Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Why is Reflexology so Beneficial?

"Why is Reflexology helping with so many things?" I was asked by a senior 15 years ago.
I can't remember what I answered, but it showed my how little people know about this therapy form.

More and More people are turning now toward alternative ways to stay healthy and help their body. Therefore I believe it is important they know what it is all about.

I decided to have a sequence of information evenings at my home office, some with self-help information.

They'll be in May - June - September - October - November - January - February - March - April

I do not know whether it will be once or twice a month.

Please keep reading my blog-posts for details.

Concerned Wise Owl
Anna Christine

PS.: When you have no time and you want to take the easy route then I can ony recommend to drink every day GoChi. I do it since 6 years.

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