Using more and more computers I assume that people are earlier short-sighted than in the past.
Beside eating blueberries, and vitamin C rich fruits ane can do the following.
Write a paragraph of 10 lines on a letter sized paper
in a font size that you can read easily without glasses.
Then write the same text again but one font smaller
and so on ... so that the letters become smaller and smaller;
perhaps a printer can help, because the computer might not be able to make it small enough.
Then sit down and start reading slowly, one paragraph after the other. Read it and do NOT memorize it.
You'll be surprised to be able to read even the smallest print.
Do this every day until your eyes are back to 20/20
I did this years ago and was surprised that it works.
I also refused to go regularly my eyes checked and only to have stronger and stronger glasses. That makes our eyes in my opinion lazy.
Wize Owl
Anna Christine
What is the 2025 Prediction?
1 month ago
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