Today I talked with a man who had been very active in various sports.
He wanted to raise money for a Hockey event and that caused me to mention how concerned I am about all these athletes who have concussions, get up and keep playing.I knew from my childhood in Germany that a friend had to stay three weeks in bed after a concussion.
I explained that all injuries, hits, falls and so on cause impairments of the chi flow (energy flow) in the body and may cause years later serious problems. The body is not always able to repair itself.
I told him about my gift to detect these blockages with my fingertips and that he should check my website to read more under Bioplasmic Healing (Pranic Healing), perhaps I should better call it "My Gift" because it is not an official healing modality.
So, in case you are involved in any sports activity ... please please have a look at my website and ... because I am not everywhere ... go from time to time to a good acupressurist or in that case better acupuncturist and get your body checked, whether there are any energy flow impairments. There are little devices some therapists have that can indicate these energy impairments.
I'm just lucky to have this gift to detect the problems when I touch with my finger tips the head ... when there is something not right my fingers start moving, as if I would scratch a mosquito bite.
So please, take your Hits and Falls seriously because they might cause trouble in 10, 20, 30, 40 years.
Your concerned
Anna Christine
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