Dr. David Carpenter, a Harvard Medical School-trained physician says the following about Smart Meters.
Microwave Ovens were in Russia 1976 forbidden.
John St. John organized recently a protest against Smart Meters in Qualicum to get signatures of citizens that are understanding the dangers of Smart Meters and are opposing them.
During this protest I was holding up a sign "Who wants to be cooked in a Microwave Oven?"
It was areally scary to see how few people understood what I meant. Most of them were either upset not amused.
Let me explain. All our modern communication systems are emmiting microwaves and depending of their frequency they are harmful or not.
I read in a metaphysical book that microwave ovens were created to make us understand that these microwaves are 'cooking' us. KInd of makes sense. I will never have one, because then I would have to eat dead food.
Therefore I write now the third time in my Blogs about the frog that put in a pot with water will stay in it even when it gets heated up. He will stay there until he is cooked.
My other Blog is on my website
How many of these Microwaves a person can handle without harm differs from person to person. It depends in my opinion of their physical and emotional health.
Sooner or later the last drop (the last microwave) is put in the bucket and the level of electrical sensitivity is reached with all its consequences. Apparently it never goes away.
Look around ... how many have allergies? Allergies are caused by an accumulation of toxins in the body ... during my school and university time in Germany npbody had allergies. Now it seems that people expect it. Sometimes I have even the feeling they feel as if they are special to have an allergy.
In my opinion the same will happen with the Smart Meters that expose us to much higher radiation than cell phones. It also affects plants and bees.
Check it out on Google. A ghood website is www.citizensforsafetechnology.org
In short: we are in a microwave oven because we are continous bombarded with frequencies form Radio stations, TV stations, computers, cell phones, portable phones, cell towers, I-phones, smart-phones, portable phones and now Smart Meters and the antennas that go with them.
Our Health Care system will never be able to handle the resulting problems and the aging Babay Boomers.
Wake up and take action!
Wise Owl
PS.: actually I believe the balanced state of the brain one reaches with Reconnective Healing might help us.
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1 month ago
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