Monday, April 26, 2010

What is Reflexology??

In front of this little play house behind the poppies is a large zement foot, unfortunately you can't see it. I love this little house.

Today I had a carpenter come to our house who was curious about Reflexology. He had seen my sandwich-board outside and did not know what it is all about.

I showed him the posters of the feet, hands and ears, explaining that every part, every organ, of our body has a reflex area on the soles of our feet, also on the hands and ears.

By applying gentle fingerpressure on these areas the certified practitioner is stimulating the flow of energy, blood and lymph in the corresponding area. This enables the body to heal itself.It is always the body that heals itself and never the practitioner or therapist that heals.

You'll find more information on my website

Studies prove that Reflexology is helpful for nearly every condition.My friends husband in Hamburg,Germany, had bladder cancer and to relieve his agony and calm him he got Reflexology sessions ... and ... this is really interesting ... the Reflexologist told him that he is regularly working on the feet of the surgeons..

I have not heard that anything like this is happening here in Nanaimo. I must admit, the doctors at that time did not want to give morphium, instead they paid a Reflexologist. I think that was not enough, because my friend was terribly upset.

Anna Christine

Thursday, April 22, 2010

EARTH Day - what They Forgot to Mention to be Green

The Nanaimo Daily News wrote today what we cn do to be green and what to be greener.

They missed two things, most likely there are many more

Talking about the Garden they wrote about planting more native plants.

Not one line about having a garden with vegetables and fruit trees ... this would help us
1. to eat healthy food that was NOT exposed to herbicides and/or pesticides
2. and also was NOT pushed with artificial fertilizers to grow fast and by this absobing less nutrients.
3. to NOT waste a lot of energy and money to be transported from Mexico, South America, Afriga or Australia to us.

And they also did not mention that one could have ONLY ONE SHORT SHOWER per day,which is by the way healthier for the skin.

People got so out of touch with nature ... that it is pretty scary.

Concerned Wise Owl
Anna Christine

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Why is Reflexology so Beneficial?

"Why is Reflexology helping with so many things?" I was asked by a senior 15 years ago.
I can't remember what I answered, but it showed my how little people know about this therapy form.

More and More people are turning now toward alternative ways to stay healthy and help their body. Therefore I believe it is important they know what it is all about.

I decided to have a sequence of information evenings at my home office, some with self-help information.

They'll be in May - June - September - October - November - January - February - March - April

I do not know whether it will be once or twice a month.

Please keep reading my blog-posts for details.

Concerned Wise Owl
Anna Christine

PS.: When you have no time and you want to take the easy route then I can ony recommend to drink every day GoChi. I do it since 6 years.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Healing on the Spiritual Path-The Key to Tomorrow’s Health.

Medically Verifiable

Reminder of the following lectures about Bruno Groening

Learn about and experience healing through the Teachings of Bruno Groening 1906 – 1959

The events are Free of Charge - Donations are appreciated

April 21, 2010 07:00 pm. University of British Columbia
Student Union Building, Room 214/216
6138 Student Union Boulevard
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z1
Dr. W. Vogelsberger MD - Dr. L. Colizoli MD - K. Seidel - S. Bunger

April 22, 2010 07:00 pm Vancouver Island University
Lecture Theatre, Building 355 -Room 203
900 Fifth Street
Nanaimo, BC
Dr. W. Vogelsberger MD Dr. L. Colizoli MD . Seidel - S. Bunger

April 23, 2010 07:00 pm. University of Victoria
Michele Pujol Room, Student Union Building
Finnerty Road
Dr. W. Vogelsberger MD - Dr. L. Colizoli MD - K. Seidel - S. Bunger
Healing on the Spiritual Path- Medically Verifiable

In the 1950’s Bruno Groening attracted worldwide media attention through his extraordinary healings. He was able to absorb and transmit a Divine energy, which has the power to help and heal in illness. This healing energy is available to everyone and Bruno Groening taught people how to receive it for themselves.

The Bruno Groening Circle of Friends passes on his simple teachings and is now one of the world’s largest spiritual healing groups. Through his teachings, many thousands of people have recovered from all kinds of physical and mental illnesses – even those termed “incurable”. Healings are medically documented by an international forum of doctors from over 60 different countries.

Dr. Vogelsberger a physician and member of the Medical Scientific Group (MWF) of The Bruno Groening Circle of Friends Medically documented healings will be explained and healed individuals will share their experiences. Participants will be able to experience the healing energy for themselves.

For more information visit: , phone: Contact: 604-269-2680

See you in Nanaimo this Thursday
Anna Christine

Monday, April 19, 2010

Plume of Volcano - Kenya had to Destroy Crops

A few days ago I wrote we all should do our best to be self sufficient and have gardens with vegetables and fruit trees because one never never knows what lies ahead.
We might have one day crop failures because of lack of sun shine.

Now I heard today in the radio that Kenya had to destroy crops because the airplanes could not bring them to Europe.

We live in a very different time and it is always better to plan ahead instead of living like Alice in Wonderland.

It takes time to have a garden that produces. Community Gardens are only a beginning.

Many will say "I have no time" ... but most of us have time to sit in front of the TV.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Imagine - Crop Failures Because of Less Sunshine

Listening to all the news about the Iceland volcano Eyjafjallajokull and the eatmoving plume that is a danger for air planes ... I wondered what would happen when a larger volocano eruption happened ... wouldn't it be possible that it causes somewhere in the world crop failures ?
Imagine that in the front yard of every house in your town grows a fruit tree and everybody has a garden with a few vegetables, parsley, lettuce and perhaps a few more fruit trees ... I believe that could help in a situation of crop failures in other parts of the world.

Where I live I found only one man who even planted 5 fruit trees in front of his house and when we talked he was pretty sad because the deer are eating the leaves ... it seems he lost his fighting spirit ... at least he did not protect the trees yet.

I got told that the Russians only got through all the hard ship of their economy because they even grew in the ditches of the streets vegetables.

Something to think about.

Wise Owl

Anna Christine

PS: Yes, my main concern is the health of people ... but good nutrition keeps or mkes us healthy.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Back Problems - Little toe Problems

During my years when I worked as a Pesonal Care Assistant for Home Support I always wondered why the nails at the little toes were so hard.

Actually it is quite simple, many people have when they are old problems with their back. The meridian that goes along both sides of the spine end in the little toes and therefore it is understandable that an energy blockage in this meridian causes problems ind the little toes. The toes might have corns, hard nails, ingrown nails, athlete foot or they are sometimes really bend ... nearly like a hook.

The best way to help that situation is to see a Reflexologist as soon as one of these or other conditions are affecting the little toes.

Our body always gives us early enough signs that something is not right, we just have to knw about them and listen.

Anna Christine

PS.: Another way to help the back might be JULE of the Orient ... after an accident I could not get rid of pain in my hip, but since I am drinking it I have no hip=pain anymore.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Plantar Warts at the Feet

Plantar Warts on the feet and actually all skin conditions are a sign the body is giving us, that something is wrong.

The location is important and to find out what it might mean one needs to know about Reflexology and/or Meridians.

I had a client who had a little hard spot at the ball of the foot. This area is related to the lungs and the chest area. I asked her to check the lymph glands under her arms and ... as expected .... the armpit at the side of the unusual skin condition was painful.

When this would happen to me I would massage the armpits for several weeks and also stop wearing a bras for a while.

Several Reflexology sessions might be also a good idea.

Anna Christine

Monday, April 12, 2010

'Dirty Electricity' - Dangers of Electro Magnetic Frequencies

Yes I write again about this topic because I heard from my son in law that he knows in Berlin 2 people with a brain tumor and that he is worried because of constant headaches.

I believe many don't realize yet the dangers of some of our communication tools/toys and the towers with antennas we need for cell phones, especially when we are on a lower vibration.

Already more than 10 years ago the people in Swizzerland were aware of that danger.
Because the populatiion was against all the antennas needed for cell phones. The companies started to build artifical pine trees ... all the needles were little antennas. The whole tree was on a platform with wheels and when the citizens in that area became aware of this 'pine tree' and what it actually was all about, the tree was transported in another part of town.

The quality of our thoughts has an affect on our emotions and the emotions have an affect on our cells and the water molecules in our body.
We are 70% Water. Check the research of Masaru Emoto, consciousness of water There you'll find the proof.

Many of us are stressed by life, angry, sad, worried, depressed which means we are on a lower vibrationary level which I believe makes them more vulnerable to electromagnetic pollution.

I decided to drink GoChi. Research has proven that GoChi causes beside many other benefits happiness, calmness, and reduces stress.
All I can say is: for our health nd wellbeing it is important to be happy and on a high vibration/frquency
Anna Christine

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Electro Magnetic Frequencies - Effects on our Health

Electro Magnetic Frequencies from all alectrical appliances may have an affect on the cells of our body ... which is not so very good.

It is kind of scary to hear more often that people have brain tumors ... 30 years ago that was very seldom. Could it be that they come from the frequent use of these phones? Many, me included. believe that.

Many also don't know that portable phones are even more of a hazard than cell phones. Don't ask me why, but I read it years ago.

After being a longer time on a cell some experience warmth on the side of the cell phone use. Actually they are lucky to get this warning signal.

I always wondered why not all cell phone users develpop brain tumors and believe now that is must depend on the mood we are in when we are at the phone.

Happy >>> perhaps everything ok

Angry, sad, desperate, fearful >>> perhaps not so good.

In another post I'll let you know why this is in my opinion this way.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

PS.: Actually the Reconnective Healing restores the balance in our body so that we are not so easily upset.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Spiritual Healing - medically verifiable - Lectures

Physicians and healing practitioners report on their experiences in over 400 lectures worldwide
A higher power exists which can help everyone. It is a part of all religions and was known to physicians centuries ago. This ancient knowledge unlocks the door to help and healing once again to people seeking it. It is based on the teachings of Bruno Groening (1906-1959), who became known through his great healings.
Medical specialists, physicians and healing practitioners worldwide belong to the forum of the Medical Scientific Group of the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends. They desire to inform their colleagues and tell people generally of their experiences. Through their medical verification of numerous healing reports they became convinced that people can become free from illness in a natural way.

Lecture contents: Possibilities and limits of spiritual healing
 Medically verified healings are presented and explained in an understandable way
 Healed persons relate how they became free from emotional, organic and so-called medically incurable ailments
 The absorption of the healing power can be experienced in the lecture
Organizer: Medical Scientific Group (MWF) of the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends
Contact: phone: 780-4592212, ·

CALGARYSunday, April 18th, 2010, 3 p.m.
Central Library - Jon Dutton Theatre
616 Macleod Trail S E, LTR City Hall Train Station, Calgary, T2G 2M2
W. Vogelsberger, M.D., Board Cert. Anaesth., Germany, L. Colizoli, M.D., Board Cert. Psych., USA
Monday, April 19th, 2010, 7 p.m.
Kings University College, Room N 101, 9125-50 Street, Edmonton, T6B 2H3
Speaker: W. Vogelsberger, M.D., Board Cert. Anaesth., Germany
Further lectures in following cities:
Nanaimo, Ottawa, Regina Saskatoon, Vancouver Victoria, Winnipeg
Bruno Groening (1906-59)

Anna Christine

PS.: and Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnective Healing® is the next step

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Ascorbic Acid is Not Natural Vitamin C

A quick note, because it is late.
Many people do not know the big difference between ascorbic acid and natural Vitamin C.

The vitamin C in a lemon consists of several componants, perhaps 12 or 13.
Two doctors, Dr. Matthias Rath in Germany and Michael O'Brian in Canada said that if one compares natural vitamin C with a balloon then the skin is ascorbic acid and inside are, I believe, 3 vitamins, a few bioflavenoids and a few other things.

It is not so important to know the names. Important is that the body needs all components to utilize them effectively. Otherwise one is either wasting the money for the ascorbic acid, or it brings the body out of balance,because it takes what it needs from some where else in the body.

Drink the juice from 1/2 a fresh organic lemon and an 8 ounce glass of water in the morning and your body will be happy.

I have actually a client who did this and surprised his family physician because his cholesterol was perfect.

More about this tomorrow.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

PS.: Perhaps this is one of the reasons that so many people drink Himalayan Goji Juice®, beside important active ingredients it also contains a huge amount of vitamin C.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Why do People struggle with a Raw Food Diet?

Most people who start with a Raw Food Diet make a sudden switch from eating processed food. That is a major shift for the body.

First they feel better, but then they start losing energy, can't get out of bed, lose muscle mass or even have digestive issues.
Now ... digestive issues are serious ... we have to assimilate the nutrients to be in vibrant health.
When the body can't do that it will not get enough protein. Crvings happen and some start with emotional eating.

A slow change to raw food is better because otherwise they'll experience an increasing amount of toxic load which is not beneficial.Drink enough water so that the body is able to flush the toxins out.

The body has three choices:
1. put it in the liver,
2. push it through the skin,
3. store it as fat.

Bacterial and Yeast infections might happen.

We live in a toxic world ... mercury, lead, PCBs

When we do not absorb enough nutrients cooked Food cravings happen, like pregnant women experience it ...
If you get enough calories, your cravings will subside.

We need: sugars, plenty of greens, fat and protein.
The protein has to be easily digestible.
Almonds, sunflower seeds, pumkin seeds provide calories. Not enough calories cause imbalances

When you don't eat enough nuts and seeds you might better use protein powder.

Undereating and overeating can also mess up our endocrine system.
Best solution:

1. Make it simple and start gradually ... not so many herbs, superfoods
2. use foods that help to remove the toxins, that is Chorella. It can even remove heavy metals. Leafy green vegetables are also great.
4. Stay committed, but switch slowly so that you can do it for a long time or even for life

I believe that it is great to accompany this with JULE of the Orient which contains lots of nutrients.

Anna Christine
PS.: The raw food diet is so beneficial because of the high life energy. This you'll get also with Himalayan Goji Juice or GoChi

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Parkinson and Cycling

I was listening in the news to the discovery that Parkinson's patients who are 'frozen' when they want to walk actually have no problems riding a bycicle.

Two people phoned the station and told that this discovery was actually not new for them. Unfortunately I forgot the website. it was the BBC, on April 5th, 2010

This reminded me of the young woman who was after a H1N1 swine-flu shot unable to walk and to speak properly (you have to see the video to understand what I mean) ... but when she walked backwards she could speak and I believe she could also speak when she was running.

I heard later that she actually recovered after a certain time.

Strange: Walking impossible but running is possible.

Perhaps we should try all kinds of activities when we are unable to perform one.
One never knows.

Guess we have to learn much more about our brain.

So much for today
Anna Christine