Thursday, March 17, 2011

Nuclear Fallout: Natural Defense in a Toxic World - Nanaimo, BC

Fund Raiser
Wednesday March 23, 7.00 pm - 8.30 pm
Location: Unitarian Fellowship Church,Nanaimo, BC, Townsite Road (close to the little Mall)

You Are Invited!

To a special fund raising presentation by Dr. John Yim. Donations given to Red Cross Japanese Disaster Relief fund.

Dr. John Yim invites you to this very special presentation.

The planet has become a very small place. Toxins that are produced in Japan, China, Europe, India, America, and even in other parts of Canada reach us here on the Island and add to the toxins that are being produced right here. These toxins can include some very nasty chemicals such as chlorinated hydrocarbons, automobile and industrial emissions, heavy metals, all the way to radioactive wastes.

Toxins have been implicated in a variety of serious conditions such as infertility, allergies, autoimmunity, Alzheimer's, asthma, thyroiditis, cancer, and many more.

In this timely presentation, Dr. Yim will be discussing the most efficient methods for neutralizing and removing these toxins from the body. He will highlight the program that he calls the Holistic Cleanse. This can be the cornerstone in your "natural defense in a toxic world".

· A 2 phase system that first prepares the blood, lymphatics, liver, kidneys, and bowels.

· An effective method to flush toxins from the tissues, into the lymphatic system, and flush the liver and gall bladder.

· How to flush heavy metals and radiation from the body.

· How to utilize the largest organ of excretion, your skin.

· A nutritional program that supports detoxification.

· And much, much more.

Most likely I will not be there because I have no time
and ... I also know what to do.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

PS.: Could it be that one of the reasons so many are sick is because the wind from Hirosahima was blowing in the direction of the USA?
What goes around comes around.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Seed Exchange and Seed Purchase - Nanaimo

Come to the Bowen Park Auditorium
Sunday, March 6th 10:00 am  3.00 pm

Bring your own seeds to the seed exchange table.

There will also be an activity centre for kids!

Trade or purchase a lot of different things for your garden:
organic and non-hybrid seeds,
native plants,
bee houses,
rain barrels and
other tools for self-reliance.

It is put on by the Nanaimo Foodshare Society and the Nanaimo Community Garden Society, traditionally takes place on the first Sunday of every March, just in time for gardeners to pick up a great variety of seeds, seedlings, and other gardening material and supplies. The focus is on, but not limited to, organic, heritage and heirloom seed varieties.

Attendees should be sure to bring their own well marked seeds to trade at the seed exchange table.

Admission $3.00
Any questions? then write

Homegrown produces are for your health very important.
Why, because they have a high life energy.

Have you ever wondered why everybody is so tired?
It is easy to answer .... they are eating dead food or produce that is many days old and without sufficient life energy ... that is the Chi.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

Friday, March 4, 2011

Our Supplements are in Danger in Canada

Protect your Freedom of Choice
Sunday, March 13th, 2011
Victoria, BC
Time: 11.00 am

In case you have not heard what Health Canada is doing.

Health Canada is ‘quietly’ working on removing the majority of our Natural Health Products (NHP) from the market. By the end of 2011 we are in danger of losing about 70% of our natural health products.

Join the demonstration on Sunday, March 13th, 2011 in Victoria, B.C in front of the Parliament Buildings at 11:00 a.m. Make a placard, let Health Canada know we care about our health and value the right of choice to use natural health products. This peaceful demonstration is to raise public awareness of Health Canada’s ‘quiet’ procedures. There will be demonstrations across Canada, lets make Victoria’s count, plan to be there. Tell your friends, relatives, neighbours, get as many people out as possible.

For registration, go to:

You will also find more information at:

This is serious, because it is most likely about the supplements that are still fairly ok. Just ordered a book "Killer Supplements". Guess the title is saying is enough.
More about this in another Blog.

Anna Christine