Thursday, July 10, 2014

Joshu Healed from Stage 3 Cancer (Prostate and Colon) Naturally

The following mail I got from RawWorldNews ... you have to read it ... Joshua has proven that Hypokrates was right "You are what you eat"

As much as I believe in the wholistik modalities I practice - Reflexology, Reconnective Healing®, JinShinDo® Acupressure and CranioSacral Therapy  ... their success is most likely affected by the food we eat.

`Dear Friends,

Joshua's story yesterday of healing stage 3 cance*r went viral, with over 2000 shares on Facebook in less than 24 hours!  Thank you!  We couldn't have done that without you! :-) 

The other 27 minute step-by-step healing video that I shared yesterday, covering exactly how to heal yourself naturally or just to be healthy in general also took off.  It's some of the most valuable and high impacting information I have ever put out there.  If you haven't watched it yet, I highly recommend watching it over the weekend by clicking here, because I'm intending to also do a Part II next week to expand further upon this information. 

For those of you who are interested in getting in contact with Joshua and his wife Crystal, their Facebook Pages are below:

If you missed yesterday's post, here it is again below:

Joshua, who weighed 330 pounds at the time, was told that if he didn't go into chemotherapy and under the knlfe, his young wife would become a widow within 6 months. Joshua was an angry person back then, and if his 90lb wife hadn't somehow restrained him from attacking the doct0r after this widow comment, it could have turned into an ugly situation… Instead, Joshua decided to take his health into his own hands and he actually healed himself from prostate and colon cance*r naturally. Oh boy did he prove those doctors wrong! Check out my amazing, inspiring video intervlew with him at the link below...

If you want to know exactly how to heal yourself naturally, like Joshua did, or if you simply just want to feel healthy with more energy and a higher quality of life, I created a step-by-step video below covering exactly how to do all this. If you watch this 27 minute video, you will have all the information you require at your fingertips, so you can do this for yourself and feel 100% empowered. Don't worry, this is not an "extreme raw food" approach. This can be achieved by anyone, no matter what you eat. This video has already helped change people's lives, as you can witness if you read some of the comments below this video on YouTube :-)

Please help me share these two links to get this much needed information out there :-)!  Either forward this email or click the share buttons at each of the two links above.  Thank you! :-)

Anna Christine

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

ADD and ADHD - Research About Psychiatric Drugs - Do Suicide Rates Increase?

This is interesting, I found this video per accident ... The Psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin talks about the research done with Psychiatric drugs we give to our children. . HERE you can listen to him.

He is so sincere, so caring, so kind and he was the first whistle blower and often feared for his life when he was telling the truth about these drugs.
His website is

Hi just says it is better to be with loving children during the war, then to be sent out of London. The research is overwhelming.

Everybody who thinks about taking these drugs or giving them to their children should watch this and listen to him

I am glad to have found this so that you get information from somebody one can trust.

Anna Christine

PS.: experiencing how much clients come into balance after a Reconnective Healing session I believe that this is a better approach.