Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Fresh Food Supply - Vancouver Island

We have only a fresh food supply for TWO DAYS on Vancouver Island!!! Therefore I put this meil on my blog. It is so critical that we all take action

Unfortunately most people have not a vegetable garden and it does not take the brain of Einstein to imagine what will happen when we have a small earthquake and the ferries can't dock.

The bylaws have to be changed to encourage people to have gardens and perhaps a small business at the side.

Russians only survived difficult times so well because they were all avid gardeners.
Subject: Dirk and Nicole have been ordered to stop farming!

Dear friends and supporters:

We have recently been instructed by the RDN, at the request of the District of Lantzville, to cease "all agricultural activity" on our 2.5 acre far due to us being "residentially zoned". This followed a letter in September telling us to "remove the piles of soil from the property" (which we worked out with the Bylaw Enforcement Officer and agreed to and moved the one pile in question within 48hrs).

Our goal is to have the bylaw updated to reflect the current awareness and future needs of our communities. Yes, we could apply for rezoning, however this would only help "us" not the many people who are urban farming or SPIN farming.

We are writing to you because this issue impacts all of us on Vancouver Island. Many of you are aware that only 5% of our food supply is grown on Vancouver Island, thus 95% is imported. It may shock you to know that there is only 2 days fresh food supply on Vancouver Island. That means, that any disruption in ferry service, trucking or problems at the US border (75% of BC's food comes from California) would have a dramatic and immediate effect on our food supply.

To us, "urban farming" is much more than a growing "trend" throughout North America. It is the way of the future; and the future is now.Each year:
- land prices increase, preventing new farmers - especially younger ones - from acquiring land.
- remaining farmable land (even including the Agricultural Land Reserve) is forever swallowed up by development, further reducing our ability to sustain ourselves and increasing our already extreme dependence on imported food.

In light of this, we strongly believe it is our responsibility as individuals and as a community to stop and reverse this trend of complete UNsustainability and at least work towards a model of self-reliance.

Our intention:
That together, we see this as an opportunity to "change the system". Please understand that we do not want the focus to be "us". When you read the attached letter we received from the RDN, keep in mind what they are saying means: ALL "urban farming" and SPIN farming is illegal! (Small Plot InteNsive - where young farmers use people's city backyards to grow food for sale). This includes: honey, vegetables, meat, eggs, plants, flowers, fruit, nuts - you name it! Of course, this affects Urban and SPIN farmers at the Bowen Road Farmers' Market as well as other farmers' markets in Canada where municipal bylaws have not been updated to reflect support for sustainable, local food production.

We are asking:
That you contact the individuals whose information we have provided below beginning with Lantzville Council members (and anyone else you feel compelled to). We suggest that you approach this issue in the more general terms of local food and sustainability rather than what "the authorities" are doing - focussing it on our specific case merely limits the potential for us to work towards meaningful change in broader terms.

Please share whatever is important to you about this issue (links are posted below). In your letter, make sure you ask questions, especially if you want a response. If your children would like to write, that would be great.

It is likely that Lantzville council and the RDN will respond by telling you that we can apply for rezoning (which may or may not pass). This certainly does not help the SPIN farmers in downtown Nanaimo! Again, our goal is to have the existing bylaw changed for the benefit of our entire community
(much like what Victoria and other cities have done - )

Here is a brief background of our property, which lends some context to our current activities (before and after photos attached):

The previous owner, Billy Binns, used an excavator and dump truck to mine and scrape the land bare. He had a soil screener set up on the property, selling the soil, then sand, then gravel, which resulted in lowering the level of this property by about four feet. When we assumed ownership of this property, all that remained was gravel. There were no worms, no grasshoppers, no birds, no butterflies; essentially - no living creatures!

Since 1999, we have made a tremendous effort to heal the land, beginning slowly - one wheelbarrow at a time. It has been a gradual, organic process - from planting a few fruit trees and having a small growing area, to expanding with more hand-made soil using wood chips from local tree companies and a small amount of horse manure from local, Lantzville stables. Now we have 4 kinds of bees, several types of dragonflies, numerous types of butterflies, frogs, toads, snakes, and hundreds of birds and much more! We have dedicated our time to supporting hundreds of community members who have sought guidance on how to become more sustainable in their own lives; from educating people on how to support sustainable local initiatives, to teaching families how to grow their own food. Three years ago, we also started Nanaimo's most successful farmers' market, The Bowen Road Farmers' Market at Beban Park.

Healthy, fresh food is the cornerstone of healthy families and communities. As time goes on, the importance of this issue will continue to grow. We hope that you feel the same way and we thank you in advance for your support.

Yours in service,
Dirk Becker and Nicole Shaw

PS: Please, if you would, "cc" us in your communication with authorities so we can keep track of the progress.


Topics and links related to these matters:
- Food security: The average meal has traveled 1,500 to 3,000 kms to get to our dinner tables, a model which is only affordable so long as the oil industry experiences no upset, whether resource, market, or technology-based.
- urban agriculture, , ,
- transition towns,
- emergency preparedness
- ongoing increases in population
- sustainability
Contact info:

District of Lantzville Councilor's phone numbers and email addresses:

Mayor Colin Haime said this email should also be used:

Regional District of Nanaimo Board of Directors phone numbers, mailing and email addresses:

Brian Brack, RDN Bylaw Enforcement Officer and
Lantzville Emergency Program Coordinator Alternate

Twyla Graff, Chief Administrative Officer, District of Lantzville
Telephone: 250-390-4006, ext.116

Chris Midgley, Manager of Energy and Sustainability
Regional District of Nanaimo
250 390 6568

Please take action
Anna Christine

Friday, November 19, 2010

Nanaimo - The Birth of a New Humanity Movie

With Drunvalo Melchizedek, Tickets: $10.00

This Friday, November 19th, 7:00 p.m. and

Sunday, November 21st, at 12:30 p.m.,

This is your opportunity to see the first edition of Drunvalo’s most recent communication on this most incredible moment in history.

This edition DVD includes the first time shared information about the crystal consciousness grids that surround the Earth, mankind’s evolution out of Atlantis, their development globally by many cultures over the last 13,000 years, and the amazing science that has been discovered around the pyramids and temples worldwide that has even been presented to the United Nations.

Also presented is the true story of one particular grid, often called THE UNITY CONSCONSCIOUSNESS GRID, and how it has finally come to birth since February 2008. The birth of this new living consciousness grid is for certain the most important story since Atlantis, and yet hardly anyone on Earth is aware that it has happened or what it means for humanity.

One thing is clear; the outcome of this global consciousness transition is going to affect every single last person on this planet. If you know what has now become history, your heart can rest knowing that what is to follow in our lives is one of the greatest gifts that Source has given to mankind.

I have seen the movie already and most likely will watch it again. It is excellent.

Anna Christine

PS.: Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday, 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Phone: 250-591-0775 Our New Unity Location: 2325 East Wellington Road, Nanaimo, BC V9R 6V7
2325 East Wellington, Nanaimo, BC V9R 6V7

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Drunvalo's Movie 'The Birth of a 'New Humanity' Nanaimo

The Birth of a New Humanity MovieWith Drunvalo Melchizedek

Friday, November 19th, 7:00 p.m. and
Sunday, November 21st, at 12:30 p.m.,
with a pizza lunch on the Sunday
Tickets: $10.00

Presented at UNITY Nanaimo
2325 East Wellington Road
Nanaimo, B.C., V9R 6V7

This is your opportunity to see the first edition of Drunvalo’s most recent communication on this most incredible moment in history.

This edition DVD includes the first time shared information about the crystal consciousness grids that surround the Earth, mankind’s evolution out of Atlantis, their development globally by many cultures over the last 13,000 years, and the amazing science that has been discovered around the pyramids and temples worldwide that has even been presented to the United Nations.

Also presented is the true story of one particular grid, often called THE UNITY CONSCONSCIOUSNESS GRID, and how it has finally come to birth since February 2008. The birth of this new living consciousness grid is for certain the most important story since Atlantis, and yet hardly anyone on Earth is aware that it has happened or what it means for humanity.

One thing is clear; the outcome of this global consciousness transition is going to affect every single last person on this planet. If you know what has now become history, your heart can rest knowing that what is to follow in our lives is one of the greatest gifts that Source has given to mankind.

This is in my opinion a MUST SEE video, I have seen it already and as a Reconnective Healing Practitioner I am especially interested because Reconnective Healing supports us in our evolution

Anna Christine

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fundraising Event at Tigh-Na-Mara Seaside Spa Resort PARKSVILLE ...

This event will be Thursday, November 11th, 2010
at the Tigh Na Mara Seside Spa Resort
From 1.30 pm - 5.30 pm

All the interesting details are below.

1:30 Opening of the event with Dove release (outside) and a prayer for peace, live music
Brief intro to the day with an short explanation of the Cambodian mission
Opening of the silent auction and draw tables, ticket sales
Arrival of the Roots and Shoots Peace Dove (this is a big cloth dove on poles)

1:45ish Opening of the Labyrinth

2:00, 2:30, 3:00 - 1/2 hour aquafit sessions in the hotel pool.

2:00 - 5:00 - Yoga(see below for proposed schedule), Practitioners sessions, labyrinth, silent auction etc.

5:00 - 5:30 - Pulling winners of the draws and finishing silent auction. Bidding adieu and bon voyage to the travellers.

5:30 - 6:00 - Pack-up, clean-up

This is a fundraiser.
practitioners (massage, acupressure(jin shin do & shiatsu), bodytalk, reconnective healing, reflexology, reiki, metamorphic massage, healing touch, pranic healing...) and psychics -

WHAT ELSE? Silent auction

YOGA schedule
2:00 Jane Specken
2:30 Greer Cummings
3:00 April Kurmoto & Tyler Maartman
3:30 (???April & Tyler or.....) Had someone else say yes, but haven't been able to contact them since.
4:00 Diana Harold
4:30 Safah Roberts

This event is a fundraiser. Drop-in. Bring your enthusiasm along with your wallet. Dress comfortably. For aquafit, bring your suit and towel.
We, Doreen, Marcella, Sarah and Len thank you on behalf of the children. In Cambodia, proceeds of our fundraising will go directly to Peaceful Children’s Home 2 in rural Battambang. Food/education/cultural experiences(music/art/dance) highlight our priority list.
In Oceanside, a share of the proceeds will be given to Parkville Qualicum Community Foundation for the Youth in Philanthropy Project.

Hope to see you there,
Anna Christine
PS.: I will be there to give 10 or 15 min Reconnective Healing Sessions.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Where Does Our Soul go When We Die ? - Movie: Reincarnation - Parksville, Vancouver Island

This Friday..........November 5th, 2010
Movie Night. 'Reincarnation' .
7 pm Parksville, Vancouver Island, Community Centre
$ 5.00 suggested donation.

'The story of our Souls'

The whole story of our souls is presented in this journey through earth incarnations and planetary sojourns as given in the Edgar Cayce readings.

Cayce expert John Van Auken addresses karma, grace, souls, memory, soul groups, soul mates and how the whole process of incarnation, dying and reincarnating occurs, as well as how to put an end to the cycle of terrestrial consciousness by awakening to our truer awareness and nature.

He gives many examples from the amazing Akashic readings of Edgar Cayce of how our current lives are affected by our soul's past lives and how to recall these memories and resolve their negative influences while enhancing their good karma and grace.

John Van Auken is a director at Edgar Cayce's A.R.E. He is also an acknowledged expert on the Bible, ancient prophecies, world religions and meditation.

This will be interesting!

Anna Christine

Monday, October 18, 2010

What Causes Cancer

Cancer Purely Man-Made Say Scientists After Finding. No Trace of Disease in Egyptian Mummies.Cancer is a man-made disease fuelled by the excesses of modern life, a study of ancient remains has found.

Tumors were rare until recent times when pollution and poor diet became
issues, the review of mummies, fossils and classical literature found.

Co-researcher Professor Rosalie David said: "There is nothing in the natural
environment that can cause cancer."

"So it has to be down to pollution and changes to diet and life style."
And this thinking of most is in my opinion wrong.The cause is the stress caused by our lifestyle. Stress makes our body fluids acidic and cancer thrives in an acidic environment. When our body fluids are alkaline the cancer disappears.

My mother lived very healthy, cooked from scratch, was not drinking or smoking, and not eating eccessively. She was physically active, had the perfect weight and a brilliant mind
she had a lot of stress during her life and that caused the cancer.When we are happy we are alkaline ... and ... healthy.

The finding with the mummies also proves that cancer is not caused by our genes.
Guess the researchers have not noticed they contradict themselves. Ha Ha !

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

PS.:Because I live stress free I am totally relaxed about the gene-issue.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Victoria - Intuitive Arts Festival - Reconnective Healing

This weekend I'll be on the Intuitive Arts Festival in the Fernwood Community Centre, Victoria, 1240 Gladstone Ave
to answer your questions in regard to Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection and why it is different from all forms of energy healing.

October 16th and 17th, 2010, from 10 am – 5 pm

Over 40 Exhibitors, Healing Sessions, Workshops on Holistic Health and Metaphysics, and Psychic Readings.

Admission Fee is 10$

I’ll also give short sessions of, what is on my website called BRAIN-REJUVENATOR.

My gift is to detect and re-balance energy blockages in the body .. at the fair I’ll will check the head-neck-and shoulder area.

For the benefits of both modalities please check my website under Reconnective Healing and Brain-Rejuvenator

Hope you have time to come,
Anna Christine

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Lack of Sleep Tied to Obesity - Study

Researchers studied over five years the effects of lack of sleep on 1,930 children ... and found the 'surprising' result that actually 33% of the infants and preschoolers were as a consequence of not enough sleep overweight or obese.
I sometimes wonder how much logic is still existing in the world. Everybody should know that we eat more when we are tired. The body needs to get the energy from somewhere and
secondly, when we are tired we do not move enough ... this finding also does not need a study.

The money for this study and probably many others that would be unnecessary when one would do some thinking, should be spent for a breakfast program in schools. That supplies a breakfast as they do it in Finland and not just a beagle with peanut butter. More about peanut butter in another blog post.

The short info was on October 7th, 2010 on the Health Page of the Daily News under ... Essential Reading.

When I was a child I had to be in bed by 8.30 pm and had to take after lunch a 20 min nap until I was 10; school ended latest at 1.30 pm. Perhaps this is the reason I had never in my life a weight problem.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

PS: URGENT Spiritual Selling Seminar so you can maximize your expertise and your business! More information is HERE

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Do we Need the Oil?

You might laugh at this question, but I hope you have the time to put into 'nikola tesla free energy'and then read and listen to that what you find. As far as I know some of his research papers are still hidden. His hope was to find a free energy source...
and in a dream the air was filled with little flames ... I really understand this as a hint that the air that surrounds us is containing the energy we need.

Does it not make sense that the energy I use for Reconnective Healing in my office but also for distance sessions as far as Europe is strong enough to drive cars.

How important it is to find an alternative Energy source and to be One With Nature
the Shaman Little Grandmother is telling us.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

Monday, October 4, 2010

Nanaimo - Health & Wellness Fair for Older Adults

You'll find a lot of information how to live a healthy and long life on this informative Health & Wellness Fair

Thursday, October 7th, 2010
12.00 (Noon) - 6.00 pm
Nanaimo, Vancouver Island
Recreation Center (sorry, there is building going on)
2300 Bowen Road.

Remember it is BEBAN Park and NOT Bowen Senior Centre.

Beside many other exhibitors I'll be there too.
Whoever is interested in and curious what Brain-Rejuvenator is can receive short FREE sample-sessions.

It is a very interesting way to find energy blockages in the head or other parts of the body. MRIs and CantScans do not show them.

I know from a Dr. who trained me in another modality that in 40% of all strokes one does not know why they happened. These blockages are caused by stress or injuries one had in the past, sometimes tens of years ago.

Aks me what all this energy talk means.

With my fingertips I can detect these energy blockages and am able normalize the situation to a certain degree. More info is on my website. This is truly a GIFT and I am very happy to have it.

Anna Christine

PS.: Reconnective Healing is excellent for stress reduction. More on

Monday, September 27, 2010

A Raw Food Diet Takes Time

A Raw Food Diet, at least an appealing one, takes time, perhaps too much time for many.
I was at a Raw Food Diet presentation and really enjoyed the green drink and the chocolate mousse, also the salad.

I know that most health problems would not exist when we all would eat this way.
Would I do it every day? I am not so sure, but I have GoChi. Without this juice I would switch to that diet.

Alltogether my eating habits are very healthy, it is about at least 50% raw food and NEVER anything out of a box. Everything is cooked from scratch. Therefore I do not know whether I would experience a difference when I switch to 100% Raw Food. I feel great.

To make sure I get enough life energy I drink every day GoChi or Himalayan Goji Juice.
These juices are great solution for people with little time.

Anna Christine

PS.: The easiest way to have Raw Food is to have a garden. Forget the TV.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Garage Sale - Nanaimo, Vancouver Island

In less than one week
Garage and Bake sale to be held at Unity Church in Nanaimo ...
New Church Location: 2331 East Wellington Road, Nanaimo, BC V9R 6V7

Saturday, October 2nd, 2010, From 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Have fun!
Anna Christine

Friday, September 24, 2010

Gregg Braden about Importance of our Consciousness

This is important! I am just listening to an interview of Gregg Braden on and it would be so great when all of you could listen. I do not know whether this is still possible tomorrow, Sunday Sept 25., 2010

We live in the time of shift and our consciousnes ... our coherence of brain and heart ... is affecting the world around us ... also the magnetic field of our earth when we are unified and come from a deep feeling of love, care and compassion.

The magnetic field protects us from solar flares and storms and at the moment it becomes weaker and weaker

Gregg Bradons wupte in his book 'God Code'
"The fate of our entire species rests in the hands of an entire generation" - and this means us.

We have to let go of fear, amger, war, and hate ... we have no other choice.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

PS.: The media support our fear.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Tuesday - A Million Minutes for Peace

Have you heard already about the A Million Minutes for Peace Meditation that goes around the planet
on Tuesday,September 21st, 2010, at Noon
(Noon in the time zone where you live)

Odyssey Networks, an interfaith organization, invites us to participate in the global A Million Minutes for Peace Meditation, on the United Nations International Day of Peace. People of all faiths from all over the world will stop at Noon (Noon in their time zone) and pray for peace for one minute - each in their own way on September 21st - the U.N. International Day of Peace.

A Million Minutes for Peace is an initiative of Odyssey Networks. On September 21, let us all pause at Noon and, in our own way, pray for peace. May your one minute, magnified a million times, begin to change the future. Join us! The change is on its way, it is only a question of time ... and the length of time until we have PEACE depends on EACH OF US.Perhaps yu want to sign up at

Anna Christine
PS,: I decided to meditate 3 minute ... perhaps 9 minutes.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Help for Middle Back Problems

Water ... drink water. A Naturepath once said to me "Pain is the lack of water."

This makes a lot of sense. When we have pain then the cells in that area are not able to communicate with each other. Water is a conductor and helps with cell communication.

Remember : we are not supposed to be in a lake during a thunderstorm in case the lightening hits the water because then it would kill us.

This seems to be unknown to many. I'm presently participating out of interest in a seminar about the managing of Chronic Pain. In the index of the brochure we got is the word water not mentioned once ... only in relation to water pills and water exercises.

Of course do therapies like Reflexology, Massage, Physiotherapy, Acupuncture, Acupressure, Shiatsu, Reconnetive Healing help, but even these are helping more when we drink water.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

PS.: a glass of water in the morning is also helpful when one wakes up with headaches.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Balance is Poor

This is interesting, I just found on the internet the article "want to live longer? Get a grip!" which pointed out Scientists at the Medical Research Council found that elderly people that simple measures of physical capability like shaking hands, brisk walking, getting up from a chair and balancing on one leg were related to the life span ... and that they outlived their slower moving peers.

When you read the last testimony on my website you will see what can be done. Most of the changes did not surprise me, but the better balance did.

I must admit that not everybody has the gift to detect energy blockages, but they can also be heled with Acupuncture, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Reflexology, Acupressure, Laser Acupuncture and Reconnective Healing as well as other modalities I am not so familiar with.

With every health problem one has to take action.

Check the Yellow Pages to see who cna help you before it is too late.

Anna Christine

Monday, September 13, 2010

Multiple Sclerosis News

As a Holistic Health Practitioner I have since a few years the special gift. to detect with my finger tips energy blockages in the head and also the whole body, that might in future cause serious problems.

Every healthproblem is actually a disruption of cell communication in a specific area. This can be caused by stress, trauma, injuries, surgeries, toxins. Over time this disruption of cell communication causes in that area a serious problem as for example MS, a stroke, arthritis, forgetfullness.

Healing is re-establishing the cell communication (balance,homeostasis) in the body because then the body can heal itself.

I am looking for somebody who got the plaque of the arteries removed because i want to see whether after that my fingertips still move on that area, which would indicate that the problem might come back.

In case you have MS and you are just curious, but you want to be better, then contact me too.

Go to my website, at the bottom of the pages is the link: 'emailAnnaChristine'
On that website you also find more information about my special GIFT

Now I really hope that somebody finds this post.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Help for Vertigo

When we suffer under Vertigo it seems our surroundings are moving. One may feel as if one is spinning, tilting, rocking, or falling through space. One may vomit or have tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Sometimes the eyes may uncontrollably jerk back and forth (a condition called nystagmus).

I had it once after a flight to Europe, fortunately it disappeared after one day without intervention.

Since I made the experience that Reflexology may help with Ringing of the ears, I checked in a Medical Research Paper for Reflexology and found the following

From 106 people with Vertigo who received Reflexology Sessions
80 (75.47%) found it significantly effective ... this means that all symptoms and signs disappear completely and don't recur in 3-6 months.

21 (19.81%) found it effective ... the symptoms and signs disappeared or basically disppear. After Reflexology ceased for 3-6 months part of the signs and symptoms recur, but to a lesser degree with marked improvement in comparison to before the sessions.
and on
5 (4.72%) Reflexology had no effect ... after the sessions no basic improvement of symptoms and signs. 3 monmths after the sessions stopped the vertigo occured again.

The research was conducted bt Dr. Wang Liang and originally published in 1996 China Reflecology Symposium Report.

I could not find data about length and frequenxy of the sessions.

Many other health problems are listed in this booklet and one can see to what degree Reflexology was beneficial.

Anna Christine

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Hockey - Dangers for Head

It is not only that in my opinion concussions need a longer rest period to heal properly.

As a Jin Shin Do Acupressure practitioner I have to say that also blows to the outside of the legs and the back can have a negative effect on the head.

Sometimes tens of years later.

To know why one needs knowledge about the location of the different Meridians which are energy pathways. They are like rivers of Chi and they go through the whole body ... and when there is an injury in one part of the meridian one can experience a problem in another part many years later. In regard to the head: it might be mental fog, stroke, headaches, forgetfulness, Dementia, Parkinson's.

When I would be a Hockey Player I would go every year to either an Acupressurist or an Acupuncturist to be safe.
I am afraid of needles therefore Acupressure came first.

Please take this very seriously
Anna Christine

PS.: whoever lives close may come for a FREE 'head-check', see under Brain-Rejuvenator

Friday, September 10, 2010

Root Cause of Disease

Everybody in the health field has his/her 'pet root-cause':
lack of exercise,lack of water, lack of sleep, lack of fresh fruits and vegetables, lack of nutrients, lack of regular bowel movements, lack of time-out, lack of sex

and now the too much root causes
too much stress, too much tobacco, too much booze, too much sitting araound, to many drugs (you figure out which I mean), too much work, perhaps also too much sex (that is hard on the kidney Jing, that is the energy we hae from birth on).

Most of us believe that stress is the culprit, but that is only the tip of the ice berg, actually that is wrong, the tip of the ice berg is the symptom, beneath is the stress, and that is caused by an underlying program.
Stress is not caused by external circumstances it is caused by our internal programming.... and this programming happened in the first 6 years.

Just think about traffic, how differently people react .. some chose to have road rage and others drink happily their coffee, or listen to music.

This underlying program needs to be removed and Reconnective Heealing is a wonderful therapy for that.

Have to go to bed now.

The Eternal Optimist
Anna Christine

Thursday, September 9, 2010

How to Improve the Immune System

1918 at the time of the flu pandemic the health advice in Germany to improve the immune system was very different. It went like this:

1. Sleep in a room with open windows
2. Do not overheat your livingroom a temperature of 18 C is the best. (not all rooms were heated at that time)
3. After you washed or showered with warm water use cold water at the end.
4. Brush your skin to improve circulation
5. Sleep enough
6. Be often outside in the fresh air.

It was more or less designed to toughen us up.

The health advice a doctor gives today is different:

1. Avoid sugar, at least as soon as the first symptom shows up. Sugar makes us acidic and germs cna only strive in an acidic body.
2. Sleep enough, 6 - 8 hours
3. Reduce stress by meditation, prayer, or EFT=Emotional Freedom Technique = Meridian Tapping
4. Use probiotics because they normalize elimination
5. Eat a balanced diet, best to prepare it from scratch with organic ingredients
6. Vitamin C... I drink every morning one glass water with the juice of 1/2 organic lemon. Eat fresh frozen berries that you have gathered in summer. Rosehips contain a lot of Vitamin C. We have in Germany a jam from rosehips, but it contains sugar. It is delicious.
7. Propolis, Oil of Oregano, Olive Leaf extract and elderberries are also helpful.
8. Vitamin D3 is apparently also great, I am cautious with it. One of my Dr. clients said that it is fat soluble and one can overdose as one can with vitamin A.

Open windows, fresh air, walks in nature, and cold showers were not mentioned

Isn't it interesting how differently we approach today this situation.

Anna Christine

PS.: I follow the old rules but to be on the safe side I also drink GoChi and JULE of the Orient.
No cold since 7 years.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Bejond Belief - Uncover the Source of Limiting Beliefs

Do you live in Nanaimo or Parksville?
Sept.15th., 2010...7 pm
Movie: 'Beyond Belief '
Parksville Community Centre $ 5.00 donation.

What part of your life could be better? Career? Relationships? Health? Finances? Personal Development? Creativity?

Embark on a journey of expanded awareness Beyond Belief. Combining stunning visuals, colourful graphics and captivating sound this innovative documentary delivers a compelling message to transform your life!

Beyond Belief examines the role of beliefs in creating your experience and explores the power of the subconscious mind. Uncover the source of ‘limiting beliefs’ which can stop you from creating what you want. This film provides tools to remove obstacles that are blocking you.

Unleash the power of your creative mind! Wake your dream life!

This movie features experts from The Secret, What the Bleep Do We Know as well as some of the world’s top authors, researchers, psychologists, scientists, personal transformation experts, healers and spiritual leaders.

Hope to see you there
Anna Christine

Monday, September 6, 2010

Christ Consciousness - Movie

This is probably what all the ones who know about the importance of being in Christ Consciousness have been waiting for.
First Movie: The Consciousness of the Christ
Reclaiming Jesus for a New Humanity
Trailer at
Length: 1 hour and 20 minutes.

The Commentary is by Andrew Harvey, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Gladys T. McGarey, and Marianne Williamson. Written and narrated by Kell Kearns. This nationally acclaimed feature length documentary with dramatic elements tells the story of Jesus from the perspective of the world transforming power of love.
It was filmed on location in Israel, Palestine.

The Consciousness of The Christ drives home the purpose of the human journey as one of consciously attaining a loving union with the divine. “Jesus is never talking about a kingdom that is coming,” says author and mystic activist Andrew Harvey. “He is talking always about a kingdom that already exists, that the awakened eyes of the awakened heart can see, and that the awakened consciousness of the awakened divine child can know and that is demanding to be enacted in acts of sacred passion, sacred compassion and sacred hunger for justice.

The film ends with a segment entitled The Christification of The Earth that is a triumph of the human spirit and the age old dream of peace and harmony. The illusion of separation is overcome. Humanity knows it is one. Four time national bestselling author Marianne Williamson closes The Consciousness of The Christ with this image: “No war, no hunger, no sickness, no suffering, every soul is so embedded in

Second Movie: The Coming of The Divine Child of Humankind
Length 47 minutes

Learn radical self-trust in a trustworthy universe by awakening the divine child within you. It deepens the themes developed in The Consciousness of The Christ and speaks directly to a generation on the inner birth of The New Humanity.

Friday, September 17th, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
Sunday, September 19th, 2010 at 12:30 p.m.

Unity Church 2331 East Wellington Road, Nanaimo, BC, Vancouver Island

Church Service is from 10.30 am - Noon

I am so curious
Anna Christine

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Nature Spirits - Seminar North of Nanaimo, Vancouver Island

- Learn about leprechauns, fairies, elves, nd meet one that wants to work with you
- Meet your body elemental and work with it to heal your body
- Learn about nature beings of different countries and cultures
- Create a beautiful world in co-operation with these nature spirits

Working & Playing with Nature Spirits
October 2 - 3, 2010
8340 Lorenxen Lane, Lantzville, BC V0R 2H0

To register contact Merle Dulmagde

Enjoy, they are real, I have a friend who has seen one.

Anna Christine

Friday, September 3, 2010

Remote Viewing Intensive in Nanaimo

Paul Elder remote viewing trainer at the Monroe Insitute offers in Nanaimo a Remote Viewing Intensive Workshop.

Sepember 24, 25, 26, 2010
Friday evening 7 - 9 pm
Saturday and Sunday 9.30 am - 5.30 pm
Tuition 235 $
Location: Ramada Hotel, 315 Rosehill St, Nanaimo, BC

Participants will learn in this special introductory weekend the basics of the proven protocol designed for the US Military Intelligence's former 'Top Secret' program known as Project Star Gate.

I attended yesterday evenin g at the Nanaimo etaphysical Network Paul Elder's introduction to Remote Viewing.

With the assistance of specially developed Hemi-Sync tones from the Monroe Institute, participants were guided through an actual Remote Viewing session, giving everyone a fun opportunity to test their own psychic abilities in a controlled experiment.

After participating in this Remote Viewing Session I can only affirm ... your first thought is the right answer, or very close to the right answer, at least this was my experience.

For information and registration contact Paul Elder.
Phone: 250-724-0136

Anna Christine

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Braco at Mind Body Spirit Expo in Philadelphia

Braco will be October 22-24 2010 in Philadelphia at the Mind Body Spirit Expo at the Valley Forge Convention Center.
He appears together with Neil Donald Walsh (author of Conversations with God)and Don Miguel Ruiz (author of The Fifth Agreement); and many others.
When you live at the East Coast you have the chance to experience first hand the incredibly transformative energy of Braco's Gazing Sessions that has changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world.

For more information go to and

As a Reconnective Healing Practitioner I was curious and saw him June 2010 in Hawaii.
One has to experience him to understand why 7.000 came in Macedonia in one day to see him.
It is different from Reconnective Healing, but it is wonderful.

Anna Christine

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Nausea During Pregnancy Remedies

My pregnant granddaughter-in-law told me that Vitamin B 6 helped her with her nausea.
A few days ago I read in the Daily News that a pregnant woman in Toronto gets against her nausea a combination of antihistamine, Vitamin B6, and two other medications.
I really wonder whether I would chose that approach. Nobody knows what the effects on the later life of the baby are. As a pregnant mother I would always try the Vitamin B 6 alone for a while.

Vitamin B-6 is an important component of our nutrition. It is primarily involved in protein metabolism, and to a lesser degree, in carbohydrate and fat metabolism. It plays a role in a wide variety of metabolic reactions and is recommended to improve the functioning of the mood and nervous system,increase immunity, decrease inflammation, arthritis relief, brain function and also help with nausea among others.
Vitamin B-6 is found in meat, poultry, fish, eggs, whole grains, legumes (bean and peas), potatoes, yeast, bananas, corn, cabbage, yams, prunes, watermelon, and avocado.

Because it is a water soluble vitamin one needs to have a regular daily intake.

Practicing JinShinDo Acupressure I was excited to find in the results of a comparison between Vitamin B 6 and Acupressure.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine
PS.: There are two Axupressure points that are really effective against nausea.

Monday, August 30, 2010


Cravings seem to indicate that something in our body is not right or something is missing. Because of mass production the nutritional value of our food is not what it was 50 years ago. No wonder we have cravings.
They are a problem when we want to lose weight. Therefore TAIslim is such an exceptional weight management product .
It contains an exclusive Appitol Phis™ appetite control complex. The studies on these ingredients suggest that they work on the pleasure centers of the brain to help suppress food cravings and the urge for between meal snacks. TAIslim also contains key ingredients that tell your brain that you are full so you can find it easier to cut out unwanted calories.

During the three months I took TAIslim I had no cravings and would not have needed the new product SKINNY ... but perhaps there are some whose stomach expanded over time too much and they need it.

Please contact me here when you have any questions.
Anna Christine

PS.: Another way to reduce addictions is Reconnective Healing.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Abdominal Fat

In a recent study researchers found that people with very large waists had approximately twice the risk of death compared to those with the smallest waists.

The study was led by the American Cancer Society. The researchers looked at the link between waist circumference and the risk of death among 48,500 men and 56,343 women over 50 years of age.

Eric J. Jacobs
, PhD, American Cancer Society strategic director: "We were interested in looking at waist size because it's strongly correlated to fat tissue in the abdomen, which is the most dangerous kind of fat issue."

Four distinct aspects must be addressed together for successful weight management. Diet plans that fail deal only with one or two aspects.

TAIslim is different, it helps you to reach and maintain healthy weight in four important ways
1. Fights Abdominal Fat
2. Enhances Metabolism
3. Helps Control Appetite
4. Cleanses and replenishes the bowels

It is worth trying. It has even a 60 day money back guarantee.

Anna Christine
PS.: for the ones who are always extremely hungry there is SKINNY

Friday, August 27, 2010

Water for Weight Loss

Enough water consumption is an absolute necessity for any good weight loss program, as for example this one. The amount of water depends of thei body weight.

The reason is the following: when we burn of the fat we release toxins and heavy metals because the body deposits them in fat.

Water helps the kidneys and the large intestines to get rid of these toxins.

It helps proper digestion only insofar as it flushes waste material out of the body and the large intestines.

One has to drink the water 30 minutes before or 30 minutes after a meal.When we drink it immediately before, during or immediately after a meal then it dilutes the acid (hydrochloric acid) in the stomach. We need the acid to break the food down. The acid can only break the food down when it has a certain potency.

Many drink water with their meals but I never did this. My weight is ok and I never needed any medication. A glass of wine is ok, at least I believe so.

With TAIslim I lost 15 lbs within 14days. I drank probably 7 or 8 eight ounce glasses of water and walked every day 30 minutes. Two months later the weight was the same but additional inches were gone.
More about this another time.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

PS.: the best part is that TAIslim also gives you energy!
PPS.: With water I mean filtered water, without chlorine and fluoride.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Edible Plants in BC

In my blog yesterday I gave you the website

I got this website from a friend who went to Saturday seminars in Duncan about edible plants.

Should you live in that area have a look ... edible plants in the wild are healthier than all the ones that are sprayed with herbicides and pesticides.

Isn't the world a strange place?
1. Some wonder about the dandelions in my garden
2. others ask whether they can get some leaves
3. and then there are the ones who buy in the healthfood store dandelion-roots for a tea to cleanse the liver

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

PS.:Oh, I fogot,I was exposed to a lot of toxins and the liver spots are getting smaller and smaller with drinking since years GoChi

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

GMO Food Dangers

Genetic engineering is quite different from selective breeding. The long-term effects of GMOs on our health and our planet’s biodiversity are unknown.

It is known that animals when given the choice between GMO corn and natural corn do NOT eat the GMO corn.One of the side effects of GMO corn is infertility. More side efffects and all you need to know is on the website

There is a lot of information on the internet.
'Seeds of Deception' by Jeffrey M. Smith is a 10 page summary that is exposing Industry and Government Deception about the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You’re Eating

When I buy crackers oder other products that contain several ingredients I always look if one of the following is in it: Soy, corn, oil from canola and cottonseed, sugar from sugar beets, Hawaiian papaya, and a small amount of zucchini and crook neck squash. Most bird seed and livestock feeds contain GMO ingredients.... because then I do not buy it.

Finally I found crackers with Sunflower Oil.

There is a reason that GMO products are not available in Europe.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sound Healing - Matthew Kocel - Denver

Matthew Kocel's next event will be in Denver. He is a man dedicated to the global awakening of humanity and healing the earth through sacred sound.

I eperienced his blending of the pure tones of Tibetan and crystal bowels, harmonium with his own amazing sound harmonics last Sunday at Unity Church in Nanaimo, BC. I was impressed feeling the vibrations in my body.

The next upcoming event will be in Denver.

Saturday, September 4 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Celebration Metaphysical Fair
Denver Merchandise Mart: 451 E 58th Ave # 4270, Denver, CO 80216, US (MAP)
$5 general admission to the fair

Sunday, September 5 11:30 am – 12:30 pm
Celebration Metaphysical Fair
Denver Merchandise Mart: 451 E 58th Ave # 4270, Denver, CO 80216, US (MAP)
$5 general admission to the fair

His website is

Anna Christine

Monday, August 23, 2010


There is only one lesson for all of us ... nobody should ever again touch a wapon ... never ...

... as Braco did when his father put him in the army in Croatia. He got incarcerated and then he refused to eat. Finally his father understood him and took him out of the army ... one can read more in '21 Days with Braco' by Angelica Whitecliff.

It is sad that not more young men have this courage and realize 'what goes around comes around' ... for example as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Braco is on this planet to awaken mankind so that something like Hiroshima is not happening again. More on

Anna Christine

Sunday, August 22, 2010

JULE of the Orient - Ingredients

I still do not know whether GoChi or JULE of the Orient is better, therefore I alternate them. But the Jule of the Orient tastes nearly like marzipan and I love that.

Jiaogulan. The miracle herb is considered as the premier adaptogen
to balance body systems and enhance energy production.

Goji Berry. Contains glycoproteins called Lycium barbarum polysaccharides with wide-ranging benefits for human health.

AƧai Fruit. Has a very high antioxidant capacity and possesses a
wide nutrient spectrum

Japanese Sophora Bud. The world’s richest source of the flavonoid
quercetin, a powerful antioxidant.

Amalaki Fruit. The centerpiece of many traditional Ayurvedic
formulations; exerts natural prodigestive properties.

Aronia Berry. One of the highest reported antioxidant scores on ORAC

Astraglus Root. A staple of Traditional Chinese Medicine to
improve immunity.

Camu-Camu Fruit. Contains more natural Vitamin C than any
other known botanical.

Cranberry. Promotes healthy urinary tract function.

Elderberry Fruit. Rich in flavonoids and other compounds to
support immune function.

Ginger Root. Promotes healthy digestive function and may support
healthy blood and vascular health.

Jujube Fruit. One of the world’s oldest fruits; used in Chinese
medicine as tonic for 4,000 years.

Luo Han Guo Fruit. Contains unique antioxidants that support healthy immunity.

Pomegranate Fruit. Hundreds of studies validate its health-promoting

Rhodiola Root. Used traditionally in Tibet, northern China, and Eastern Europe as an adaptogenic tonic.

Blueberry. May protect the heart, brain, and vascular system against
free-radical damage.

Lychee Fruit. High in nutrients,especially Vitamin C; supports
gastrointestinal health.

Schisandra Berry. Promotes energy, supports liver and kidneys,
and supports a healthy heart and central nervous system.

Bilberry. Contains powerful antioxidants to protect eyes, brain,
and other organs.

Longan Fruit. Contains several compounds, including ellagic acid,
that bestow antioxidant and cellprotective effects.

Codonopsis Root. One of the most widely used Chinese tonic
herbs; supports digestive, respiratory,and immune health.

Cherry Juice. Contains 17 antioxidants; may help with joint

For more information and to order it click HERE and please make sure to select in the left upper corner the country you are living in.

Anna Christine

PS.: All the ones with a garden could have a cherry tree, an elderberry tree and blueberries in the garden ... just look how beneficial they are.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

What is Better Goji Berries or GoChi?

One needs to know quite a bit about this to make the right decision. I read 10 years ago an article about polysaccharides and their importance and that is the reason I am drinking since 6 years the Himalayan Goji Juice and now GoChi.
Nobody had to explain to me why that juice is good ... I knew it.
I have never eaten goji berries ... because of three reasons:

1. The price for gojiberries is in Asia between 3 - 30 $ per kilo, which means there is a big difference in quality.
2. I do not know how much the berries are sprayed.
3. gojiberries and wolfberries are not the same, but unfortunately the wolfberries are often called gojiberries.

To No. 1. Lorna VanderHage said once that everybody should have the berries in our survival kit but that she is drinking a standardized goji juice. Standardized means that every bottle has the same potency. There are only two goji juices on the market that are standardized and these are Himalayan Goji Juice and GoChi.
Regarding the price ... in my opinion she probably didn't know about the price difference.
And the price is important because every time the product changes hands the price gets most likely doubled. Which means we are not getting the best quality.

I believe this is a good example:
The grower charges 5$
the exporteur 10$
the importeur 20$
the healthfood store owner 40$ ... which means 1 pound costs 20$

To be honest, I do not know the price for goji berries since I never bought them.

To No. 2: I know that the company whose juice I drink has areas with very good berries under contract and does not allow any spraying. There are only to regions that have good quality berries. It is the same as it is with grapes ... their quality also differs ... depending where they grow.

To No. 3. Perhaps I'll write more about this. In short gojiberries are sweet and wolfberries are tart... and when they are sweet they have more polysaccharides.

Hope this helps a bit.
I am wondering whether I should buy something to dry blackberries and other fruits that grow here. It is nice to nibble on dried berries.

Anna Christine

PS.: Oh. I forgot, when you are on the website click on products and then on science.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Help for Constipation - GoChi

As a Holistic Health Practitiner I noticed 4 main reasons for constipation.

Stress, not enough exercise, not enough water and not enough fiber. I believe that stress is the main reason. What can we do? It is difficult to find out what the main (subconscious ) reason of stress is.

Therefore I am very enthusiastic about Himalayan Goji Juice and GoChi with at least 30% more of the active ingredients.

Three clinical trials were conducted that showed the following benefits
■Less Fatigue
■Improved Athletic Performance
■Increased Energy
■Reduction of Stress
■Feeling Calmer
■Increased Ability to Focus
■Sharper Mental Acuity
■Better Quality of Sleep
■Easier Ability to wake up
■Feeling Healthier
■Feeling More Content
■Feeling Happier
■Improved Bowel Regularity
■Higher SOD Level antiioxidant against inglammatory free-radicals
■Higher Glutathione Peroxidase, imprtant antioxidant and detoxifying enzyme
■Less Free-Radical Damage
■Increased Lymphocytes, necesssary for immune defense
■Increased IL-2, important immune enhancement
■Increased IgG, a poweful and essential Antibody

More information you'll find HERE under products and then Science.

Bowel regularity is of extreme importance and not taken seriously enough. "Death starts in the colon" according to Dr. Bernard Jensen... and it might start already when we are a child.

Anna Christine

PS.: Obesity is mostly caused by a sluggish colon therefore check out TAIslim, it contains also GoChi.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Every time I read in the paper about products we can use to clear up the skin and prevent further breakouts I wonder about the intentions.

Should we not help people to get better instead of selling something to cover the situation up or do they perhaps not know what might cause the Acne.

I can unerstand that teenagers have Acne but when adults suffer from it the reason is in my opinion a different one than hormonal imbalance. It is called stress and constipation.
We have various organs of elimination: the colon, the skin, the lungs, the kidneys.

When we are stressed, are not active enough, don't drink enough water, or eat foods with little fiber ... then we might have not enough bowel movements. We should have one after every meal. As a consequence we have a buildup of toxins in our colon and these toxins want to get out.

The skin is one way out. It is not normal when an adult has Acne

The lungs are another one ... Isn't it strange that the percentage of people with constipation is the same as the ones who have Asthma??? 45 %

In short, instead of covering the pimples, one should clean the colon and that takes time. More about this in another post.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

PS.: On this website you'll find GoChi which helps the body to make enzymes that produce probiotics. Look under products, and then science.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How Much Lyme Disease is in Canada?

Yesterday I went to the lecture about lyme disease from Dr. Murakami in Nanaimo and was surprised how few people were there. It seemed that at least half of them came because they have Lyme disease. Some with severe symptoms.

I was curious and checked on google how many citizens are actually looking under 'lyme disease canada' ... about 510.000.

On the website was written 'Lyme disease is the most common tick-borne infection in North America and Europe, but it is not common in Canada.'

Dr. Murakami had a different opinion. He said that it is very strange to have south of the Canada/USA boarder a lot of cases, mainly in the East and West, and North of the border only 6-7 per province per year.

There are Websites that write the number of Lyme cases is on the rise.

It seems that the population in Europe, at least in Germany, gets educated about lyme disease. I was 1999 with my grandsons in Austria and both refused to go for a walk in the forest because of the lyme disease danger.

Listening to the lecture yesterday I wondered what might happen here because in Canada many people go camping and are in the forest.

I really don't know whether the warm weather might cause more cases because in Germany it can be pretty cold during Winter.

To get more information please go to
p.: 604-869-9922
f.: 866-259-2320

Anna Christine

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Lyme Disease - How to Test for it - Lekture on August 17th.2010

I listened to his lecture one or two years ago. It was for me extremely important to know that the first test for Lyme Disease is not relieable, that there is a second test which will show the truth.

I assume Dr. F Murakami talks about this. Hopefully you get this information on Lyme Disease on time. Dr. E. Murakami, MD, LLMD, is a Lyme disease expert and gives today in Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, a fascinating look at this complex and controversial illness caused by the bit of ticks.

Today, Tuesday August 17th, 2010
7.00 - 9.00 pm
Vancouver Island University
Nanaimo, BC
Building 200, Room 203

Donations gratefully accepted

Proundly presented in part by Dr. E. Murakami Centre for Lyme research.

All proceeds fund the Dr. E. Murakami Centre for Lyme Research, Education & Assistance Society.

Anna Christine

PS.: To improve your immune system go to this site and read under science the research about GoChi's effect on the antioxidant production and the immune system.

Lyme Disease - Today lecture in Nanaimo, BC

Hopefully you get this information on Lyme Disease on time. Dr. E. Murakami, MD, LLMD, is a Lyme disease expert and gives today in Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, a fascinating look at this complex and controversial illness caused by the bit of ticks.

Today, Tuesday August 17th, 2010
7.00 - 9.00 pm
Vancouver Island University
Nanaimo, BC
Building 200, Room 203

Donations gratefully accepted

Proundly presented in part by Dr. E. Murakami Centre for Lyme

All proceeds fund the Dr. E. Murakami Centre for Lyme Research, Eduation & Assistance Society.

Anna Christine

PS.: This is an excellent informative lecture. I listened to it about one year ago. To improve your immun e system go to this site and read under science the research about GoChi.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Lyme Disease - Truth or Consequences - Lecture in Nanaimo, BC

Join noted Lyme Disease expert Dr. E. Murakami, MD, LLMD, for a fascinating look at this complex and controversial illness caused by the bit of ticks.

Tomorrow, Tuesday August 17th, 2010
7.00 - 9.00 pm
Vancouver Island University
Nanaimo, BC
Building 200, Room 203

Donations gratefully accepted

Proundly presented in part by Dr. E. Murakami Centre for Lyme

All proceeds fund the Dr. E. Murakami Centre for Lyme Research, Eduation & Assistance Society.

Anna Christine

PS.: This is an excellent informative lecture. I listened to it about one year ago. To improve your immun e system go to this site and read the research about GoChi

Friday, August 13, 2010

Help for Tinnitus - Ringing of the Ears

Another problem we might have because of too much stress is Ringing of the Ears.
The reason is simple. The meridian that is associated with stress, being too ambitious is close to the ear. It goes also alongside he neck and when the neck is tense and knotted it impedes the energy/Chi flow in that meridian.

What most do not know is that something can be done at the beginning. I forgot the exact percentage but it might be around 70% were relief is possible when one is going early enough to a reflexologist, an acupuncturist, or an acupressurist.When one is waiting too long then the impeded energy (Chi) flow in the ear-refion might have caused calcification.
"Foot reflexology was shown to be effective for the relief of tinnitus and hearing loss." on

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

PS.: Tomorrow I'll let you know what happened when I gave e short session to a senior

Thursday, August 12, 2010

How to improve Short-Sightedness

Using more and more computers I assume that people are earlier short-sighted than in the past.

Beside eating blueberries, and vitamin C rich fruits ane can do the following.

Write a paragraph of 10 lines on a letter sized paper
in a font size that you can read easily without glasses.

Then write the same text again but one font smaller

and so on ... so that the letters become smaller and smaller;
perhaps a printer can help, because the computer might not be able to make it small enough.

Then sit down and start reading slowly, one paragraph after the other. Read it and do NOT memorize it.
You'll be surprised to be able to read even the smallest print.

Do this every day until your eyes are back to 20/20

I did this years ago and was surprised that it works.

I also refused to go regularly my eyes checked and only to have stronger and stronger glasses. That makes our eyes in my opinion lazy.

Wize Owl
Anna Christine

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Supplements for Eyes - Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

Of all our five senses, there is perhaps none more precious than the gift of sight.Dr. Earl Mindell recommended in his Vitamin Bible (edition 1999) that it is beneficial for the eyes to take beta carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E and Lutein.

Research is continuously going on and FreeLife has now the supplement 4Sight specifically designed for Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD).

AMD is now the leading cause of blindness in individuals over age 50.

Science has found new ways to help with your macular health by including special nutrients in your diet, namely lutein and zeaxanthin. When you eat these food-based carotenoids, they collect in the macula where they help to fight free radicals and protect against the damaging effects of UV and blue light. Lutein and zeaxanthin are found in only small quantities in certain foods, but now you can find these natural nutrients in FreeLife’s new 4Sight™.

4Sight is advanced nutrition for your eyes. It features our proprietary GoZanthene Ultra™ blend of natural lutein and zeaxanthin – derived from the goji berry and marigolds – at scientifically recommended levels that are more potent than other leading vision health supplements. We’ve also enhanced this exclusive formula with highly standardized ginkgo biloba extract to promote ocular circulation. Take 4Sight every day, to help promote healthy vision!

Please check it Here or the website below. click on Products and then on the left on New Products ... there you'll find it.

By the way, the company has a 60 day money back guarantee.
Please call me when you have any questions

Anna Christine

PS.: My eyes are ok because I drink since 6 years every day GoChi therefore I have not tried 4Sight out.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Your Eyes and What You Can do for Them.

Have you ever thought about when actuallt a health problem is starting in you body?
It starts a long time before the symptom shoes up.
The syptom (for example blurry vision from cataracts) is like the tip of an iceberg. It might have started 10 or 20 years ago.

The Egyptians knew that Reflexology is beneficial. Every part of your body has a reflex area in the feet,hands and ears.
By stimulating/rubbing/massaging them the circulation in the corresponding part is activated.

Which circulation? The circulation of the life energy Chi, the blood, the lymph, and the nervous system.

To help the eyes it is best to pay attention to the reflex area for the eyes and the neck. A Reflexologist will always massage the whole feet because the whole body has to be brought back into balance/homeostasis.

It is the best to get a few Reflexology sessions and to ask them which areas to rub at home.

For more information about REflexology go to the website below.

Anna Christine

PS.: during summer it is really beneficial for our health to walk barefoot on a beach with pebbles. That is a cheap Reflexology session.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Blueberries for Eye Health

There are many things we can do for our eyes ... for our vision.

Blueberries are one of them and when you are living in the Nanaimo area on Vancouver Island then I recommend to go to the Steld Farm South of Nanaimo. Call for direction: 250-245-3460I was there on Friday and the berries are delicious and plentiful.

Enjoy and put some in the freezer so that you have during the winter fruit without herbicides and pesticides. Yes, there is a differenc. The term 'pesticide free' might fool us, because the plant can be loaded with herbicides which are used against weeds.

Wise Owl

PS: Please check tomorrow the new post about the other ways that can help the eyes.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

What to do when stressed and depressed?

Happiness is an easy way to stay healthy or perhaps regain health.

I got the following today and had to cry and got goose bumps ... realizing the help we get to handle the SHIFT, the change that has already begun.

Listen here
(video 4 min... my thanks to Carol, this is fabulous)

Please listen to this for the weeks to come. The Earth will be exposed to fairly high frequencies (especially at the beginning of July) and these will just go through us and lift us up when we are happy. Stress and depression result in lower frequencies which is not so good.

We might be tired or emotional unstable ... this is what I heard in two webinars.

Jo Dunning said yesterday in one of her broadcasts the medical field now says that 90% of all health problems start with emotional distress.

All of the above is the reason for the modalities I offer.

Enjoy listening,
Anna Christine

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Whiplash - Back Problems

Five years ago, August 2005, I had a severe car accident. The car was hit three times and I was for a few minutes unconscious ... I called it Trple Whiplash.
Today I want to write only about my back problems, which were probably not as severe as what others experience after this kind of accident. because I was at that time already drinking since one year Himalayan Goji Juice and later the more potent GoChi.

December 2007 I wanted to know what happens when I stop drinking the juice. I needed to know that because of my dealings with the car insurance.

After 2 weeks without drinking GoChi I was sitting on my bed and was NOT able to turn to the right to switch off the radio. I just could not turn to the right, it was hurting too much.
You need to know that I am very good with handling pain. I need for example no freezing when the dentist is filling a cavity.

But this was different, my back was hurting so much, that I just could not turn to the right.

Enough of the 'Research' I thought and started drinking GoChi again. After a few days everything was fairly ok again.

Wise experienced Owl
Anna Christine

PS.: I sometimes wonder in what state my back would be when I would not have had this juice. Actually 3 clinical studies have been done with GoChi. click on products, there you'll find them.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Toxins in Cosmetics

Two days ago they talked in the radio about the upset that parabens were found in cosmetics given to women with cancer as part of the 'Look Good - Feel Good Program"

Years ago, attending a Reflexology seminar, we talked about the fact that one should actually only put products on the skin that one would also eat.

Everything we put on the skin is absorbed and gets into the body ... and yes, when I would be that sick I would only use almond oil, drink lots of water and I would sleep and sleep and sleep.

Every sick animal curls up and sleeps and in my opinion we should do the same. Of course we have to go to the doctor too.

During that radio show I learned also that Europe has banned over 1000 ingredients, less than half of them are banned in Canada.

I do NOT buy anything that is not showing the ingredient list.

Anna Christine

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Prostate Problems

All our health problems are caused by NON-Communication between cells and the problem gets its name depending where the cells decided not to communicate.
No communication in the brain > Alzheimers - no communication in the knee > Arthritis - no communication in the prostate > prostate problems.

The non-communication might be caused by traumatic impact ... in case of the prostate one might have janked something in the lower abdomen. It might be caused by toxins ... in case of the prostate this might be a constipated toxic colon or it might be caused by inactivity ... wild guess what I mean.

Whatever might be the cause that you are worried ... after you have seen your family physician I recommend to see a reflexologist, get 6-10 sessions and ask to get shown what area to massage to help the circulation in the prostate area.

Reflexology activates the chi-flow, blood-flow and lymph-flow ... all three are needed to be healthy.

The reason that I recommend to get several sessions is, that it is always better to help the whole body and not one specific area. One never knows the cause of the problem. The whole body has to be in a balanced state to be able to heal itself.

In case of the constipated toxic colon it would not help to massage the reflex area for the prostate.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

PS: in case you are just tired then I recommend to drink GoChi, because it was in a double blind clinical trial proven that it improves the energy

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Do You Want to Have More Energy? Drink GoChi!

Beside having more energy you'll also experience the benefits listed below.

GoChi contains at least 30% more of the active ingredients that are in Himalayan Goji Juice.

Until now three clinical trials were conducted with GoChi and having more energy might be important for many. Just think about how much it helps in the bedroom ... I mean of course that you don't fall asleep when watching TV.
The first randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial that was done with GoChi showed dramatic improvement in 13 key health aspects.

» - less fatigue» - improved athletic performance
» - increased energy
» - stress reduction
» - feeling calmer
» - increased ability to focus» - sharper mental activity
» - better sleep quality
» - easier waking up
» - feeling healthier
» - feeling more content
» - feeling happier
» - improved bowel regularity
The controll group participants who got GoChi took 4 ounces daily for 14 days.

In one of the next blog posts I’ll write about my experiences after a tripple whiplash … my car was hit three times and I was for a few minutes unconscious

Anna Christine

PS.: Do you want to know what doctors thought about the Himalayan Goji Juice that contained at least 30% less of the active ingredients? If yes then click HERE

Friday, May 28, 2010

Alcohol May Benefit Your Health

'Alcohol can't take credit for health' I read yesterday in the local newspaper 'DAILY NEWS'. A recently released study reports that 'Moderate drinkers enjoy more robust health than either big boozers or teetotallers'.
The researchers contributed it to a healthier lifestyle this group af moderate drinkers have.

In my opinion the reason is a prerry simple one >>>
1. stress is over 90% the reason for our health problems
2. to reduce stress will most likely refuce health problems
3. and ... you might guess it ... when 1 glass or 2 of red or white wine reduce stress ... then moderate alcohol consumprion benefits us.

I wrote either in this blog or in the blog of quite a while ago about this issue.

There are of course other ways to reduce stress. Go to this website and click on 'products' and then on 'clinical studies' ... there you can find the 19 health benefits of GoChi which also include stress reduction, better sleep, higher anti oxidants, improved immune system, more energy, better focus.

Drinking this juice would be benefitial for teetotallers and heavy drinkers.

Meditation is another way for stress reduction.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

PS.: I forgot to mention Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection which are fabulous for stress reduction.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sunscreen - Are They Good or Bad?

This morning they announced in the radio (CBC) that they'll talk tomorrow about the topic "Sunscreens - are they good or bad?"

One of the speakers said "bad? why are they bad? perhaps the toxins that are in them"

I read a while ago that UVB protection in sunscreen actually prevents or reduces the vitamin D production in our body. Can't remember who wrote about that, but it made a lot of sense.

And then the chemicals in it, I really don't know ... I do not like chemicals of any kind.

Much longer ago I also read that a healthy well nourished body will not as easily develop skin cancer. With well nourished it was not meant to eat a lot of meat and other proteins, it was more about getting enough vitamins and minerals from fresh fruit and vegetables, and also protein from nuts, and seeds and fish. They wrote in that article they came to that conclusion because people develop skin cancer often on areas that actually are not exposed to the sun.

Personally I just threw 2 bottles of sunscreen out that I had bought when I flew to seminars in the Bahamas or Florida. After reading the ingredients I never used them. The sun there was not that bad.

During the 5 years I lived on a sailboat in the Caribean I used mostly lotion. Perhaps I bought once in a while a low grade sunscreen, like 3 or so. At that time there were not this sunscreens with high potency.
I must admit that I have a pretty resilient skin and healthy eating habits.

Therefore get information about this issue.

Anna Christine
PS.: Oh, you need to know this too .. on you'll find for a really good price two daily supplements ... Daily Edge or for AntiAging REVERSE

Saturday, May 22, 2010

GMO Food Dangers and Benefits

What we believe is good for mankind is later recognized as not so good, as with GMO foods. They were developed because one thought that is the solution for world hunger. Now GMO foods seem to be a danger. For the GMO benefits look at the end.

Jeffrey Smith, author of the bestseller Seeds of Deception, and Genetic Roulette, discusses the latest GMO research findings coming out of Russia, which adds fuel to previous concerns about long-term sterility and other highly bizarre physiological side effects.

You'll find more on Jeffrey Smith was interviewed by Craig Winter. There is a 10 min and a 60 min you tu7be video.

Jeffrey Smith told in an interview of Dr. Mercola that animals have a sense we don't have in regard to GMO food dangers.

When given the choice they avoided GMO: cows, pigs, geese, rats, squirrels, mice, buffalos, racoons, mice, chicken ... even in winter the squirrels nibbled only on a couple on kernels and when the researchers felt sorry and gave them the next day the non-gmo kernels of corn they ate it all.

Other researchers wanted to repeat this with mice and bought two bags with corn, one with non-gmo-food and the other with gmo-food. The winter came and when they went into the garage to start the study the mice had alrady compleated the study and had eaten the Non-GMO-Corn

What shall we do? We find help at the site http//

NOW to the BENEFITs: we have in parts of Nanaimo to many deer and they talk about culling. Instead of culling, it would be in my opinion a better solution to feed them with GMO-corn. With every new generation they'll most likely not reproduce as much. Which was proven with a hamster study. Jeffrey Smith talked about the effects of GMO food on the reproductive system in an interview with Dr. Mercola.

The deer would be happy to have something to eat and the property owners would be happy that they don't eat their plants in the front yard. I only hope the deer are not communicating telepatically and deer from the forest are crossing the high-way to get the corn too because then we might have one day no deer anymore.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Addictions and Reconnective Healing

All addictions have a stress component. First we have to be stressed and peer pressure is stress too.

I noticed after my Recconnective Healing sessions and The Reconnection that I was calm and did not like the taste of my coffee anymore. I make it because of the flavour, maximum a cup per day, but already after the first sip I don't like the taste.

A friend in Berlin who had just stopped smoking and received three Distance Reconnective Healing Sessions was totally surprised that she forgot her cigarettes.

Stress is involved in over 90% of all health problems, therefore it is a great health benefit to be stress free.

It is of great benefit to be already after 1-3 Reconnective Healing Sessions calm and centered since most recommendations for stress reduction (meditation, yoga, visualization and others) involve time ... and the lack of time is causing in many stress.

Distance Reconnective Healing Sessions are of great benefit.

First of all there is a limited amount of Reconnective Healing Practitioners®.
Only somebody who took at least the Reconnective Healing training Level I/II can call her/himself a Reconnective Healing Practitioner®.

Secondly I often do the session in agreement with my clients when they are in bed. By doing it this way the session does not take time out of my clients schedule. Otherwise the client has to be resting during the time of the session.

Anna Christine Doehring

PS.:; Oh, I forgot, animals benefit also gratly from Reconnective Healing, especially becuse they can't say where it hurts.