Yesterday I was at one of the major coffee-bars and was surprised how many are actually drinking coffees loaded with milk and probably sugar. Very few have a plain coffee. Do they not know what cows get to stay healthy and produce a lot of milk? They get antibiotics. I don't know the rules for Canada regarding growth hormones in general but I just read on Dr. Mercola's website that there is one specific hormone that is not allowed in Canada and many other countries. In the USA it is allowed.
What I noticed on my walks around Westwood Lake is that half of the men have noticable breasts. Could it be from meat and dairy products with growth hormones?
Or is it from the water in plastic bottles. Apparently the plastic releases chemicals that mimic female hormones.
What about cookies produced in the USA that contain milk?
I have an audio tape called "dangers of milk" which caused me to only buy organic butter, cheese, and joghurt.
We all need to educate ourselves more about the things we eat. Google makes it easy.
Just type in the search bar "dangers of ---"
or "side effects of ---" and then go to page two and get educated.
In regard to the masculinity of men I heard years ago something very scary in the radio.
More about that another time
Anna Christine
What is the 2025 Prediction?
1 month ago
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