What is the Important Secret of Deep Breathing?
Beside such a cute play house and all the flowers it is easy to take a deep breath and relax ... but there is a secret ... keep reading!
Because I noticed how calming deep belly breathing is I often ask my clients to take a deep breath and mostly their chest goes up. When I ask them to do belly breathing they can’t … to help I place then a heavy book on their tummy and say “Take a breath so that the book goes up” then it is easier for them.
Jo Dunning talked in one of her abundance calls about the secret of deep breathing
We have different kinds of neurological receptors in our lungs
The receptors in the upper parts have to do with fight or flight,When we take a shallow breath the air in the upper part of the lung triggers stress, concern, fear, worry and other stressful emotions.
When we take a deep breath and the air flows stimulates the receptors in the deeper parts of our lungs we experience relaxation
As we take deeper breaths we become more trustingAs we take a deep breath we become more peaceful
As we take a deep breath we are in a state of harmonyAs we take a deep breath we fall easier asleep, or can better rest,
AS we feel safe and centered
Our mind begins to relax, we have new ideas, new thoughts, insights why we have challenges and insights how to resolve those challenges
All these responses are biochemically supported right in our physical body
It automatically comes to you
Our body is set up to assist us.
As far as I can remember I did always practice belly breathing …. Now I know why I was always happy, trusting and easy going
I just love Jo Dunning and her teachings. Her website is www.jodunning.com
At the moment you’ll find there abundance recordings for FREE.
Wise Owl
Anna Christine
PS: When you are left brained and you're tired of struggling with debt, fearful of the current economic crisis, and paralyzed by the pace of change, I've got a great way for you to take control of your future and start the year off with a BIG BANG!
PPS: The little house is in my garden. I really love it.
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