Sunday, September 1, 2013

Hormones in Milk, Meat, Chicken, Eggs and Cheeze

Whether parents have boys or girls they should only give them organic meat, organic milk (better no milk at all), organic cheeze, organic chicken, organic eggs, ... all the hormones are catastrophic for the men.
I heard already several years ago in the radio (CBC) when they talked about this topic, that some young men cannot use condoms because the condom is too big, or better they are too small.
Perhaps they make in the meantime smaller ones ... the women are certainly not happy about this either.

The following documentary discloses much more.

Documentary: The Disappearing MaleAugust 31, 2013

By Dr. Mercola

The chemical industry is only 100 years old, but in this short time they’ve created substances that may now be threatening human survival.

A handful of these chemicals are detailed in the film The Disappearing Male,which gives an educational glimpse into exactly why environmental chemicals, and particularly the gender-bending kind, are so detrimental.

It’s becoming quite clear that chemicals in the environment are prompting significant changes to animals, especially males, and that extends to human ‘animals’ as well.

more at

Anna christine

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