Thursday, January 10, 2013

Health Benefits of Negative Ions

Recently I talked with a client about the importance to have the window open during the night because the night air contains more negative ions as the air during the day. She never heard about this.

Thirty years ago I read already in a book my uncle in Quebec had that the Russians and the Israelis put air improvers that released negative ions in the rooms from Olympic athletes.

Negative ions are molecules that have a negative charge.

My mother had already 40 years ago in Berlin in her bookbindery an instrument that released negative ions to improve the health of her employees ... and indeed,they were seldom sick.

Here are the health benefits of negative ions:
  1. slower breathing ... indicating relaxation
  2. Decreased blood pressure 
  3. Produces a feeling of well being
  4. Faster recovery from exhaustion
  5. better health
  6. Decreased blood sedimentation rate (ESR- a sign of inflammation and is normally elevated in disease states)
  7. cleas pollution in the room
  8. Increased resistance to infection
  9. Beneficial in cases of sinusitis, migraines, insomnia, asthma, hayfever, emphysema, bronchitis.. and ithers
  10. Improves the mood
 They even deprived the air animals (rats) inhaled for a prolonged time from negative ions and that led to an accelerated rate of death if the animals.
Conclusion: open the windows at night and go for a walk in the forest.
Anna Christine

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