Thursday, October 24, 2013

Bruno Groening Circle of Friends - Follow-up Lecture in Nanaimo

Wednesday, October 23., 2013, I attended in Nanaimo a lecture that informed about the German healer Bruno Groening who lived 60 years ago. on one occasion 10.000 came and many experienced amazing healings. During the meetings of the Circle of Friends of Bruno Groening healings happen too and therefore we need to know about this possibility of healing..

To expand on the information in the lecture 'Healing on the Spiritual Path through the Healings of Bruno Groening' we invite you to an in-depth lecture (ca. 1 1/2 hr). You will hear and learn more about the teachings of Bruno Groening and how you can use the spiritual healing power for yourself and others.
Admission is free

Date: Tuesday, Oct. 29th, 7 pm
Place: Beban Recreation Centre Room 7/8
2300 Bowen Road

Anna Christine

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