Friday, June 22, 2018

Does Alternative and Complementary Medicine Help?

We all have heard of placebos - harmless sugarpills - that are very effective in treating all kinds of health problems. Placebos help because the doctor is  getting across as convinced it is an effective remedy and the patient believes in him. A patient believes when the doctor is convinced. When a doctor says:  "here, take this and lets see what it will do for you".  the success rate is lower.
This is the big problem of all Alternative/Holistic  and Complementary  Healers. They are not allowed to say  something will help or heal. They are not allowed to make any guarantees, promises, and claims.
A doctor is allowed to do that but in reality s/he also does not know if and which medication will help, because it is the patient that has to heal. It is the patient/client who has to let go of the attachment to the health problem.
Many do not understand this. All I can say is I would never have spent tens of thousands  of dollars when I would not believe in the alternative/holistic and complementary modalities I have studied.

Anna Christine Doehring, RHFP, RCP
Reconnection Certified Practitioner 

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