Monday, January 18, 2010

Looking for a Hockey Team in Nanaimo to Practice Bioplasmic Healing on Their Heads.

Recently somebody called to raise money for a hockey activity ... we talked a little and it turned out the guy was worried about his brain functions. He had been in various sports ... and noticed a slowing down of his brain. In my opinion he is absolutely right to be worried.

Any head injury and also the ones of the legs or the back might impair the energy/Chi flow in the Meridians that are going over the head. Nobody knows the effects this can have over time.

I believe hockeplayers benefit from my gift of detecting these blockages (Bioplasmic Healing) and normalizing the energy flow in a hotspot.

When there is a team in Nanaimo ... I would come one day to check their heads out, so that they experience what it is all about.

Now I am curious who will read this.
Anna Christine

PS: You will be surprised when you read THIS

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