I found it!! ...TAIslim ... you do not have to weigh and measure every bite you eat!!! Actually I admire people who do this because I would never do that. This is a juice and when your eating habits are fairly ok then the rules are pretty easy and when you had questionable eating habits, then you will be surprised that you have no cravings. One day I actually tried to eat what I was supposed to eat ... and it was to much for me. Only once I did that.
Beside 27 (twenty seven)reasons to drink TAIslim.TAIslim helps you to reach and maintain a healthy weight in five imoportant ways
1. Fights Abdominal Fat TAIslim contain s FreeLife's exclusive GoChi™ clinically shown to decrease the body's production of stress hormones that cause you to accumulate unhealthy belly fat. Other ingredients act on digestive tract encymes to help reduce the amount of calories absorbed from starchy and fatty foods.
2. Enhances Metabolism
3. Helps Control Appetite
4.Cleanses and replenishes: TAIslim's advanced proprietary NuFlora™ probiotic dexitrin fibre provides gentle cleansing and detoxifying action to promote regularity and healthy microflora, while slowing the absorbtion of food to improve metabolism.
5.One Feels More Energy
They EVEN have a Video
I cannot say how excited I am, because nobody will ever be able to copy it ... The way our Halth Care System goes aGREAT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITYHappy
Anna Christine
PS: There was even a year ago a Weight Loss Competition. Here are the results! The first price was 5000 US$ (five thousand)
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