Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hannah's Penny Project.

Listen to Shiral Tobin's interview of Hannah at The Early Edition CBC Radio I thought "Finally somegbody for whom ONE PENNY still has worth.

Hannah started her Penny Project for buying food for Wilson Heights United Church and First United Church on Vancouver’s downtown eastside.

I wondered:
How many people live on Vancouver Island?
We are 734,860 ... when each of us would give 10 Cent per week, then we would have 73,486.00$ Seventythreethousand Dollar per week for the Foodbanks.
Yes, I know there are children and very old people ... but each of the others could easilyt spare ONE Dollar per week.

We have to start thinking of others. When the Trillionaires are not doing it we have to do it ... one day they'll wake up ... the world is changing ... rapidly changing ...!

Anna Christine

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Smart Meters - Can we Stop Them?

Today I got this mail and was very excited that the first polititian takes action against all the others

"Dear Friends,
Please sign this petition to halt the installation of wireless Smart Meters in BC.
Please do so by Tuesday.
NDP Energy Critic John Horgan will take all your signatures
(online and hard copy)
into the Victoria Legislature on November 24 and demand a halt to BC
Hydro's Smart Meter
Program. We already have 5,000+ signatures. Would be nice to reach


And here is my blog posting on the subject of Smart Meters:

Please forward this message.
Stay strong, live long!
Kim Goldberg"

All together we can achieve anything!
Anna Christine

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Mouse for Laptop is NOT working - Smart Meter Interferences

On the Portland Press Herald, November 19, Electronics on the fritz?
I found the following ... Now I know why my mouse for the laptop didn't work.
Could be smart meters well I have the thing they hung on my door nob AND there is NO such disclosure on it. it does say:

"Your electric smart meter was successfully installed. There was a brief power outage during the installation. Please check you appliances and electronic equipment to reset timers and clocks " That is it. That is all it says about your appliances and equipment .

This is the first I have heard of possible interference. IT IS NOT ON THE DOOR NOB HANGY THING Yes I kept the thing! and my USAGE has mysteriosuly gone up since it was installed-----a noticable and regular amount,

I have a clock that continuously turns off on its own. And I thought my wireless mouse wasn't working--- quite frustrating in fact.

Anna Christine
PS.: Info from Kamloops: When her meter went in she felt like she was back in chemo, vomitting, nausea... all the rest.
The day after she complained hydro came and replaced!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Cell Towers Cause Cancer in Kindergarden Children.

If you haven't seen the documentary "Full Signal" yet, here's a taste of things to come, from Chicago:

This very short video gives you an idea what the microwaves/radiowaves from cell towers can cause in Kindergarden Children.

Cell towers have antennas that enable us to use our cell phones. Sometimes they are disguised as artificial trees. Every needle of the tree is an antenna and the 'tree' is 'planted' on a rolling plantform so that it can be rolled to another location when people discovered them and are opposing them because of the health dangers.

Anna Christine

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Danger - Corix installs Smart Meters -- Get Educated about Radio Waves

They are heeeere…. Corix is in town (all over Vancouver Island) going block to block and door to door replacing our perfectly good old-fashioned hydro meters with Smart Meters.

Have you boxed in your hydro meter so that it cannot be replaced without your consent? And have you posted your sign beside it saying ‘No Smart Meter’ at your address?

people are caging their meters with a wire freezer basket screwed onto their house. And still others are finding a way to padlock it.

However you do it, the point is to prevent the meter from being switched out, but still allow enough access for the meter reader to read the dials on your old meter.

Here is the link to the sign you can post beside your old hydro meter.

But the sign alone may not be enough. Reports are rolling in from all over Vancouver Island of Corix installers blatantly disregarding the posted signs on people’s homes and swapping out the old meter for a smart meter, leaving the sign plainly posted beside it.
The radiation around the meter [extends] 20 feet. It happens every three minutes.”
It takes a Corix installer a mere 10 minutes to make the switch.
The only way to prevent this abuse of your rights is to physically enclose your meter as described above.
1. Health Concerns
2. Privacy amd Security Concerns
3. Local Government Opposition
4. Job Losses
5. Your Hydro Bill

For more information, visit Citizens for Safe Technology.

Anna Christine

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Dr. Magda Havas - The Truth About Wired & Wireless Technologies - Also Smart-Meters

In my last post I wrote that being in this world is like being in a microwave oven because of all the Electromagnetic Frequencies around us. I watched Dr. Magda Havas'on THIS video and she was saying the same. First Rodney Palmer was talking about WiFi in schools. Actually two deaths occured in the schools.

Magda Havas is an associate professor of Environmental & Resource Studies at Trent University. Watch Dr. Magda Havas for a primer on RF EMR:

We have to stop believing that the Media are telling the total truth. We have to do our own research. We have the internet. It seems to me that the Europeans as for example the people in Swizzerland,France, UK,Germany,Russia, and India are much more alert. They know it since a long time.

Amma Christine
PS.: On you find what you can do.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Smart Meter & Microwave Oven - Effects on Health

Dr. David Carpenter, a Harvard Medical School-trained physician says the following about Smart Meters.

Microwave Ovens were in Russia 1976 forbidden.

John St. John organized recently a protest against Smart Meters in Qualicum to get signatures of citizens that are understanding the dangers of Smart Meters and are opposing them.

During this protest I was holding up a sign "Who wants to be cooked in a Microwave Oven?"

It was areally scary to see how few people understood what I meant. Most of them were either upset not amused.

Let me explain. All our modern communication systems are emmiting microwaves and depending of their frequency they are harmful or not.

I read in a metaphysical book that microwave ovens were created to make us understand that these microwaves are 'cooking' us. KInd of makes sense. I will never have one, because then I would have to eat dead food.

Therefore I write now the third time in my Blogs about the frog that put in a pot with water will stay in it even when it gets heated up. He will stay there until he is cooked.

My other Blog is on my website

How many of these Microwaves a person can handle without harm differs from person to person. It depends in my opinion of their physical and emotional health.

Sooner or later the last drop (the last microwave) is put in the bucket and the level of electrical sensitivity is reached with all its consequences. Apparently it never goes away.

Look around ... how many have allergies? Allergies are caused by an accumulation of toxins in the body ... during my school and university time in Germany npbody had allergies. Now it seems that people expect it. Sometimes I have even the feeling they feel as if they are special to have an allergy.

In my opinion the same will happen with the Smart Meters that expose us to much higher radiation than cell phones. It also affects plants and bees.

Check it out on Google. A ghood website is

In short: we are in a microwave oven because we are continous bombarded with frequencies form Radio stations, TV stations, computers, cell phones, portable phones, cell towers, I-phones, smart-phones, portable phones and now Smart Meters and the antennas that go with them.

Our Health Care system will never be able to handle the resulting problems and the aging Babay Boomers.

Wake up and take action!

Wise Owl
PS.: actually I believe the balanced state of the brain one reaches with Reconnective Healing might help us.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Nanaimo - Metaphysical Fair

Holistic Metaphysical Fair at the
Unity Spiritual Education Center in Nanaimo, Vancouver Island
2325 East Wellington Road (between Dowen and Jinglepot Road
Saturday, November 5th,10:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.

$2.00 Admission includes appetizers.

Reconnective Healing, Reiki, Reflexology, Massage, Past Life Readings, Clairvoyants, Tarot Cards, and more will be offered at varied rates.

Tickets for Practitioners are available for $5.00 per ticket, (to be purchased at the fair) ... chose the services you like.

Please come and enjoy this Unity and, please, let your friends know too.

Perhaps there are still places left to participate in the Fair and to support Unity's fundraising.

I will be there so that you can experience short Reconnective Healing sessions. This new and powerful form of healing is in Serbia already part of the medical training. 600 doctors came to the seminar.

Anna Christine

Thursday, October 27, 2011

REconnective Healing at Mind, Body, Spirit Fair in Nanaimo at Country Club Mall.


I will be at this Health and Psychic Fair to answer all your questions regarding Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection ... and to give short Reconnective Healing Sessions. Length 10 min or 20 min.

The dates are:

Friday October 28th, 9:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M.
Saturday October 29th, 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.
Sunday October 30th, 11:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.

When itis getting quiet in the evenings I might leave about one hour earlier

Reconnective Healing is part of the Medical Training in Serbia. It is the only form of healing that goes beyond the 4th dimension ... discovered the Quantum Physicists. Look up the bullets about RH on my website below.

I know it is late to let you know, but I was too busy with clients and to let people know about the dangers of Smart Meters. gives a lot of information.

Anna Christine
PS.: great info about Chemtrails ... Smart Meters and more on ... with proof how one gets fried in his bedroom because of the Smart Meters on the other houses.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Dangers of Prescription Drugs and Driving a Car

Dr. Mercola had in his recent newsletter the following headline.
The New Epidemic Sweeping Across America (and it's Not a Disease)

Always curious I wanted to know what it is about ... I read that

37,485 people died from drugs which was  fueled by overdoses on prescription pain and anxiety medications, versus 36,284 from traffic accidents

Now I started thinking ... unfortunately I don't know how many passengers are in an airplaine and took about 300 ... then the above figure would mean that around TEN airplanes would have to drop per year to reach the figure of over 3000 ... I magine how scared people would be of flying.

Without any fear they get into their cars and take prescription drugs (probably without checking out what the side effects of the drug might be).

Do people ever think about that any drug that requires a liver check is for example most likely hard on the liver and/or kidneys?

Perhaps it would be wise to check on google what the drug one takes is all about.

Wise and curious Owl
Anna Christine
PS>: After a Reconnective Healing session clients tand to feel calm ... some are energized.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Dangers of Milk and Fancy Coffees with Milk

Yesterday I was at one of the major coffee-bars and was surprised how many are actually drinking coffees loaded with milk and probably sugar. Very few have a plain coffee. Do they not know what cows get to stay healthy and produce a lot of milk? They get antibiotics. I don't know the rules for Canada regarding growth hormones in general but I just read on Dr. Mercola's website that there is one specific hormone that is not allowed in Canada and many other countries. In the USA it is allowed.

What I noticed on my walks around Westwood Lake is that half of the men have noticable breasts.  Could it be from meat and dairy products with growth hormones?

Or is it from the water in plastic bottles. Apparently the plastic releases chemicals that mimic female hormones.

What about cookies produced in the USA that contain milk?

I have an audio tape called "dangers of milk" which caused me to only buy organic butter, cheese, and joghurt.

We all need to educate ourselves more about the things we eat. Google makes it easy.
Just type in the search bar "dangers of ---"
or "side effects of ---" and then go to page two and get educated.

In regard to the masculinity of men I heard years ago something very scary in the radio.
More about that another time

Anna Christine

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Reactions of a Toxic Body

Another perspective on my post from yesterday ... we can also see
our health as the FROG - the body as the WATER -  and what we eat as the HEAT

On my yahoo-landing-page I read today the following headline
Alberta Woman suing Tim Hortens over 'toxic' Iced Coffee.

Since I had a few months ago with my friends one of these coffees and nothing happened to us. I wondered whether extreme reactions to fairly small amounts of 'toxic' food ingredients are also a sign that this was 'the last drop in a bucket' of an already toxic body.

This is in my opinion a thought worth to think about.

I did a bit of google research and found this Blog

where several people reported about their experiences with various fancy coffees.

Under No 10. is written "Everything I order at Tim Hortons gives me diarrhea. Coffee, soup, chili, ......  Same result.
Comment by Timmy Runs on December 18, 2010 at 8:11 pm

Another way to think about this is the following "the healthier a bocy is the faster and more violent it will react to any toxic substance consumed."

Therefore we really have to think about what we eat and avoid as much as possible o eat processed food because we'll never know how many toxins it contains.

Homegrown organically grown food is the best.

Anna Christine

Friday, October 21, 2011

Smart Meter dangers - Don't behave like a Frog

On a recent Sign-Up Action against Smart Meters in Qualicum Beach, Vancouver Island,I was holding up the following sign

"Who Wants to be Cooked in a Micro-Wave Oven?"

I am writing this because I believe many did not understand what the message was.

Living in a modern world means to be constantly exposed to electromagnetic frequencies also called micro waaves.

These are constantly getting more and more. The cell towers we need for cell phones are so dangerous that the population in Swizzerland hated them. The companies constructed therefore  artificial pine trees on a rolling platform. Every needle was an antenna. When the population found out where they were one rolled them to another location.

People's sensitivity to these frequencies is different and is most likely depending of their lifestyle, exposure to toxins, eating habits and emotional stability.

Do you know how a frog behaves? Placed in a cooking pot with cold water the frog stays happily in it when it gets heated up ... more and more and more ... warmer and warmer until it boils and the frog dies.

This seems to happen to us now, radio, telephone, I-phone, computers, I-pods, Blackberries, cellphones, cellphone towers and now Smart-Meters and their distribution antennas ... all are emitting electromagnetic frequencies. To a certain degree we will adapt to that but qho will and who will not?

Slowly but slowly the radiation gets more and more and more  ...  we are the frogs ... we have to wake up ... and we have to stop it!

Our immune system might suffer as that of the bees which are dying. Plants are affected and there are already many humans with a Hypersensitivity to Electromagnetic Frequencies. Nobody knows how many will be there in 5 years.

Anna Christine


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Population Reduction

Nature published recently an article called  'Solutions for a Cultivated Planet'
It was pointed out that only 35% of all crops are used for food production and 65% are used to feed animals we later kill and eat.

To make it even worse ... between 30% - 50% of food grown is not eaten
  • losses on fields  
  • not enough cooling capacities
  • he forgot the food that is rotting in many fridges and then thrown out
  • he forgot also all the food the supermarkets have to throw out because the expiry date is reached but whoich is ok and could be used by food kitchens. I know this from a mature supermarket employee
  • he forgot all the produce not used because the vegetables and fruits don't have the perfect size
The article points out we do not have to cut the rainforest down ...  when we use the cultivated land more for growing food that humans eat and not so much for food that our cattle, pigs, chicken, and turkeys eat.

In short when we start eating less meat and more grains and vegetables.
Having grown up in Germany I must say the way we ate was actually healthy ... fish on Friday and meat on Sunday ... the other days we ate other things. I honestly can't remember because my priotity is not eating.

Now comes the polulation reduction part.
Accidently I read yesterday in the metaphysical book 'The Pleiadian Agenda'the following:
  1. People who eat mainly fruits have no sex drive
  2. People who eat also vegetables have only a little bit of sex drive
  3. People who are half hearted vegetariens and eat chicken and other poultry have kind of a normal sex drive ... perhaps now and then or once or twice a week... the author did not get into the details
  4. BUT the BEEF and PORK eaters really go for it
Writing this I can't remember about whether fish was mentioned or not.

Which means the overpopulation problem will be solved over time when we become vegetarians.

AND the Overpopulation Problem will even be solved faster when we CONSUME GMO CORN, GMO SOY BEAN products, GMO CANOLA OIL AND WHAT ELSE IS GENEMANIPULATED.
because  research has shown that GMO food REDUCES OUR FERTILITY.

Mice and other animals like elephants (somebody in the Supermarket told me that, he has been in Asia) for example know that ... they are obviously smarter than humans ... why??? Having the choice between GMO food and NOT-GMO food they chose to eat the NON-HMO food.

Reading and thinking Wise Owl
Anna Christine
PS.: my thinking is so good because research has proven that Reconnective Healing upgrades and balances the brain. I actually have MRI proof.

Friday, October 14, 2011

What Can be Done with Microwaves

Hi this is an interesting interview of Barrie Tower who was a member of the Royal Navy and explains what can be done with microwaves.

For example: They were used by the Russians who directed the waves towards the US Ambassy and after 18 months everybody who worked in the Ambassy had to be replaced because they had cancer.
The same happened to the next group of employees.

Actually I was watching a shorter video but at the moment I cannot find it. Knowledge about this issue has to be made public because of the Smart-Meter installation that is happening.
Radiowaves are also microwaves.

The Netherlands opted out. China and India too.

After watching this you will know more.
Anna Christine

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Fluoride - Smart-Meter - Chemtrail Connection

Sodium Fluoride that is in most of our tooth pastes and the drinking water  is actually toxic waste from the aluminium, phosphoric acid and phosphate fertilizer industries. Millions of tons of fluoride are produced each year. It is different from the naturally occuring fluoride that seems to be good for teeth.

At the back of your toothpaste you'll find it is for adults and children over 12 and a warning label that if more than a pea-sized amount is swallowed, to get medical help immediately.

So, what is wrong with our authorities that they allow this?
  • Hyperactivity and a lower IQ in children
  • More docile towards authority
  • Numbs brain
  • Memory problems
  • Cancer
  • Dental fluorosis and Skeletal fluorises
  • Osteoporosis, skeletal thinning, fractures,
  • Anemia
  • Arthritis
  • Kidney disease
  • Calcification of Pineal Gland
  • Immune deficiencies
  • Premature aging since it damages enzymes.
  • Digestive system,
  • Respiratory system
  • Blood circulation,
  • Liver
  • Thyroid - Hormone disruptor
Charles E. Perkins, Chemist, after nearly 20 years of fluoride research: “Any person that drinks artificially flioridated water for a period of one year or more will never be the same person mentally or physically”
It numbs brain and makes people more docile towards authority ...
This was the reason it was used by Stalin in the prison camps and by Hitler in the Eastern occipied countries.
Perhaps this is the reason that there is not a public outcry about the installation of Smart-Meters. I begin to wonder. gives you a lot of information and also what you can do.

When we are longer than 8 minutes exposed to electromagnetic frequencies from cell phones, portable phones, wireless technology, cell-towers and what is connected to the Smart-Meters our blood-brain-barrier is opened and the toxins and heavy metals in the blood get into the brain.
Chemtrails contain beside other things aluminum and Barium. 
Alzheimers went up 200% ... I don't know over which time period.

On google you'll find more about Chemtrails. They are NOT Con-trails.

All I know is that during an Estate-Talk at the bank it was said  everybody's brain will not function properly anymore when we are old.

Pam Edgar and I talked on October 11th on CHLY radio about this topic.

Anna Christine
PS.: it is for our health so important to be informed.


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Interview with Somebody of the Royal Navy in Regard to Microwaves

Most of us are very busy with work and family and they don't have time to research and read a lot about electromagnetic frequencies and what can achieved with them beside having the radio play, and telephone,TV, Computer, laptop, fridge, freezer, light bulbs functioning ... this here will open your horizon.

Please please stay calm and happy after knowing that! I am serious about the happiness!!!

Anna Christine

Monday, October 10, 2011

Why Raw Food? - Because it Has Life Energy

In my last post I wrote about the lacking life energy of microwaved food.
Depending of the age and health of our parents we are all born with a certain amount of life energy called Kidney Jing.

This Jing gets replenished by sleeping, meditating, being in nature, and also eating healthy food, nuts, grains, seeds, dried and fresh fruits, legumes, fish, boiled eggs, raw food and steamed vegetables.

... and as little as possible processed food.
Processed and microwaved food has no life energy ... this is one of the reasons so many are sick.

Dr.Fritz Popp in Germany found out that evey cell is surrounded by a 'halo' ... that is its life energy. When we become sick this life energy diminishes ... as for example in cancer ... and chemo reduces it even more.

This is probably one of the reasons why microwave ovens were in Russia in 1975 forbidden.

When we want to be healthy we have to start thinking, observing and drawing conclusions.

Some people don't know what healthy food is. The parents never told and showed them ... but there is also another reason ... more about that in my next post.

Anna Christine

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Is Microwaved Food Healthier than Steamed or Cooked Food?

Listening today, October 8, 2011, to the weekly CBC Show Quirks and Quarks I could not believe what I heard.

Dr. Massimo Marcone, of the Department of Food Science at the University of Guelph was interviewed and

was in all seriousness saying ( use this link ) that microwaved food is healthier that otherwise prepared food because it contains more nutrients.

The coincidences of life are amazing. Before the radio show I  was at a Petition Signing against Smart Meters in Qualicum. Holding up a sign "Who likes to be cooked in a Microwave Oven?" a couple told me the story of two dentists who were only eating microwaved food because they had no time for cooking properly ... the microwave oven was close to where they worked. They became very sick and the doctor could not figure out what was causing it.

Finally they went to a Naturepath who found the correlation between the microwaved food and their deteriorating health.

There are in my opinion most likely three REASONS ...
1.The lack of life energy in the microwaved food
2.The nutrients might have another frequency or molecular structure
3.The exposure to the radiation of the micro wave oven

The Russians forbid in 1976 Microwave Ovens.
I had a few years ago in Germany a device to measure microwaves. This little tool did not have a scale but by the noise level one knew whether it was a lot or not. Through three brick walls one could still hear the noise.

I have no microwave oven and avoid in restaurants food that is microwaved.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

Saturday, October 1, 2011

What is the Smart-Meter - Blood-Brain Barrier - Connection

Do Smart-Meters cause health problems? I believe they do. Years ago I heard on a tape about cell phones and portable phones that  after 8 minutes the blood-brain barrier that protects our brain opens and all the toxins and heavy metals that might be in the blood are getting into the brain.

Before writing this post I wanted to make sure that there is proof on the internet and searched for german research about opening of blood brain barrier after 8 min in cell phone

I found THIS which explains pretty well the dangers. It explains also why Alzheimers has a 200% increase.

Now ... imagine to have a Smart-Meter at your house and on all the other houses, which are constantly emitting electromagnetic radiation. After reading another website I even don't dare to imagine what the health of many citizens might be in a few years.

I truly hope the Canadians and Americans wake up and take action. What concerns me too is that burglars with technical Know-How can see when we are on vacation and they can also access our wireless laptops.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Reconnective Healing is Important for Our Ascension Process!

The One - Aspiritual Event will take place on Sept. 23 - 24 - 25, 2011 in the Community Centre, Jensen Ave., Parksville, Vancouver Island.
Details you'll find here

Friday: 4 – 8:30 pm
Saturday 9:30 am – 8 pm
Sunday 9:30 am – 5 pm

Anna Christine Doehring will speak Sunday at 4 pm about 'Reconnective Healing and the Relevance of 2 chapters of 'The Keys of Enoch', J. J. Hurtak. This is very important for our Ascension process.
At this event one has the choice between Workshops, Keynote Speakers,Exhibitors with books, CDs and DVDs, crystals, psychic readings, art,jewellery, and more. Also Pre and post workshops.

Anna Christine will be there with information material and also to answer your questions about Reconnective Healing and Reflexology.

More information about Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection you will find in Eric Pearl's book 'The Reconne tion - Heal Others - Heal Yourself' and also on his website

Anna Christine

Monday, September 12, 2011

Radio Show About One Link of Snoring - Sleep-Apnea - Incontinence - Acidic Reflux

Tomorrow on Tuesday Sept. 13, 2011 I'll talk on Chly Malaspine Radio, Nanaimo, Vancouver Island about one link sleep apnea, snoring, incontinence and acidic reflux have in common.

CHLY 101.7 FM from 3 pm – 4 pm PST
‘Living For The Health of It’ with Pam Edgar
For questions you can call in during the show. The number will be announced.

August 9th, 2011 we talked about the dangers of an acidic body

Shows are available for download or to listen on  click on the ‘Podcast’ button on the right, scroll down to Living for the Health of It , there will be a link to the menu of shows where one has to choose the date.
For more info and other events click on

Anna Christine

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Rugby and Academic Performance

Rugby is not necessarely improving acdemic performance as I read in one Blog. Over ten years ago the son of one of my clients came to me because of shoulder problems. At that time I practiced mainly Reflexology and JinShinDo Acupressure.

Because of the sensitivity of certain reflex areas on feet and ears and also Acupressure points I asked him "How is it going in school?"

He told me that he worried a bit because his memory was not as good anymore and it also took him longer to process information.

At that time he was in the process of moving to Vancouver and I recommended to see perhaps once a year an Acupressurist or Reflexologis so that the Chi-flow (energy-flow) in his head gets balanced because he might have otherwise more problems when he is older.

I can only hope he followed my advice.

Would he come now then I would check his head with my special ability to detect energy blockages, which one of my clients called 'Brain-Rejuvenator'
You'll find experiences of clients under 'testimonials'

Anna Christine

PS.: Please take sports injuries seriously!!! More on my blog

Monday, August 29, 2011

The Truth about the Smart-Meters

I got a few days ago this e-mail and after having been at a Public Hearing in Nanaim where the BC Hydro Representative really downplayed the danger I was shocked to watch this 3 min video

Richmond Smart Meter
Constant RF Signals between the Collection Antenna and the closest home at the Richmond BC Smart Meter test site - North West Richmond BC


They admit that the meter on your home will submit information every 15 minutes - but what they are not telling you - is that every meter in you neighbourhood also transmits their info through your meter - meaning that your meter is transmitting microwave signals constantly... and with readings much, much higher than the recommended safety levels = 24/7 through your home, you, your children and pets.
At this Northwest Richmond B.C. location, this video shows an RF meter reading the microwave transmissions between a newly installed Smart Meter and its collection antenna on the street. The readings show that the microwave signals are constant, with frequent and significant spikes of a thousand or higher. Neighbouring meters would be transmitting in the same way. Also don't forget that Ontario hydro bills have doubled and tripled since installing the smart meter - so people are paying hydro double for making them sick!

It is best to write to our representatives in the government who obviously not have the time to look into all the information.
Anna Christine

Monday, August 15, 2011


Now ... please read this to the very end because I'll write about two events that happened which prove that even when this story might be not quite true ... it is possible.

While conducting some business at the Court House, I overheard a lady, who had been arrested for assaulting a Mammogram Technician, say, "Your Honor, I'm guilty but.....there were extenuati ng circumstances."
The female Judge said, sarcastically, "I'd certainly like to hear those extenuating circumstances." I did too so, I listened as the lady told her story.

"Your Honor, I had a mammogram appointment, which I actually kept. I was met by this perky little clipboard carrier smiling from ear to ear and she tilted her head to one side and crooned, "Hi! I'm Belinda! All I need you to do is step into this room right here, strip to the waist, then slip on this gown. Everything clear?"

I'm thinking, "Belinda, try decaf. This ain't rocket science."

Belinda then skipped away to prepare the chamber of horrors.

With the right side finished, Belinda flipped me (literally) to the left and said, "Hmmmm. Can you stand on your tippy toes and lean in a tad so we can get everything?" Fine, I answered.

I was freezing, bruised, and out of air, so why not use the remaining circulation in my legs and neck to finish me off? My body was in a holding pattern that defied gravity (with my other breast wedged between those two 4 inch pieces of square glass) when I heard and felt a zap!

Complete darkness, the power was off!

Belinda said, "Uh-oh, maintenance is working, bet they hit a snag." Then she headed for the door.

"Excuse me! You're not leaving me in this vise alone are you?" I shouted.

Belinda kept going and said, "Oh, you fussy puppy...the door's wide open so you'll have the emergency hall lights. I'll be right back."

Before I could shout NOOOO! She disappeared. And that's exactly how Bubba and Earl, "maintenance men Extraordinaire" found me...half-naked with part of me dangling from the Jaws of Life and the other part smashed between glass!

After exchanging a polite Hi, how's it going type greeting, Bubba (or possibly Earl) asked, to my utter disbelief, if I knew the power was off.

Trying to disguise my hysteria, I replied with as much calmness as possible, "Uh, yes, I did but thanks anyway."

"OK, you take care now" Bubba replied and waved good-bye as though I'd been standing in the line at the grocery store.

Two hours later, Belinda breezes in wearing a sheepish grin. Making no attempt to suppress her amusement, she said, "Oh I am sooo sorry! The power came back on and I totally forgot about you! And silly me, I went to lunch. Are we upset?"

And that, Your Honor, is exactly how her head ended up between the clamps...."

The judge could hardly contain her laughter as she said "Case Dismissed!

Here is what had happened to other people:
1. A policeman in Bavaria arrested on a Friday evening a man and put him in a room of a large brick-building as they have them in Europe. He forgot to tell others about this arrest. The arrested man was found after 11 (eleven) days ... he was alive. probably because he had been drinking his own urine.

2.During his exam for the Masters Degree in bookbinding (Germany) my son-in-law had two put a book into a book-press - for about 30 seconds - something failed with the technology and he could not open the press for several minutes. The book was ruined. He had a nervous breakdown and left the building. He had for weeks only slept 3-4 hours per night prepraring for the exam. He never finished the exam, and never tried the exam again.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

Friday, August 12, 2011

Dangers of an Acidic Body

Pam Edgar who has every Tuesday from 2 pm - 4 pm on Malaspina CHLY Radio FM 101.7 the show "Living for the Health of it" decided that we talk every second Tuesday of a month from 3 pm - 4 pm to talk about one topic only.
We decided to do it only one hour because I will give quite a bit of information and 2 hours might be too long ... and ... others want to be on the show too.
Last Tuesday, on August 16th,2011, we talked about the dangers of an acidic body ... all disease needs an acidic body too strive ... also cancer.
When you go to you can listen to it under 'podcasts. The next time I'll be on the show Sept 13th. The Topic will be:
Sleep Apnea
Acidic Reflux
Beside perhaps other triggers all of them have one common cause, which doctors don't seem to know. Only one doctor mentioned it together with Acidic Reflux.
Wise Intuitive Owl
Anna Christine


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Orange Juice Truth

Today I read on Shine from yahoo the article 'Not so sweet: Even 100 percent pure" orange juice is artificially flavoured' It was pointed out that even to fresh juices artificial flavouring is added.

And from pasteurized, not-from-concentrate orange juice they remove the oxygen to be able to store it in large amounts for longer times. With the oxygen they also remove the flavour. Companies that are producing drinks are therefore hiring flavour and fragrance companies to recreate later the original fruit flavour.

Reading this I had to think of the three doubleblind studies done with GoChi. A juice made from fresh gojiberries. One group got the original GoChi made from high quality fresh gojiberries (the price for goji berries in China varies between 3$ - 30$ per kg) and the other juice was a creation of a flavour and fragrance company. There was no goji in it at all but it tasted the same.
When you read here about the 19 benefits of GoChi you will understand why I drink it since 2005

My opinion about Orange juice ... it is healthier to drink every morning the juice from 1/2 organic lemon with 8 ounces of water.
Healthy wise owl
Anna Christine
PS.:Actually I drink orange juice VERY seldom ... only in an airplane ... because of another fact. More about that next time

Saturday, July 23, 2011

An Acidic Body is dangerous

Anna Christine Doehring will talk on Nanaimo Malaspina CHLY Radio FM 101.7
about why an acidic body is so dangerous.

Time August 9, 2011, from 3 pm - 4 pm
with Pam Edgar on 'Living For The Health of It'
During this time one can call the station and ask questions.

Because it is difficult to measure this acidity it is good to know which signs our body is giving us when we are a little bit acidic, a little bit more acidic and ... actually it is nearly too late when we get the last signs.

This is a VERY serious topic doctors usually not talk about, because it takes time to do so.

Disease needs an acidic body to flourish.

Anna Christine

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Is it ok to Take so Much Vitamin D?

I was always wondering whether it is ok to take so much Vitamin D. Too much from one mineral or vitamin brings the body out of balance.

Dr. Eric Pearl, who teaches Reconnective Healing, said years ago during the seminar that one can easily overdose on vitamin D.
I asked one of my clients, an MD, why he would say this and she answered "Vitamin D is fat soluble, that is why ... one can also easily overdose on Vitamin A because it is also fat soluble."

That is the reason that I go into the sun, in case it shines.

I was thinking 'finally!' when I was reading on Dr.Mercola's blog the headline "Without this Vitamin D May Actually Cause Heart Disease."

But then it was all about Vitamin K2, because it is thought to reduce coronary calcification. The studies were inconsistent because some included apparently Vitamin K1 too and others not and K1 has a different effect.

Now you probably want to know which foods contain Vitamin K2? Because I was curious too I looked and found

Bad news for all the bread and meatlovers ... it is in the greens ... broccoli, spinach, parsley and so on.

Wise owl
Anna Christine

Monday, July 11, 2011

Sunscreen - What Should Better Not be in It

Summer is here and many are concerned about the UVradiation of the sun. Dr. Mercola wrote on one of his Blogs that one should toss sunscreens that contain the following questionable chemical ingredients:

Para amino benzoic acid...
Octyl salicyclate...
Padimate O...
Menthyl anthranilate...
Trolamine salicyclate...

Our body needs unprotected sunlight exposure to protect us against sixteen different types of cancer. At least 15 years ago I already read this somewhere. Seems as if doctors are not aware of that. Dr. Mercola is the first who said that, at least the first I found.

We just have to  expose our skin gradually to the sun. When we do not have the possibility to do that we need sunscreen or we have to put other cloths on.

I lived 5 years on a sailboat and used only once in a while a low potency sunscreen, with the figure 5 or so. At that time we did not have the high potency sunscreens. Personally I would never put them on my skin because they are loaded with chemicals.

The quality of our skin depends of the food we eat. Unprocessed (unheated) omega oils and raw vegetables are necessary for good skin.

For healthy skincare I would use: Coconut oil, sunflower oil, jojoba oil, shea butter and almond oil (don't know how good this is against the sun).

Sunhungry wise owl
Anna Christine

Monday, June 27, 2011

The Skin - Brain Connection

Today I found at the internet the very interesting article "Brain Aging: the Truth is Skin Deep' from the Neurobiologist Dr. Douglas Fields. In his article he writes that new research draws a link between aging of the skin and aging of the brain.

The reason is simple and can be explained with biology. Skin and brain age in similar ways because the cells of both tissues develop from the same embryonic tissue, which is called ectoderm.

Wrinkles are in my opinion mainly caused by stress and not only by the sun. Stress is actually also involved in 95% of all health problems and one must do anything possible to reduce the stress level. Might be that genes and stress have to come together. I am not the greatest believer in genes. They show a weakness but perhaps the stress has to happen too.

Not everybody has the patience or the time to meditate daily and therefore I really love Reconnective Healing. Research has shown that it brings the brain back into a balanced state ... calmness is the first what clients notice.

Being in nature, walking in the forest or at the beach is also very calming. Walking in groups might bring a physical benefit but it is not as calming as when one walks alone.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine
PS.: Reconnective Healing is in Serbia part of the medical training.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Your Back and your Little Toe

The little toe and the back are connected via a meridian. The meridian is called Bladder Meridian and goes from the outside of the little toe to the back of the leg, up the leg to one side of the spine (left toe left side, right toe right side), up to the neck, across the head to the inner eye corner.

I hit my little toe yesterday on the outside and it hurts tremendously. Can't get into a shoe. I am lucky that it is June.

Why does it hurt sooo much? I had years ago a car accident with a triple whiplash (car was hit three times). Because of all the things I know to do as a holistic therapist my back is not hurting anymore, but the pain shows me that there is still some trauma in the back. The cells have not forgotten yet. Which means, I have to be vigilant and do something for my back from time to time.

With my Gift of detecting energy blockages on the head and also the body I found the whole meridian is affected, at least the areas I can reach (toe, foot, back of leg, neck, top of head, fore head). More about this Gift, under Brain-Rejunenator on my website.

Anything that affects the little toe we have to take seriously.

Did you notice how many have a corn on the little toe and/or a really small and very hard toe-nail? These are indicators of back problems.
Massaging all the toes from time to time helps your body tremendously. Reflexologists that know about the meridians pay a lot of attention to the toes.

Anna Christine

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Natural Childbirth - Tip

Natural Childbirth can be supported by one to three Reconnective Healing Sessions before delivery.

Just coming back from the Edmonton Seminar I am still very excited to have heard a few cases of pregnant women who really got helped with Reconnective Healing.

It all started with my lunchpartner telling me about a Birthig Centre she wants to open in Edmonton with her friends. When you live in Edmonton contact me to get her contact info.

I am still sad not to live there because then I could be part of it.

From the instructor and a Teacher's Assistant we heard the following stories:
1. Baby is 10 days overdue - mother gets a Reconnective Healing session - the next day the child is born with a very easy birth.

2. Baby does not want to turn - mother gets Reconnective Healing session - baby turns
and the most interesting one

3. Baby has in the womb the umbillical cord around the neck - mother gets Reconnective Healing session - and guess what, the baby is born without the cord around the neck.

This form of healing is far beyond anything we had until now on the planet. Seems as if in Serbia they have figured it out. It is there part of the medical training.

The newest information about Reconnective healing is always on the website.

Anna Christine

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Movie "RUMI Returning" in Nanaimo

The movie “Rumi Returning” will be shown
Friday, May 27th, at  7:00 p.m., $10.00 per person and

Sunday, May 29th, at 12:30 p.m.,

in the UNITY Center, Nanaimo, 2325 East Wellington, on the left side when you come from Bowen

Tickets: $10.00

“Gamble everything for love If you’re a true human being.
If not, leave this gathering.” --Rumi

Does an 800 year old mystic hold the secret to world peace?

“RUMI RETURNING” shows the unique, unitive vision he offers our planet in all of its expansive, ecstatic truth and beauty. It celebrates his life as a triumph over separation and longing, illusion and limitation, grief and despair. His journey to wisdom, love and joy becomes our own.

THIS FILM BIOGRAPHY of the beloved 13th century saint, MevlĆ¢na JalĆ¢luddin Rumi, is a passionate rendering of his life and the spiritual intoxication that led him to the arms of the Beloved. Each year on December 17th, what Rumi called his “Wedding Day" is celebrated in Konya, Turkey, honouring his passage from this world and the consummation of his divine love. Rumi Returning traces his life from both a historical and theological perspective through dramatization, art and current day footage. Interviews with Akbar Ahmed,Chair of Islamic Studies at American University, Ɯzeyir Ɩzyurt, a Sufi dervish born and living in Konya, Coleman Barks and Andrew Harvey help us understand Rumi's complex life and times.

Anna Christine
Certified Reconnective Healing Practitioner

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Buddhist Meditation Evenings in Nanaimo at the UNITY Center

The new location of UNITY in Est Wellington is so peaceful. I just love it. Ideal for the Buddhist Meditation evenings on

Mondays, 7:00-8:00 p.m. Love Offering

Nanaimo, 2325 East Wellington

Catherine Dawe, who spent 6 weeks in a Monestary in Nepal is teaching us now what she learned.

Relax With An Evening of Buddhist Meditation to find Peace through an inner journey.

Please bring a blanket and meditation cushion or pillow for your comfort.

Anna Christine

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Health Benefits of Dandelions - Liver Disorders

At the moment I am pretty upset because my neighbour has poisened four dandelions that grow on MY property close to the fence. Unfortunately one board had become loose,fell of and through the hole he could do it.

This could have ended more tragically because I put every day several dandelion leaves and a few blossoms in my salad, to help my liver that was exposed years ago twice to toxic substances.

Fortunately I took during the last weeks leaves from plants in another area of the garden, and when I wanted to eat some of the four plants I noticed that they got poisened.
Now imagine I would have picked them shortly after he had sprayed them.

The health benefits of dandelions are
Bone Health
Liver Disorders
Unrinary Disorders
Skin Care
Weight Loss
Gall Bladder Disorders
High Blood Pressure
Other Benefits. Dandelion can also be used as a vegetable and is a good source of fiber. It promotes digestion. In old days it was also used to treat scurvey, due to presence of Vitamin C (I did not know that) It also has healing effects on Dyspepsia, infections in the stomach, intestines and urinary system

Dyspepsia: in recent years, doctors have begun to realize that dyspepsia is often the result of a malfunctioning of either the nervous system or the muscular activity of the stomach or small intestine.

This info is taken from



Wise Owl

Anna Christine

Friday, May 13, 2011

Reconnective Healing - Information Evening in Nanaimo, BC

This is a reminder of my Reconnective Healing Information Evening

Reconnective Healing (Dr. Eric Pearl) is a new form of healing using frequencies that were not accessable on Earth before.

Adoley Odunton wrote after her teleseminar "Eric Pearl who called us at from Serbia where he will be teaching 600 doctors Reconnective Healing!  This was an extraordinary and stimulating conversation about The Reconnection and Reconnective Healing."

During this evening I will play part of a DVD and/or CD and will explain why Reconnective Healing is so different from Energy Healing. After that Questions and Answers.

I'll also read a paragraph from 'The Book of Knowledge - The Keys of Enoch" from J.J.Hurtak that rxplains why, at this time of the SHIFT, Reconnective Healing is of great help.
The information evening is FREE and takes place at my home-office

Saturday, Mai 21, 2011 at 3.30 pm

Please call 250-756-2235 so that I know who is coming and also for driving directions.

Anna Christine
Certified Reconnective Heling Practitioner

Monday, May 2, 2011

Water can Fuel Our Cars - Interview

Just got this very interesting announcment about an interview that takes place this Wednesday, May 4th, 2011 at 10 pm EST

One can listen to it at


Anna Christine

Monday, April 18, 2011

Biofuel - Pros and Cons

I am totally surprised that humans are considering to grow Hemp and Corn to produce Biofuel. We have to WAKE UP!!!

Have they forgotten where our food is coming from? - IT GROWS ON SOIL and Corn and Hemp grow on this soil too.

Have they forgotten that the climate is changing and it is not said that food will grow plentiful in the same areas as in the past? -  AREAS IN CALIFORNIA OR MEXICO HAD LAST YEAR NO RAIN

Have they forgotten how many people die daily of starvation?
Based on a United Nations report released in 2003 and reported by BBC News, about 25,000 PEOPLE DIE EACH DAY FROM STARVATION. This was before the current food crisis.

Here in North America the soil is often called DIRT and that shows me how little it is appreciated.

In Russia they call it 'motherearth' and in Germany 'soil' or 'motherearth' when it is for the garden.
Even that does naot help, because I have a brother that is proud to have a car that uses biofuel.

Talking to a scientist from Edmonton who told me they consider using the leftover from the logging, I thought first that is ok. Later I started thinking "wait a moment, we need the leftover to rot and to make new soil for the next trees. What happens when the soil layer is more and more depleted and gets washed of the mountains?"

Our planet is an organism like our body and when we mistreat it, then it will fire back ... as our body does. Our body becomes sick and often shakes (earthquake) when it has high fewer.

We have to WAKE UP. Actually we should not buy cars that use biofuel. We have to stay away from companies that do so.

We need our soil to feed the planet. Actually I heard from Swami Kryananda that he believes in a recession much more dramatic than the thirties and that people will die from hunger.

Therefore our government has to promote gardening. I am for having a garden and against biofuel.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Earthquake - Japan Shows the World How to Handle Disaster

Just got an e-mail with these 10 things we can learn from Japan and was deeply impressed.

Not a single visual of chest-beating or wild grief. Sorrow itself has been elevated.

Disciplined queues for water and groceries. Not a rough word or a crude gesture.

The incredible architects, for instance. Buildings swayed but didn’t fall.

People bought only what they needed for the present, so everybody could get something.

No looting in shops. No honking and no overtaking on the roads. Just understanding.


Fifty workers stayed back to pump sea water in the N-reactors. How will they ever be repaid?

Restaurants cut prices. An unguarded ATM is left alone. The strong cared for the weak.

The old and the children, everyone knew exactly what to do. And they did just that.

They showed magnificent restraint in the bulletins. No silly reporters. Only calm reportage.

When the power went off in a store, people put things back on the shelves and left quietly!

Anna Christine

Monday, April 11, 2011

Nanaimo - The Voice For Love Workshop

This workshop with Polly C. Docier is based on the book, “The Voice For Love”, by DavidPaul and Candace Doyle

Unity Center of Nanaimo
2325 East Wellington
when you come from Bowen Road it will be on the Left)

Every Wednesday – April 27th, 7:00-8:30 p.m.

$15.00 per session

During the turbulent times we live in this "Guide to Love, God, Prayer, Meditation, & Peace Within You—Right Now" will be very helpful.You will be shown how to use the 5-Steps to uncover your heart's desire, understand your life's purpose, and discover God's will for you. Tens of thousands of people around the world have followed this 5-Step Process to with a near 100% success rate.

Could it be possible to actually join with and directly experience the Source of all love, healing, peace, and wisdom within you so you could receive immediate guidance and direction, long-lasting mental and emotional healing, and the deep personal connection you truly long for in your life—PERMANENTLY?

We'll find out why this process is different from all of the other things or techniques you've learned and studied?

Every single step of this 5-Step Process is also a "way of being" that immediately restores your experience to that of your True Nature. Every step in this process fully engages the Source of your Being and has been specifically designed to be applied to every thought, feeling, sensation, situation, belief, person, and experience you have in your life. These 5-Steps are universally applicable and immediately available to you in every moment. Every time you apply ONE of these steps, it immediately induces a direct experience of what it is you truly seek. When you combine ALL of these steps together, the effects are COMPOUNDED dramatically. This is why we have such a high success rate. The process itself is foolproof. If you DO IT, you WILL experience the benefits.

Even when all of this and MUCH MORE  can be achieved with Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection I, Anna Christine, would love so much to attend all Wednesdays, but can probably only be there two of them.

One never stops learning.

Anna Christine

Nanaimo - Animal Medicine - Movie

Special Movie Presentation:
Animal Medicine with Peter Calhoun - 90 Min Video

Nanaimo, Unity Center, 2325 East Wellington
It is on the left when you come from Bowen Road.

Friday, April 15th , at 7:00 p.m.
Sunday, April 17th, at 12:30 p.m.

Tickets: $10.00

Peter Calhoun will talk about the universal language of communication we need to know to connect with our animal friends.

Peter discusses what animal totems and allies are and how you can connect with them. He teaches us how to interpret signs and synchronicities in the Natural World and how to interpret animal encounters in your dreams. We will also find out how to approach animals in the wild without evoking their fear, how to call animals to you when you’re in the wild and how you can use your ‘second attention’ to read the invisible landscape and know the ‘animal history’ of an area.

I'm really looking forward to it.
Anna Christine

Friday, April 1, 2011

Reconnective Healing - Information Evening in Nanaimo, BC

Dr.Eric Pearl's seminar in Montreal was fascinating. I see it as important that people know why damaged DNA is reorganizing itself faster with Reconnective Healing as it would by itself. With QiGong and Reiki the reorganization takes longer.

Beside other things I'll talk about

- The difference between Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection.

- The importance in regard to our divine life purpose on earth.

- Why Reconnective Healing is so important to get through this time of the Shift.

- Why I practice it now more than all the other modalities I studied and love so much.

- Why I do not practice anymore any other form of energy healing.

April 6, Wednesday, 7.00 pm

April 16, Saturday, 3.30 pm

Taking place at my home-office. Please call for address, driving directions and also that I know who is coming.

Anna Christine
Energy All Around Healing
Holistic Health

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Nuclear Fallout: Natural Defense in a Toxic World - Nanaimo, BC

Fund Raiser
Wednesday March 23, 7.00 pm - 8.30 pm
Location: Unitarian Fellowship Church,Nanaimo, BC, Townsite Road (close to the little Mall)

You Are Invited!

To a special fund raising presentation by Dr. John Yim. Donations given to Red Cross Japanese Disaster Relief fund.

Dr. John Yim invites you to this very special presentation.

The planet has become a very small place. Toxins that are produced in Japan, China, Europe, India, America, and even in other parts of Canada reach us here on the Island and add to the toxins that are being produced right here. These toxins can include some very nasty chemicals such as chlorinated hydrocarbons, automobile and industrial emissions, heavy metals, all the way to radioactive wastes.

Toxins have been implicated in a variety of serious conditions such as infertility, allergies, autoimmunity, Alzheimer's, asthma, thyroiditis, cancer, and many more.

In this timely presentation, Dr. Yim will be discussing the most efficient methods for neutralizing and removing these toxins from the body. He will highlight the program that he calls the Holistic Cleanse. This can be the cornerstone in your "natural defense in a toxic world".

· A 2 phase system that first prepares the blood, lymphatics, liver, kidneys, and bowels.

· An effective method to flush toxins from the tissues, into the lymphatic system, and flush the liver and gall bladder.

· How to flush heavy metals and radiation from the body.

· How to utilize the largest organ of excretion, your skin.

· A nutritional program that supports detoxification.

· And much, much more.

Most likely I will not be there because I have no time
and ... I also know what to do.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

PS.: Could it be that one of the reasons so many are sick is because the wind from Hirosahima was blowing in the direction of the USA?
What goes around comes around.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Seed Exchange and Seed Purchase - Nanaimo

Come to the Bowen Park Auditorium
Sunday, March 6th 10:00 am  3.00 pm

Bring your own seeds to the seed exchange table.

There will also be an activity centre for kids!

Trade or purchase a lot of different things for your garden:
organic and non-hybrid seeds,
native plants,
bee houses,
rain barrels and
other tools for self-reliance.

It is put on by the Nanaimo Foodshare Society and the Nanaimo Community Garden Society, traditionally takes place on the first Sunday of every March, just in time for gardeners to pick up a great variety of seeds, seedlings, and other gardening material and supplies. The focus is on, but not limited to, organic, heritage and heirloom seed varieties.

Attendees should be sure to bring their own well marked seeds to trade at the seed exchange table.

Admission $3.00
Any questions? then write

Homegrown produces are for your health very important.
Why, because they have a high life energy.

Have you ever wondered why everybody is so tired?
It is easy to answer .... they are eating dead food or produce that is many days old and without sufficient life energy ... that is the Chi.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

Friday, March 4, 2011

Our Supplements are in Danger in Canada

Protect your Freedom of Choice
Sunday, March 13th, 2011
Victoria, BC
Time: 11.00 am

In case you have not heard what Health Canada is doing.

Health Canada is ‘quietly’ working on removing the majority of our Natural Health Products (NHP) from the market. By the end of 2011 we are in danger of losing about 70% of our natural health products.

Join the demonstration on Sunday, March 13th, 2011 in Victoria, B.C in front of the Parliament Buildings at 11:00 a.m. Make a placard, let Health Canada know we care about our health and value the right of choice to use natural health products. This peaceful demonstration is to raise public awareness of Health Canada’s ‘quiet’ procedures. There will be demonstrations across Canada, lets make Victoria’s count, plan to be there. Tell your friends, relatives, neighbours, get as many people out as possible.

For registration, go to:

You will also find more information at:

This is serious, because it is most likely about the supplements that are still fairly ok. Just ordered a book "Killer Supplements". Guess the title is saying is enough.
More about this in another Blog.

Anna Christine

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Lantzville and Nanaimo - Organic Food Supply

The Lantzville Bylaw is opposing the needs of the Vancouver Island population
  • We need FRESH LOCAL food
  • with little cost for gasoline
  • that is available even when an earthquake has damaged the ferry terminal
  • that is not gene manipulated
  • that is not sprayed wit pesticides and herbicides
  • we need a government that understands the world is changing
  • amd that the needs of the people are changing
  • and that understands people will be less willing to be treated like sheep.
Therefore lets take

Action Step: Rally

Let's gather at the Lantzville public hearing to let this council know we are not backing down, we support Compassion Farm and new bylaws are required.
Where: District of Lantzville Office, 7192 Lantzville Road
When: Monday, February 28, 2011
Time: 6:45 p.m.

Bring warm clothes, all your friends and ideas for chants. Plus if you have time - make... a sign. Here are some suggestions:
~ Elected officials = law writers, People = law makers
~ Food Not Lawns
~ Shame on Haime
~ Step down Mayor Shamey
~ Follow Victoria
~ Democracy - for the people, by the people
~ No T.U.P - New Bylaws Now
To be honest, I cannot understand what is going on in the heads of neighbours who are opposing the growing of fresh vegetables and of politicians that are not immediately changing a bylaw that belongs in the past.
We have on our planet soil so that we can grow food!
Upset Wise Owl
Anna Christine

Friday, February 25, 2011

Reconnective Healing at Psychic Fair in Nanaimo

The Psychic Fair is in Nanaimo in the Country Club Mall

I'll give short Reconnective Healing Sessions so that people get an idea what Reconnective Healing is all about and why it is different from all forms of energy healing.

More information is on

I'll offer 10 and 20 minute sessions

The Psychic Fair is
Saturday the 26th from 9.30am-5.30pm (I'll be there 10-4pm) Sunday the 27th from 11am-5pm (I'll be there Noon-3 pm)

This fair has now a new organizer who did a really good job and has a large variety of psycicics,a palmreader,a hypnotherapist
and people who do chair massage.

Have a wonderful weekend
Anna Christine

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Obama stopped smoking - Reconnective Healing might help him

Obama has stopped smoking and I wonder whether he knows about Reconnective Healing ... because this might make it easier for him.

As a Reconnective Healing Practitioner I gave 3 years ago somebody who had stopped smoking  a distance session to support her and make it easier for her.

The result was that she totally FORGOT her cigarettes.

This is pretty significant for somebody who stopped smoking a week ago.

The frequencies used in Reconnective Healing become stronger with distance.

You'll find more information on my websites below, on the first one also some science findings.


Anna Christine

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The True Gift of Reconnective Healing

"The truth with Reconnective Healing is that the true gift is not the healing, the gift is that it allows us to make the transition onto a higher level of evolution." Eric Pearl

Studies show now that the DNA changes its spiraling, it is restructering.

There is so much more happening during and after Reconnective Healing sessions. It is very different from all forms of energy healings.

I am just listening to a very interesting interview from Dr. Eric Pearl.

More about this in one or two days.

Anna Christine

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Explanation why Reconnective Healing is different from Energy Healings

In this video Eric Pearl explains Lilou Mace in an easy to understand way what Reconnective Healing is about and adresses also why it is so difficult for many energy healers to accept the possibility that there could be something new.

We need Reconnective Healing in this time of the SHIFT.
Calmness will be the first what you'll notice.

Anna Christine