As a Holistic Health Practitioner I have since a few years the special gift. to detect with my finger tips energy blockages in the head and also the whole body, that might in future cause serious problems.
Every healthproblem is actually a disruption of cell communication in a specific area. This can be caused by stress, trauma, injuries, surgeries, toxins. Over time this disruption of cell communication causes in that area a serious problem as for example MS, a stroke, arthritis, forgetfullness.
Healing is re-establishing the cell communication (balance,homeostasis) in the body because then the body can heal itself.
I am looking for somebody who got the plaque of the arteries removed because i want to see whether after that my fingertips still move on that area, which would indicate that the problem might come back.
In case you have MS and you are just curious, but you want to be better, then contact me too.
Go to my website, at the bottom of the pages is the link: 'emailAnnaChristine'
On that website you also find more information about my special GIFT
Now I really hope that somebody finds this post.
Wise Owl
Anna Christine
What is the 2025 Prediction?
1 month ago
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