Thursday, January 21, 2010

Help when Stung by a Stingray or Wasp - Bitten by a Spider or Snake?

Did you read the post from yesterday??
Here is another one about how much our urine can help us; or the urine from another

Don't laugh ... I am serious.

I know a teenager who got in Mexico stung by a stingray ... when he told me the story he said "but this was not the worst"
My curiosity peaked "What was it??"
"The Mexicans told my Dad to pee on it"

Writing this I wonder whether this would also help when we are stung by wasps and bees or bitten by spiders or snakes. It is worth a try. But NOT with the snakes
Read here what to do.

Not every snake is as peaceful as the one above.

Actually I had forgotten about it when I was stung in the foot by a wasp one day before my flight to Berlin ... a friend told me to put an onion on it ... I did get one from e neighbour, cut it in half and pressed it for 30 minutes on my foot ...
and voila ... nothing was swollen or hurting.
I must admit I forgot the pee part.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

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