Listening today, October 8, 2011, to the weekly CBC Show Quirks and Quarks I could not believe what I heard.
Dr. Massimo Marcone, of the Department of Food Science at the University of Guelph was interviewed and
was in all seriousness saying ( use this link ) that microwaved food is healthier that otherwise prepared food because it contains more nutrients.
The coincidences of life are amazing. Before the radio show I was at a Petition Signing against Smart Meters in Qualicum. Holding up a sign "Who likes to be cooked in a Microwave Oven?" a couple told me the story of two dentists who were only eating microwaved food because they had no time for cooking properly ... the microwave oven was close to where they worked. They became very sick and the doctor could not figure out what was causing it.
Finally they went to a Naturepath who found the correlation between the microwaved food and their deteriorating health.
There are in my opinion most likely three REASONS ...
1.The lack of life energy in the microwaved food
2.The nutrients might have another frequency or molecular structure
3.The exposure to the radiation of the micro wave oven
The Russians forbid in 1976 Microwave Ovens.
I had a few years ago in Germany a device to measure microwaves. This little tool did not have a scale but by the noise level one knew whether it was a lot or not. Through three brick walls one could still hear the noise.
I have no microwave oven and avoid in restaurants food that is microwaved.
Wise Owl
Anna Christine
What is the 2025 Prediction?
1 month ago
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