This workshop with Polly C. Docier is based on the book, “The Voice For Love”, by DavidPaul and Candace Doyle
Unity Center of Nanaimo
2325 East Wellington
when you come from Bowen Road it will be on the Left)
Every Wednesday – April 27th, 7:00-8:30 p.m.
$15.00 per session
During the turbulent times we live in this "Guide to Love, God, Prayer, Meditation, & Peace Within You—Right Now" will be very helpful.You will be shown how to use the 5-Steps to uncover your heart's desire, understand your life's purpose, and discover God's will for you. Tens of thousands of people around the world have followed this 5-Step Process to with a near 100% success rate.
Could it be possible to actually join with and directly experience the Source of all love, healing, peace, and wisdom within you so you could receive immediate guidance and direction, long-lasting mental and emotional healing, and the deep personal connection you truly long for in your life—PERMANENTLY?
We'll find out why this process is different from all of the other things or techniques you've learned and studied?
Every single step of this 5-Step Process is also a "way of being" that immediately restores your experience to that of your True Nature. Every step in this process fully engages the Source of your Being and has been specifically designed to be applied to every thought, feeling, sensation, situation, belief, person, and experience you have in your life. These 5-Steps are universally applicable and immediately available to you in every moment. Every time you apply ONE of these steps, it immediately induces a direct experience of what it is you truly seek. When you combine ALL of these steps together, the effects are COMPOUNDED dramatically. This is why we have such a high success rate. The process itself is foolproof. If you DO IT, you WILL experience the benefits.
Even when all of this and MUCH MORE can be achieved with Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection I, Anna Christine, would love so much to attend all Wednesdays, but can probably only be there two of them.
One never stops learning.
Anna Christine
What is the 2025 Prediction?
1 month ago
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