Our Intention is for the manifestation of our New Year Goals extremely important, may it be Weight Loss - Health - Prosperity
Knowing how important our emotions are for the manifestation of our goals I startet for over 5 years to drink Himalayan Goji Juice and later GoChi. Originally I did this to stay healthy. Then I found out that Himalayan Goji Juice has the same frequency as Joy, Peace and Love have.
Could it be that this is one of the reasons that it changed so many lives to the positive? Truly happy people are seldom sick. Look around you.
Everything around us was once a thought in a persons mind. Everything! When we want to manifest positive experiences in our life we have to change the way we look at life and things will change.
Doesn't it make sense that an positive outlook on life causes positive experiences and a sad, depressed, angry or fearful outlook attracts experiences that are on the same wave length.
Proof: When a teacher gets told that a specific child is a problematic child, then his behaviour towards that student is in a way that it causes exactly what the teacher expected.
Research has shown that the expectation of the observer changes the results. Therefore we have randomized,plazebo controlled doubleblind clinical trials
Wishing you a prosperous, successful and HEALTHY New Year
Anna Christine
PS: Many believe you have to work hard to be financially prosperous and living a joy-filled life. Nothing could be further from the truth! Prosperity is your birthright -- all you have to do is claim it.
What is the 2025 Prediction?
1 month ago
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