This is baffling me a lot. Whatever healthproblem we encounter nobody seems to question 'why are all these problems on the rise?' ... I would not count Alzheimer's a disease ... A disease is in my opinion caused by a bug, a germ, something one cannot escape ... and even that is wrong ... because a healthy and happy person is not getting sick. Somebody who gets loved is much happier and healthier!!
When we only try to fix things we will not reduce the amount of people who will get it.
My observations of the world around me show that there are a variety of reasons that cause Alzheimer's
Toxins in our food, in our world around us, in vaccinations .. when we are longer than 8 minutes on a cellphone or a portable phone the bloodbrain barrier opens and the toxins get into our brain.We drink not enough water to flush the toxins out and to replenish the water loss.
We really need 8 glasses per day. A Chinese Dr. once said to me, the body is not recognizing juices and anything with flavour as water. it reacts differently.
Escaping life situations that we do not like. Controlling spouses, the loss of a nice spouse and other family losses.
Injuries to our body that might cause energy blockages in our head. Guess I'll one day write an e-book about this, but first I need to know how to get pictures in an e-book.
It is the best to always try to live a simple life, and to cook from scratch, so that one is not consuming all the food additives.
Just ask yourself what could be the reason that our pets now need to see a veterenarian and need shots and die of cancer as we do. I had two dogs and the first (15 years) had never seen a doctor and the second (12 years) only once because she broke her leg.
It is the dead food, the pellets our pets get. What are many of us eating? processed and/or microwaved food.
We have to find out why so many now are so unfit, so overweight, so tired, so foggy in their head? What is it? We have to teach the children how to eat right! We need again to have gardens? To get food that is alive! Yes, Himalayan Goji Juice and GoChi are excellent and at the moment it is good to drink them, but when we would eat as much as we can out of our garden we would not need them.
Hm, I actually have a garden and still drink these juices because I need to get rid of the toxins I assimilated like lead, mercury, formaldehyde and PCB. I have proof (less liver spots) that my liver gets happier and happier.
Anna Christine
PS: You will be surprised about this, just click here
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