Monday, April 18, 2011

Biofuel - Pros and Cons

I am totally surprised that humans are considering to grow Hemp and Corn to produce Biofuel. We have to WAKE UP!!!

Have they forgotten where our food is coming from? - IT GROWS ON SOIL and Corn and Hemp grow on this soil too.

Have they forgotten that the climate is changing and it is not said that food will grow plentiful in the same areas as in the past? -  AREAS IN CALIFORNIA OR MEXICO HAD LAST YEAR NO RAIN

Have they forgotten how many people die daily of starvation?
Based on a United Nations report released in 2003 and reported by BBC News, about 25,000 PEOPLE DIE EACH DAY FROM STARVATION. This was before the current food crisis.

Here in North America the soil is often called DIRT and that shows me how little it is appreciated.

In Russia they call it 'motherearth' and in Germany 'soil' or 'motherearth' when it is for the garden.
Even that does naot help, because I have a brother that is proud to have a car that uses biofuel.

Talking to a scientist from Edmonton who told me they consider using the leftover from the logging, I thought first that is ok. Later I started thinking "wait a moment, we need the leftover to rot and to make new soil for the next trees. What happens when the soil layer is more and more depleted and gets washed of the mountains?"

Our planet is an organism like our body and when we mistreat it, then it will fire back ... as our body does. Our body becomes sick and often shakes (earthquake) when it has high fewer.

We have to WAKE UP. Actually we should not buy cars that use biofuel. We have to stay away from companies that do so.

We need our soil to feed the planet. Actually I heard from Swami Kryananda that he believes in a recession much more dramatic than the thirties and that people will die from hunger.

Therefore our government has to promote gardening. I am for having a garden and against biofuel.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

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