It is not only that in my opinion concussions need a longer rest period to heal properly.
As a Jin Shin Do Acupressure practitioner I have to say that also blows to the outside of the legs and the back can have a negative effect on the head.
Sometimes tens of years later.
To know why one needs knowledge about the location of the different Meridians which are energy pathways. They are like rivers of Chi and they go through the whole body ... and when there is an injury in one part of the meridian one can experience a problem in another part many years later. In regard to the head: it might be mental fog, stroke, headaches, forgetfulness, Dementia, Parkinson's.
When I would be a Hockey Player I would go every year to either an Acupressurist or an Acupuncturist to be safe.
I am afraid of needles therefore Acupressure came first.
Please take this very seriously
Anna Christine
PS.: whoever lives close may come for a FREE 'head-check', see under Brain-Rejuvenator
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