Have you read or heard about the Emoto Peace Project for All the Children on Earth?
Please click on this link and see what it is all about. Mr Emoto was over a year ago on his Peace Tour around the world here in Courtenay on Vancouver Island.
On his website you'll find an e-book for children. You can downoad it for free. It shows how our thoughts and words affect the quality of water. He wants the children to know about this. Unimaginable how we harm ourselves and the people around us when we yell at others.
Our bodies are between 70-80% water. Look at the website how water changes when we use happy words in contrast to angry ones.
Masaro Emoto's little book is a really nice present for children and ... has the benefit to help mankind. Everyone who is happy is helping All.
From the always happy
Anna Christine
PS: Did you know that the goji berry is actually called the Happy Berry.
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