When we suffer under Vertigo it seems our surroundings are moving. One may feel as if one is spinning, tilting, rocking, or falling through space. One may vomit or have tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Sometimes the eyes may uncontrollably jerk back and forth (a condition called nystagmus).
I had it once after a flight to Europe, fortunately it disappeared after one day without intervention.
Since I made the experience that Reflexology may help with Ringing of the ears, I checked in a Medical Research Paper for Reflexology and found the following
From 106 people with Vertigo who received Reflexology Sessions
80 (75.47%) found it significantly effective ... this means that all symptoms and signs disappear completely and don't recur in 3-6 months.
21 (19.81%) found it effective ... the symptoms and signs disappeared or basically disppear. After Reflexology ceased for 3-6 months part of the signs and symptoms recur, but to a lesser degree with marked improvement in comparison to before the sessions.
and on
5 (4.72%) Reflexology had no effect ... after the sessions no basic improvement of symptoms and signs. 3 monmths after the sessions stopped the vertigo occured again.
The research was conducted bt Dr. Wang Liang and originally published in 1996 China Reflecology Symposium Report.
I could not find data about length and frequenxy of the sessions.
Many other health problems are listed in this booklet and one can see to what degree Reflexology was beneficial.
Anna Christine
What is the 2025 Prediction?
1 month ago
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