Thursday, October 30, 2014

Heilung im Licht - Healing in the Light

Als ich in einem der youtube videos von Arnim Risi  hoerte

"Nur das wir keinen Krebs finden heisst nicht das sie keinen Krebs haben" aus dem Buch 'Heilung im Licht' von Armin Risi - die Zuhoerer lachten

musste ich an das Buch "Chemotherapie heilt Krebs und die Erde ist eine Scheibe"  denken

When I heard Arnim Risi in one of the youtube videos say:
``Only that we cannot find cancer does not mean that they do not have cancer` fron the book `Healing in the Light`, from Arnim Risi.- the audience applauded

I had to think of the German title .``Chemotherapy is healing cancer and the  Earth is flat`
see also

Anna Christine

Saturday, October 4, 2014

What We Can do to Help Kidneys and Liver

Out of curiosity I visited a Naturepath to who several of my clients went . He told me that he gives everybody something to help the liver to detoxify. This made absolutely sense to me because of all the toxins in our food and environment.

Years go I heard on  a radio show that it is actually better to help first the kidneys before detoxifying the liver ... because when the kidneys are loaded with toxins it could be dangerous when an additional load of toxins come from the liver.

This made a lo of sense to me. From a friend who is on dialysis I learned that kidneys actually do not give any warning signs when they are in distress ... because they are loaded with toxins.

Just think about how many are taking medication and the effects they have on liver and kidneys.

I decided to drink during the summer a herbal tea from fresh horsetail and during the winter a tea from dried horsetail, dandelions, an,d nettles. Additional also sometimes a tea from lemon balm or sage.
The French Herbalist Messegue wrote that whoever has sage in the garden will never die.

An, in my opinion, excellent Iridologist in Berlin was surprised how few toxins were in my body.

Anna Christine