Everybody in the health field has his/her 'pet root-cause':
lack of exercise,lack of water, lack of sleep, lack of fresh fruits and vegetables, lack of nutrients, lack of regular bowel movements, lack of time-out, lack of sex
and now the too much root causes
too much stress, too much tobacco, too much booze, too much sitting araound, to many drugs (you figure out which I mean), too much work, perhaps also too much sex (that is hard on the kidney Jing, that is the energy we hae from birth on).
Most of us believe that stress is the culprit, but that is only the tip of the ice berg, actually that is wrong, the tip of the ice berg is the symptom, beneath is the stress, and that is caused by an underlying program.
Stress is not caused by external circumstances it is caused by our internal programming.... and this programming happened in the first 6 years.
Just think about traffic, how differently people react .. some chose to have road rage and others drink happily their coffee, or listen to music.
This underlying program needs to be removed and Reconnective Heealing is a wonderful therapy for that.
Have to go to bed now.
The Eternal Optimist
Anna Christine
What is the 2025 Prediction?
1 month ago
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