Saturday, May 1, 2010

Possible Causes of Allergies

Since nobody in my family has allergies and so many here in Canada have it I wonder what the reason could be... and believe now that it is the toxins.
An allergy happens when we put the last straw on the camel's back (which is our body).

I am suspicious about vaccination because vaccines conain according to Dr. Mercola and others toxins as preservatives ... we had a few but not as many as the babies get nowadays.

Foodaditives are another factor I wonder about. One is in Europe more reflective what to allow in our food and what not. GMO food is not allowed and also not growth hormones in milk ... they are of course also in all products made from milk.
Personally I wonder about cookies ... which I eat from time to time.

Foodadditives are in all prepacked and processed foods. Kevin Trudeau mentioned in his book "Natural Cures "They" Don't Want you to Know about", I believe on page 75, that 15.000 additives can me added without declaring them on the package.

That is enough for me to cook from scratch.

And then think of the water you drink, shower with, bath in.
Also of all the cleaning materials. Vinegar and baking soda do the trick. I have no bleach in the house. The sun is 'bleaching' my cloths.

Oh, what about all the cremes and lotions we use and the hair colour?
It helps in my opinion to detoxify the body continously. One can detoxify with teas, herbs, colonics, but also with therapies to activate the peristaltic of the large inestines.

Reflexology can help a lot. I honestly do not know of another therapy that would achieve the same. There is a reason that I am practicing it.

Stress reduction can be achieved with many therapies and that might also reduce constipation.
Reconnective Healing reduces also stress but achieves much more. It can be done as distance healing.

And ... what is our biggest problem ... we are not moving enough, running enough, don't work in the garden where we have to bend down.

When you move, your food moves through the colon.... easy. Doesn't take the brain of Einstein to figure that out.
Don't laugh, it's true, but only with a lot of activity. Not just going to tha mailbox.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

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