Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Documentary 'The Living Matrix' on Thursday in Nanaimo

'The Living Matrix' next Thursday,

February 4th
at 7 pm is about the future of healing.

Please com 10-15 min earlier.

Join us for a special showing of this magnificent VIDEO about our powerful healing potential -- features Dr. Eric Peearl, Bruce Lipton; Edgar Mitchell & Marilyn Schlitz (Founder & President of IONS)

See what Reconnective Healing is all about and also the Healer Adam and other concepts.

Meeting at Unitarian Fellowship Hall, 595 Townsite, first and third Thursdays of each month, at 7 pm.

Network meetings are open to all.

Our purpose is to inform, share, and develop a sense of community with people who are open to exploring varieties of spiritual and metaphysical experience and the nature of the mind.

If you know anyone who who would like to be on the e-list for future notices please contact Judith at Check our website at

Anna Christine

PS: Remember the Psychic Fair in Parksville, on Sat. Feb. 6., See last Post.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Doctors Without Boarders accepted - Psychic Fair Benefit for Haiti Relief

This unique event is to be held on Saturday February 6th, 2010, from 10am - 4pm in the Oceanic Ballroom, at the Beach Club Resort in Parksville,BC.
At the waterside of the crossing Old Island Highway/McMillan

We are so excited that Doctors without Borders accepted our event and have given us their logo. They'll be happy to supply charitable donation receipts for you.

We are sooo happy because they are quite selective.

HERE you can read about all the details of the event.
the Canadian Government matches every $ until February 12th, 2010

And when you do not believe in psychics you can chose the chairmassage or my Intuitive Indian Head Massage.
Please tell all your friends.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

PS.: In case you decided to lose weight is it going? did you ever check
what possibilities are out there?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Reminder Psychic Fair - Benefit for Haiti Relief . Also Indian Head Massage

I wanted to remind you of this event on

Saturday, February 6, 2010
Parksville, British Columbia

Location: Beach Club Resort, Parksville, Ballroom
On the waterside of the intersection Old Island Highway/McMillan
Time: 10 am - 4 pm
Beside several Psychics you can experience a Chair Massage and/or an Indian Head Massage.

I'll be the one doing the Indian Head Massage in combination with my gift of relieving energy impairments/blockages in head-neck-shoulders.

This is a TRUE GIFT I HAVE, my fingers vibrate when I touch an area of blocked or impaired energy flow. I keep them there until the movement of my fingers stops.

How important this is became clear after somebody with a VEGA machine was sending clients to me to relieve the tension in their head. She was afraid they might have one day a stroke.

After my sesssion the VEGA machine actually showed in one case an improvement of 170%.
Many people do not quite understand what it is all about and therefore I combine my gift now with the Indian Headmassage ... Actually it is MUCH MORE than just a massage.

See you there
Wise Owl
Anna Christine

PS.: When you want to know why one Dr. sold his praxis because he could help with THIS 4 - 5 times more go HERE. Tomorrow more.

Monday, January 25, 2010

The Important Secret of Deep Breathing

What is the Important Secret of Deep Breathing?

Beside such a cute play house and all the flowers it is easy to take a deep breath and relax ... but there is a secret ... keep reading!

Because I noticed how calming deep belly breathing is I often ask my clients to take a deep breath and mostly their chest goes up. When I ask them to do belly breathing they can’t … to help I place then a heavy book on their tummy and say “Take a breath so that the book goes up” then it is easier for them.

Jo Dunning talked in one of her abundance calls about the secret of deep breathing
We have different kinds of neurological receptors in our lungs

The receptors in the upper parts have to do with fight or flight,When we take a shallow breath the air in the upper part of the lung triggers stress, concern, fear, worry and other stressful emotions.

When we take a deep breath and the air flows stimulates the receptors in the deeper parts of our lungs we experience relaxation
As we take deeper breaths we become more trustingAs we take a deep breath we become more peaceful
As we take a deep breath we are in a state of harmonyAs we take a deep breath we fall easier asleep, or can better rest,
AS we feel safe and centered
Our mind begins to relax, we have new ideas, new thoughts, insights why we have challenges and insights how to resolve those challenges
All these responses are biochemically supported right in our physical body
It automatically comes to you
Our body is set up to assist us.

As far as I can remember I did always practice belly breathing …. Now I know why I was always happy, trusting and easy going

I just love Jo Dunning and her teachings. Her website is
At the moment you’ll find there abundance recordings for FREE.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine
PS: When you are left brained and you're tired of struggling with debt, fearful of the current economic crisis, and paralyzed by the pace of change, I've got a great way for you to take control of your future and start the year off with a BIG BANG!
PPS: The little house is in my garden. I really love it.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Psychic Fair - Benefit for Haiti Relief

The Psychic Fair - a Benefit for Haiti Relief
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Parksville, British Columbia a

Location: Beach Club Resort, Parksville, Ballroom
Time: 10 am - 4 pm

Beside several Psychics you can experience a Chair Massage and/or an Indian Head Massage.

I'll be doing the Indian Head Massage in combination with my gift of relieving energy impairments/blockages in head-neck-shoulders.
Did you know that in 40% of all strokes one can't find out why it happened....and this could mean that the reason was an energy impairment caused by stress.
In 70 % of all strokes is an energy blockage involvement. I know this from one of my instructors, an orthopeadic surgeon.

The reason, the energy was blocked or impeded and that can NOT be detected by machines and blood analysis.
On my website I call this Bioplasmic Healing. You'll find there an explanation of it and also that with a VEGA machine one could see the improvements.

The world is an interesting place:
Everything is interconnected ... yesterday I wrote about the arrested man who survived 12 days drinking his urine and ... talking to a friend I just learned that two old ladies were found after 11 days ... they had also been drinking their urine ...... also yesterday ... I didn't know it because I have no TV and rarely listen to the radio because they mainly talk about the recent crime that happened around the corner and minor political stuff .. at least not about the real important facts.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

PS: You have to listen to THIS and then check HERE

Benefit for Haiti.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

How Long can One Survive without Water?

At the moment I am thinking a lot about this because they stopped in Haiti to look for survivers. After 12 days.

It is GOOD TO KNOW the following story ......... yes, it is another urine story

It happened over 20 years ago in Bavaria, Germany. A policeman arrested a man on a Friday. He brought the man to a remote part of the building and shut AND locked the door, without telling his collegues

European buildings are build from brick and the sound is not carried as it is in woodframe buildings.

I can't remember why the policeman that had arrested the man was not in the office on the following Monday.

Fact is the arrested man was not noticed and released for 12 days and most likely he ONLY survived because he peed in his shoe and drank the urine. The problem in Haiti would be that many have no shoes.

Anna Christine

PS.:Is one of your New Years Resolutions to lose weight in a healthy way you most likely want to know THIS
.... ask me with your questions
PPS: Did you already sigh up the my monthly newsletter GOOD TO KNOW? can do this on my website

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Help when Stung by a Stingray or Wasp - Bitten by a Spider or Snake?

Did you read the post from yesterday??
Here is another one about how much our urine can help us; or the urine from another

Don't laugh ... I am serious.

I know a teenager who got in Mexico stung by a stingray ... when he told me the story he said "but this was not the worst"
My curiosity peaked "What was it??"
"The Mexicans told my Dad to pee on it"

Writing this I wonder whether this would also help when we are stung by wasps and bees or bitten by spiders or snakes. It is worth a try. But NOT with the snakes
Read here what to do.

Not every snake is as peaceful as the one above.

Actually I had forgotten about it when I was stung in the foot by a wasp one day before my flight to Berlin ... a friend told me to put an onion on it ... I did get one from e neighbour, cut it in half and pressed it for 30 minutes on my foot ...
and voila ... nothing was swollen or hurting.
I must admit I forgot the pee part.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

PS.: Are you wanting to "Overcome the Fear of Being Fabulous" - I have taken a webinar seminar with them and was very impressed with there integrity. They truly come from unconditional love, I could feel it. Check out the big savings HERE.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Infection in Big Toe - No Pharmacy - What to Do?

Thinking about how fast the world has changed for the people in Haiti ... and how fast our world can change ...

I wondered that most of you probably do NOT know what to do when they have an infection in their big toe ... and there is

NO doctor
NO pharmacist
NO antibiotic
NOBODY who knows how to help

Hopefullly there is a plastic bag, a piece of fabric or a paper towel ... and then of course YOU.

You are important, because YOU have to pee on the paper towel ... then you have to wrap it around the big toe and cover it with the plastic bag or stick the foot in the plastic bag and go to bed.... as I did.

I am 99% sure it will take the imflammation out of the toe.

I am sure because that happened to me years ago in the middle of the night, when I was child sitting. Nobody else was in the appartment and there were also no antibiotics. My toe was ok in the morning and I forgot it, but the next night it pounnded again.
So I did the same thing again and from then on everything was ok.

I knew this from the German book "Urine a Very Special Juice", put together after a radio show where many had called in and told their healing experiences with urine.
More about this in another post.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

PS: Seems as if more and more are looking for something like this"Overcoming Negative Head Talk" - only $37 - Worth checking it out!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Have you heard about Jiaogulan - called the 'Miracle Herb' ?

Most of us do not know it yet, but soon we will ... I guess. There is already in Germany a book written about it .
The Chinese conducted until now 300 studies It is quite exciting because they contribute 54 benefits to it The most important ingredients are Saponins, that we also have in Ginseng and many other vegetables.

Guess there is a reason the Chinese conducted so many studies.
The most important ingredient of the juice 'JULE of the Orient' is Jiaogulan and what is even more exciting ... most likely this week we'll know the results of a clinical trial.

Just right at the beginning of a new year when many have made decisions to improve their health ... because there is one certainty our healthcare system will not be able to help everybody the same way as in the past.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

PS: I know that I write about quite a variety of things .. and yes they are all important for our well being. For our physical, emotional, spiritual and also sometimes for our financial health.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Looking for a Hockey Team in Nanaimo to Practice Bioplasmic Healing on Their Heads.

Recently somebody called to raise money for a hockey activity ... we talked a little and it turned out the guy was worried about his brain functions. He had been in various sports ... and noticed a slowing down of his brain. In my opinion he is absolutely right to be worried.

Any head injury and also the ones of the legs or the back might impair the energy/Chi flow in the Meridians that are going over the head. Nobody knows the effects this can have over time.

I believe hockeplayers benefit from my gift of detecting these blockages (Bioplasmic Healing) and normalizing the energy flow in a hotspot.

When there is a team in Nanaimo ... I would come one day to check their heads out, so that they experience what it is all about.

Now I am curious who will read this.
Anna Christine

PS: You will be surprised when you read THIS

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Scientist Konstantin Karatkov about The Reconnection® - also Documentary The Living Matrix

As probably some of you know ... we all live in a time of the SHIFT to a higher consciousness ... my intention is to assist people to reach with Reconnective Healing® a consciousness level that is as high as possible to be prepared for what lies ahead ... actually the changes have already started.

The Reconnection® is of tremendous value during this time and I believe this is the reason that Dr. Eric Pearl is constantly travelling the world to teach as many as possible to be Reconnective Healing Practitioners®.

Therefore I want to remind the people in my area that I present TOMORROW 'The Living Matrix' DVD Documentary Monday January 18th, at my home ... this is about Energy Medicine and NOT the movie 'the matrix'

January, Monday the 18th, at 7 pm
1.Short talk why The Reconnection® is different from all other Healing Modalities
2.Short DVD track with Konstantin Karatkow Ph.D saying to Reconnective Healing Practitioners® "What you are doing is changing Humanity"
3.The Documentary 'The Living Matrix' - About The New Science of Healing
4.One CD track from an interview that Dr. Eric Pearl has given.

Please let me know through my website or the comment area below if you want to attend. I'll call you for driving directions.

All the best,
Anna Christine

PS: to find practitioners in your area go to this website

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sound has Power and Singing is Healing - It Produces Serotonin

You probaly heard also in the news how the Haitians are often singing songs/hymns of joy and praise for being blessed with being spared death in the recent catastrophe.

They are resilient, probably more resilient than most of us. Sound is healing and singing lifts them up to higher frequencies out of the low ones of sadness, grief and despair. Singing encourages the body to produce Serotonin. Serotonin acts within your body to promote feelings of sleepiness, calm, and relaxation.
Did you hear of the 'Law of Attraction' ... Whatever is happening in our life is matching our frequencies.

They do instinctively the right thing. When they are vibrating in higher frequencies then they will attract more positive things ... in their case hopefully being spared from after shocks, getting water and food and finding a place to live.

"Late into the night, women could be heard singing, chanting and
clapping in the darkened city that laid beyond the embassy’s walls."

And what are many of us doing when they are sad? They take Antidepressants instead of getting the music going and dancing and dancing and dancing ... until they are tired. Jogging is also good. In both cases Serotonin gets produced and this we need to feel good. I like dancing better and have done it often... and it helps!!!

My conclusion ... they are handling life better than many of us would in this case.
Wonder how many North Americans would storm the Pharmacy to get antidepressants.

What we can do beside the support with money is:
Sitting still, calming down and sending from our heart love to Haiti, imagine a ray of pink going to them.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine
PS.: the above is the reason that I support with my whole HEART GoChi because one of the three clinical trials shows beside 16 other things 'feeling happier' 'feeling calmer' and 'less stress'.. Check HERE

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Haiti Earthquake Relief - Various Possibilities to Help and My Contribution

"There is only one time that is important - NOW - because it's
the only time we have any power." (Leo Tolstoy)

The reports coming in from Haiti are staggering, with possibly 100,000 killed and the capital in ruins. The suffering there is unimaginable. I ask all of us to stop a moment and say a prayer for the souls who so desperately need help right now. If you feel called to make a relief donation, there is a list of reputable Canadian organizations HERE (and I'm sure there are more).

I decided to offer for a while up to three sessions per week for new clients I have not seen yet when they give me checks that are made payable to the Canadian Red Cross.
It is their choice whether they want Reflexology, Reconnective Healing®, JinShinDo Acupressure, CranioSacral Therapy and short sessions of Bioplasmic Healing,a gift I have that relieves energy blockages in head and shoulders.

We have to help - the hospitals are flattened in Port-au-Prince
Anna Christine

PS.: when you want to see the scientific proof how our thoughts and prayers affect others go to

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Importance of Happiness for our Immune System

Yesterday I wrote about how our thoughts and words affect the quality of water. How important the knowledge about this is because our body consists to 70-80% of water.

Remember even the medical field is saying that 95% of all health problems are stress related.

Yes, there are many ways to be happy ... some of them are not long lasting ... when one is sad and drinks alcohol or dances to uplifting music then one might feel later sad again.

Jogging is also helping because it helps the body to release Serotonins.
We can do a lot ... Meditation is also balancing our emoions ... What about the goji berry?
It is called the Happy Berry. Could this be the reason that one of the three clinical trials done with GoChi showed that people felt calmer, happier, less stressed, and slept better. To see the results of the study click HERE

I am drinking it since 4 years and ... am always very happy, calm and centered.
Anna Christine

PS: Write 'LOVE' on a little paper and stick it on your water bottle. Research proves that this helps.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Masaru Emoto Peace Project

Have you read or heard about the Emoto Peace Project for All the Children on Earth?
Please click on this link and see what it is all about. Mr Emoto was over a year ago on his Peace Tour around the world here in Courtenay on Vancouver Island.

On his website you'll find an e-book for children. You can downoad it for free. It shows how our thoughts and words affect the quality of water. He wants the children to know about this. Unimaginable how we harm ourselves and the people around us when we yell at others.

Our bodies are between 70-80% water. Look at the website how water changes when we use happy words in contrast to angry ones.

Masaro Emoto's little book is a really nice present for children and ... has the benefit to help mankind. Everyone who is happy is helping All.

From the always happy
Anna Christine
PS: Did you know that the goji berry is actually called the Happy Berry.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Reminder - DVD Documentary 'The Living Matrix' at Jan. 18th.

Just a short reminder of the DVD Documentary at my home

I hope that there is enough time to play at the beginning the MOST IMPORTANT track from one of the INTENTION CDs from DR.Wayne Dyer regarding Manifestation.

January, Monday the 18th, at 7 pm
1.Short talk why The Reconnection® is incomparable with all other Healing Modalities
2.Short DVD track with Konstantin Karatkow Ph.D saying to Reconnective Healing Practitioners®
"What you are doing is changing Humanity"3.The Documentary 'The Living Matrix' - About The New Science of Healing
4.Some channeled information from an interview Dr. Eric Pearl has given

Please let me know when you want to attend
Anna Christine

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Football Player Anthony Carter: "Chi3 helps get me to my tee time"

Endoser Anthony Carter gave this testimony about GoChi and Chi3
Professional Football Alumni (NFL and USFL)
Minnesota Hall of Fame and All-Pro Wide Receiver
College Football Hall of Fame
Three-time Pro Bowl selection (1987,1988, 1989)
Minnesota (1985-1993)
Detroit (1994-1995)
Anthony Carter is considered by many as one of the most prolific playmakers in pro football history. He finished his college career as the University of Michigans all-time leading receiver, and played professionally for thirteen years in the United States Football League and the National Football League. In 1983, Carter scored the game-winning touchdown for his Michigan Panthers and went on to win the first championship in USFL league history after defeating the Philadelphia Stars. After dominating the USFL for three years, Carter signed with the Miami Dolphins in 1985 but was traded to the Minnesota Vikings before playing a game with the team. He led Minnesota in receptions five of his first six seasons with the team. In 1987, Carter helped his team reach the NFC championship game by recording 10 receptions for an NFL playoff record 227 yards in the Vikings 36-24 upset win over the 13-2 San Francisco 49ers in the divisional playoff round. Carter finished his 11 NFL seasons with 486 receptions for 7,733 yards and 55 touchdowns. Carter is also known to many as AC. He resides in Lake Worth, Fl with his wife and son.

"I have been drinking GoChi for a couple months now and I am noticing a big difference in my energy level throughout the day. My rest throughout the night has improved a lot and I feel revived and refreshed in the mornings as well. I was surprised how great this juice tastes. I drink it every day. I feel upbeat and focused on whatever tasks I may encounter during the day. I play a great amount of golf and Chi3 helps get me to my tee time on time and gives me that extra boost to play at a high, consistent level. I am very pleased to have these wonderful products in my life."

I, Anna Christine , love Chi3 when I have to drive longer distances.There is one once of GoChi in every Chi3 bottle.

Have a great weekend,
Anna Christine
PS: Oh, in case you have doubts, check the research HERE

Hockey Players - Head Injuries - Possible Problems Years Later

Today I talked with a man who had been very active in various sports.
He wanted to raise money for a Hockey event and that caused me to mention how concerned I am about all these athletes who have concussions, get up and keep playing.I knew from my childhood in Germany that a friend had to stay three weeks in bed after a concussion.

I explained that all injuries, hits, falls and so on cause impairments of the chi flow (energy flow) in the body and may cause years later serious problems. The body is not always able to repair itself.

I told him about my gift to detect these blockages with my fingertips and that he should check my website to read more under Bioplasmic Healing (Pranic Healing), perhaps I should better call it "My Gift" because it is not an official healing modality.

So, in case you are involved in any sports activity ... please please have a look at my website and ... because I am not everywhere ... go from time to time to a good acupressurist or in that case better acupuncturist and get your body checked, whether there are any energy flow impairments. There are little devices some therapists have that can indicate these energy impairments.

I'm just lucky to have this gift to detect the problems when I touch with my finger tips the head ... when there is something not right my fingers start moving, as if I would scratch a mosquito bite.

So please, take your Hits and Falls seriously because they might cause trouble in 10, 20, 30, 40 years.

Your concerned
Anna Christine

Friday, January 8, 2010

Stop Relationship Pain, Feel More Love

In some of my posts I wrote how important happiness is for our health and that means also a happy relationschip with your spouse.

I've been watching some amazing short relationship videos from two relationship experts I think you'll really enjoy. The videos are drawn from a great audio/video program I've got on my iPod called The Relationship Solution.

No Cost To Get The Videos
I got permission to share the videos with you at no cost. I mean they are FREE.
Just click [HERE] to register for them.

Anna Christine
PS: Sign up HERE for my Newsletter GOOD TO KNOW

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Football Players - Energy Increase and Better Focus With GoChi

CJ Jones

Professional Football
New England Wide Receiver

"Since I started drinking GoChi, I have noticed a dramatic difference in the amount of energy and focus I have during my training. As a professional football player, this is crucial to my success. I recommend GoChi not just to my teammates, but to anyone who wants to feel better and maintain good health."

These results are proven in these three clinical trials.

When I only would know people who compete in the Olympics
Anna Christine
PS: Do you want to read what other athletes have to say? Click Here

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

What is Causing Most Likely Alzheimers

This is baffling me a lot. Whatever healthproblem we encounter nobody seems to question 'why are all these problems on the rise?' ... I would not count Alzheimer's a disease ... A disease is in my opinion caused by a bug, a germ, something one cannot escape ... and even that is wrong ... because a healthy and happy person is not getting sick. Somebody who gets loved is much happier and healthier!!

When we only try to fix things we will not reduce the amount of people who will get it.

My observations of the world around me show that there are a variety of reasons that cause Alzheimer's

Toxins in our food, in our world around us, in vaccinations .. when we are longer than 8 minutes on a cellphone or a portable phone the bloodbrain barrier opens and the toxins get into our brain.We drink not enough water to flush the toxins out and to replenish the water loss.
We really need 8 glasses per day. A Chinese Dr. once said to me, the body is not recognizing juices and anything with flavour as water. it reacts differently.

Escaping life situations that we do not like. Controlling spouses, the loss of a nice spouse and other family losses.

Injuries to our body that might cause energy blockages in our head. Guess I'll one day write an e-book about this, but first I need to know how to get pictures in an e-book.

It is the best to always try to live a simple life, and to cook from scratch, so that one is not consuming all the food additives.

Just ask yourself what could be the reason that our pets now need to see a veterenarian and need shots and die of cancer as we do. I had two dogs and the first (15 years) had never seen a doctor and the second (12 years) only once because she broke her leg.
It is the dead food, the pellets our pets get. What are many of us eating? processed and/or microwaved food.

We have to find out why so many now are so unfit, so overweight, so tired, so foggy in their head? What is it? We have to teach the children how to eat right! We need again to have gardens? To get food that is alive! Yes, Himalayan Goji Juice and GoChi are excellent and at the moment it is good to drink them, but when we would eat as much as we can out of our garden we would not need them.

Hm, I actually have a garden and still drink these juices because I need to get rid of the toxins I assimilated like lead, mercury, formaldehyde and PCB. I have proof (less liver spots) that my liver gets happier and happier.

Anna Christine
PS: You will be surprised about this, just click here

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

TAIslim ... the Best and Healthiest to Lose Weight??

I found it!! ...TAIslim ... you do not have to weigh and measure every bite you eat!!! Actually I admire people who do this because I would never do that. This is a juice and when your eating habits are fairly ok then the rules are pretty easy and when you had questionable eating habits, then you will be surprised that you have no cravings. One day I actually tried to eat what I was supposed to eat ... and it was to much for me. Only once I did that.

Beside 27 (twenty seven)reasons to drink TAIslim.TAIslim helps you to reach and maintain a healthy weight in five imoportant ways

1. Fights Abdominal Fat TAIslim contain s FreeLife's exclusive GoChi™ clinically shown to decrease the body's production of stress hormones that cause you to accumulate unhealthy belly fat. Other ingredients act on digestive tract encymes to help reduce the amount of calories absorbed from starchy and fatty foods.

2. Enhances Metabolism

3. Helps Control Appetite

4.Cleanses and replenishes: TAIslim's advanced proprietary NuFlora™ probiotic dexitrin fibre provides gentle cleansing and detoxifying action to promote regularity and healthy microflora, while slowing the absorbtion of food to improve metabolism.

5.One Feels More Energy

They EVEN have a Video

I cannot say how excited I am, because nobody will ever be able to copy it ... The way our Halth Care System goes aGREAT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITYHappy
Anna Christine
PS: There was even a year ago a Weight Loss Competition. Here are the results! The first price was 5000 US$ (five thousand)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Start Using the Power of Your Intention to Manifest Abundance

Our Intention is for the manifestation of our New Year Goals extremely important, may it be Weight Loss - Health - Prosperity

Knowing how important our emotions are for the manifestation of our goals I startet for over 5 years to drink Himalayan Goji Juice and later GoChi. Originally I did this to stay healthy. Then I found out that Himalayan Goji Juice has the same frequency as Joy, Peace and Love have.

Could it be that this is one of the reasons that it changed so many lives to the positive? Truly happy people are seldom sick. Look around you.

Everything around us was once a thought in a persons mind. Everything! When we want to manifest positive experiences in our life we have to change the way we look at life and things will change.
Doesn't it make sense that an positive outlook on life causes positive experiences and a sad, depressed, angry or fearful outlook attracts experiences that are on the same wave length.

Proof: When a teacher gets told that a specific child is a problematic child, then his behaviour towards that student is in a way that it causes exactly what the teacher expected.

Research has shown that the expectation of the observer changes the results. Therefore we have randomized,plazebo controlled doubleblind clinical trials

Wishing you a prosperous, successful and HEALTHY New Year
Anna Christine
PS: Many believe you have to work hard to be financially prosperous and living a joy-filled life. Nothing could be further from the truth! Prosperity is your birthright -- all you have to do is claim it.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

DVD Evenings I want to have this Year at my Home Office

Dr. Wayne Dyer on Intention/Manifestation - The Living Matrix, The Reconnection and other modalities, Dr. Eric Pearl - Dr. John Demartini from The Secret - Terry Cole-Whittaker about Prosperity - Crop Circles.

These presentations will be always at the third Monday of a month at 7 pm. Please write me when you want to participate.
I hope that there is enough time to play at the beginning the MOST IMPORTANT track from one of the INTENTION CDs from DR. Wayne Dyer regarding Manifestation The topics will be the following

January, Monday the 18th, at 7 pm
1.Short talk why The Reconnection is incomparable with all other Healing Modalities
2.Short DVD track with Konstantin Karatkow Ph.D saying to Reconnective Healing Practitioners®
"What you are doing is changing Humanity"
3.The Documentary 'The Living Matrix' - About The New Science of Healing
4.Some channeled information from an interview Dr. Eric Pearl has given

February, Monday the 15th, at 7 pm
DVD 'The Principles of Life and Health'
presented by John Demartini

March, Monday the 15th, at 7 pm
DVD Sweet Misery: A poisened World this is about Aspartame

April, Monday the 19th, at 7 pm
DVD 'The Secrets of Unlimited Prosperity' presented by Terry Cole- Whittaker

May, Monday the 17th at 7 pm
DVD Star Dreams, a Feature Documentary Exploring the Mystery o Crop Circles

June, Monday the 21st at 7pm
DVD The Moses Code
presented by James F Twyman

There will be most likely a summer break in July and August.

Anna Christine
PS.: Have a peek at this regarding your New Years resolutions.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Airport Screenings require in my Opinion a pretty Healthy Body

It seems as if this could be a crazy year ... Some of us have to fly, they just have to.

The radiation we'll be exposed to with all the screening devices at the airports requires a body that is as healthy as possible to be able to repair the cell and/or DNA dammage that is in my belief caused through the screening. It is also very important to be emotionally stable and happy so that the body is on a higher frequency.

I have this belief after reading several publications. My advice: do your own research and decide then what to do.

New Study (David Gutierrez,Natural News,Saturday, Jan 2nd, 2010)
Confirms Organic Food is is nutritionally superior to so-called “conventional” produce, according to a comprehensive review conducted by researchers from the University of Aix-Marseille for the French food agency (AFSSA) and published in the journal Agronomy for Sustainable Development.

So, much for now, tomorrow I'll let you know what will take place on the monthly information evenings that I'll have this year at my home, or at annother place when more people than expected want to come.

Despite all the things that happen ...
Laugh joyfully, live fully, keep happiness in your heart!
Anna Christine

PS.: In case all the things that are going on in the world make you nervous and you have difficulties sleeping you'll find here a CD that helps to sleep.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Enjoying Better Sleep and More Energy in the New Year with GoChi

Happy New Year! May it bring Joy, Peace, Prosperity, Health and LOVE and also the Fulfillment of all your dreams.

My true belief is that we can improve any life situation when we are healthy, get enough sleep, and have lots of energy.

I mean TRUE energy not the energy that many have because they are on constant adrenal overdrive ... that is like running always away from a tiger.

Dr. Bob Marten said a while ago on his Sunday radio broadcast "Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia are the endresult of adrenal exhaustion". I did not hear him saying this again, therefore I wonder whether somebody had a different opinion. My opinion is that he is right.

Below is the result from 3 doubleblind, placebo controlled clinical trials that were done with GoChi ... One doctor said after that, this actually covers 90-95% of his patients ... This is truly worth to reflect upon. Guess most people complain about stress, sleep problems, low energy, constipation, joint discomfort, inability to focus and a lacking immune system.

More details about the research and an easier read you'll find here

Anna Christine

PS.: in case you want to look at different things go here and see what yoou think about it