Friday, September 24, 2010

Gregg Braden about Importance of our Consciousness

This is important! I am just listening to an interview of Gregg Braden on and it would be so great when all of you could listen. I do not know whether this is still possible tomorrow, Sunday Sept 25., 2010

We live in the time of shift and our consciousnes ... our coherence of brain and heart ... is affecting the world around us ... also the magnetic field of our earth when we are unified and come from a deep feeling of love, care and compassion.

The magnetic field protects us from solar flares and storms and at the moment it becomes weaker and weaker

Gregg Bradons wupte in his book 'God Code'
"The fate of our entire species rests in the hands of an entire generation" - and this means us.

We have to let go of fear, amger, war, and hate ... we have no other choice.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

PS.: The media support our fear.

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