Braco will be October 22-24 2010 in Philadelphia at the Mind Body Spirit Expo at the Valley Forge Convention Center.
He appears together with Neil Donald Walsh (author of Conversations with God)and Don Miguel Ruiz (author of The Fifth Agreement); and many others.
When you live at the East Coast you have the chance to experience first hand the incredibly transformative energy of Braco's Gazing Sessions that has changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world.
For more information go to www.braco-info.com and www.braco.net
As a Reconnective Healing Practitioner I was curious and saw him June 2010 in Hawaii.
One has to experience him to understand why 7.000 came in Macedonia in one day to see him.
It is different from Reconnective Healing, but it is wonderful.
Anna Christine
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