 2008 GoChi. In my opinion the difference is either intentional misrepresented or the importers really do not know.

The Latin name for the wolfberry is lycium chinense. The taste of wolfberries is more bitter/sour/tart and the berry has more seeds. Wolfberries grow everywhere, all around the world.

The latin name for Gojiberries is lycium barbarum. Unfortunately wolfberries are often also called lycium barbarum.
Goji berries have an exqisitely sweet taste. They contain few seeds, and are of a deep red colour.
Gojiberries have been recognized to have more nutrients than wolfberries and
They contain huge amounts of the active ingredients ... the bioactive Polysaccharides ...

Did you know that the price for gojiberries in China varies between 3 US$ and 30 US$ ?

Any goji product that does not taste good is made from wolfberries.

Please contact me when you have any questions regarding this question. I know it is difficult to find the truth about this topic. It took me a long time.