Have you ever thought about when actuallt a health problem is starting in you body?
It starts a long time before the symptom shoes up.
The syptom (for example blurry vision from cataracts) is like the tip of an iceberg. It might have started 10 or 20 years ago.
The Egyptians knew that Reflexology is beneficial. Every part of your body has a reflex area in the feet,hands and ears.
By stimulating/rubbing/massaging them the circulation in the corresponding part is activated.
Which circulation? The circulation of the life energy Chi, the blood, the lymph, and the nervous system.
To help the eyes it is best to pay attention to the reflex area for the eyes and the neck. A Reflexologist will always massage the whole feet because the whole body has to be brought back into balance/homeostasis.
It is the best to get a few Reflexology sessions and to ask them which areas to rub at home.
For more information about REflexology go to the website below.
Anna Christine
PS.: during summer it is really beneficial for our health to walk barefoot on a beach with pebbles. That is a cheap Reflexology session.
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