Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Is there Help for Anxiety?

Why is nobody wondering why so many experiencing anxiety?
What could be the reason? What has changed in the last years? What is new? What did we not have 20 years ago?

Beside other possible reasons it is in my opinion the continuosly increasing amount of Electro-Magnetic Radiation (EMF). Everybody seems to have an I-phone, a portable phone. a router for several computers, or a cell phone,

EMR stresses our body, affects our immune system and reduces our energy ... therefore so many are always tired and need to drink coffee.

When we are stressed our body uses up more nutrients. Therefore it is very important to eat as much organic products as possible, eat a large amount of raw food, cook from scratch, never use a Microwave oven, avoid food that has a long shelf life, and avoid all GMO products.
Our body needs as much help as possible.

When food was longer than 3 minutes in a microwave oven it is dead. That means the food has ZERO nutritional value.

It also helps when one walks every day a few minutes barefoot on the lawn to fill the body with the energy of our planet. Unfortunately our shoes have no leather soles anymore.

Regarding wholistic healing modlities Reconnective Healing is in my opinion the best. Do some research and find on www.thereconnection.com a practitioner in your area.
On the websites below is also qute a bit of information.

The worst what you can do is to continue living the way you did and take pills.

Anna Christine

Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Secret to Curing Cancer

Do you also just love these e-mails with the announcement that there is a tribe somewhere and they never got cancer and you have to listen and to listen and then .... you have to buy a book to find out.
I never bought one ... and now I even do not listen to the thing. Tried a few times whether I find a hint to what it might be.

In my opinion the secret of all thes fruits, vegetables, spices is that they make the body alkaline and
Cancer is just not a happy camper in an alkaline environment, meaning body. This is wahat people need to know.

Another side effect of ph-neutral (7 - 7.2 pH) body fluids is that the person is calmer and more emotionally balanced. And when we are calm, at peace, happy and loving then the pH is balanced. We say in Germn to this "The cat is biting its tail"

I met once an American doctor who put all his cancer patients on only fresh pressed vegetable juices. Nothing else. And they recovered and were in remission

Another person with cancer decided to fulfill his lifelong dream, bought a sailboat and took off - and oh wonder he got well too and was in remission.

Another one who was full of cancer and nothing could be done surrendered to God, relaxed, most likely the bodyfluids became alkaline and he got well too, or medically spoken he was in remission. 25 years later he was still ub remission and alive. Which shows that remission can be very long.

Because I was not patient enough and stopped listening I did not find out what the former president Clinton is eating daily to be healthy.

Perhaps sunflower seeds, they are pretty healthy or raisins, or dates .... just find out with google was makes you alkaline.
Ir could be too that he is not afraid of cancer and not constantly thinking about it as many do.

Fear and stress make a person for sure acidic.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Autistic Children - WiFi

Yesterday I talked in our local healthfood store with a lady who told me that her two grandchildren are autistic.
What worries her is that one of them uses an I-Pad when he is together with a health practitioner who is obviously there to improve his situation.

I was surprised, or better in shock. Why?
Because Dr. Klinghardt, Seattle, mentions on This Video that he can predict whether a baby will be autistic or not.
Reason: The higher the WiFi radiation is in the bedroom of the pregnant mother the higher the likelyhood the baby will be autistic.

In my opinion it does not take an Einstain to figure out that an I-Pad should not be too close to an autistic child or to make it even more clear -
My opinion is that an autistic child should be not exposed to WiFi

Wise owl
Anna Christine

Monday, October 28, 2013

One of the Reasons we Become Sick

In my last block I mentioned three factors that have an affect on our health. One of them is GMO food - GeneManipulated Organisms.
Dr Mercola had on his newsletter this short 6-min video to help people understand the importance of labelling GMO products.

Actually some of the States in the USA have already a law to label GMO products. I wonder whether they also have to label all the salad-dressings that contain fructose from GMO-corn.

It can take several years until we'll experience the consequences of our food choices and then we believe it is in your genes or it happens because we are getting older.Ha Ha!
We certainly do not drop dead after eating GMO food or become sick within a month - it takes longer until our body responds with all kinds of symptoms.

And - then there is the accumulative factor . My first Chemistry teacher said "Never put substances together when you do not know how they react with each other".

We eat GMO food, eat fruits and vegetables that were sprayed with pesticides or herbicides, eat fish out of an ocean that contains water that comes from Fukushima, use toothpaste with fluoride, eat products with aspertane, and so on ...

Anna Christine

Friday, October 25, 2013

Cancer - GMO - EMF/WiFi - Fukushima

Why are people not interested in the cause of their health problems? especially why they get cancer?

Are they so distracted with TV, sports, I-phones, and material things that their critical thinking is vanishing?

- There is a French study that proves rats got cancer after eating GMO corn

- There are reports that Celltowers that emit ElectroMagneticFrequencies/EMF cause cancer. I believe it was in Israel that they removed a celltower because so many got cancer. ... and

- We all should know that radioactivity causes leukemia. I wonder how many are interested in the state of the Pacific

- Not to mention all the additives in our food

It seems people do not care until they have cancer. Do they forget the children that live now and all the children that will live in the future? I wonder.

People need to educate themselves. They need know what to eat to stay healthy. Wild animals knows it. Our body has to be in prime condition 'to weather the storm' that is approaching - actually it is already here.

>>> We have GMO food, I believe 3/4 of the products in a supermarket contain it.
>>> Doctors of Chinese Medicin are noticing already the effects of EMF in their patients. Many have EMS = ElectroMagneticSensitivity
>>> With the debris from Fukushima came the radioactive water
>>> and the additives in our food we consume since many many years.

Anna Christine

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Bruno Groening Circle of Friends - Follow-up Lecture in Nanaimo

Wednesday, October 23., 2013, I attended in Nanaimo a lecture that informed about the German healer Bruno Groening who lived 60 years ago. on one occasion 10.000 came and many experienced amazing healings. During the meetings of the Circle of Friends of Bruno Groening healings happen too and therefore we need to know about this possibility of healing..

To expand on the information in the lecture 'Healing on the Spiritual Path through the Healings of Bruno Groening' we invite you to an in-depth lecture (ca. 1 1/2 hr). You will hear and learn more about the teachings of Bruno Groening and how you can use the spiritual healing power for yourself and others.
Admission is free

Date: Tuesday, Oct. 29th, 7 pm
Place: Beban Recreation Centre Room 7/8
2300 Bowen Road

Anna Christine

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Spiritual Healing - Lectures on Vancouver Island in Victoria, Nanaimo, Duncan

Help and Healing on the Spiritual Path
When we don’t feel vital, alert, full of joy and optimism then our body wants to tell us something. No matter how old we are!

Who of us is listening what our body wants to tell us??? We get told it is just a part of life or of getting older … and most of us believe this.

What can we do to regain well being? We can take pills. The symptom will go away, the true cause is mostly not addressed, therefore we have to take the pills until the end of our life.. .

What is the true cause? It is most likely physical or emotional trauma, toxins, or other environmental hazards which causes an imbalance or blockage in the energy flow. Chinese Medicine says that when our Chi (Life-Energy) is blocked or unbalanced our body is no longer in harmony. It is in dis-harmony. Over the years this dis-harmony turns into dis-ease.

The body is able to heal itself but it needs help to re-balance the energy (Chi) flow

Alternative Healing modalities, Reconnective Healing, as well as yoga and Tai-Chi help to improve the Chi-flow.

Another possibility is to meditate every day to get into a totally relaxed state and by this accessing the omni present Chi (Universal Energy). Meditation groups are very effective because there is a higher energy when we meditate in a group.

Ten years of, when in Africa, my 15 year old grandson went during critical situations in a kind of meditative state to call in Bruno Groening to help us. He had in Germany attended a lecture about this man. Therefore I was interested in the ‘Bruno Groening Circle of Friends', which originates in Swiss. I contacted them and this is the reason they are coming now from time to time to Vancouver Island.

More info on www.bruno-groening.org/english

The following is from that website: “Bruno Groening had very precise, intuitive knowledge of this energy and through his simple teachings he made it available to everybody.

The Bruno Groening Circle of Friends is an informal gathering of people who have recognized the value of Bruno Groening's teachings. These are passed on in hundreds of groups which meet around the world. Instruction is given for the proper physical and mental attitude necessary for the absorption of Divine power. The ”healing stream”, which is clearly perceptible in the body, gives help and healing, even in cases of chronic, degenerative and serious organic illnesses.

There is a Higher power which is the fundament of life and it can heal! It has been given many names: life force, vital energy ("Vis vitalis"), prana, Chi, Divine power...

"Trust and believe that Divine energy helps and heals." (Bruno Groening)

The great number of healings that occur are documented in accordance with clinical anemneses. The MWF (the German name for the Medical-Science Group is Medizinisch-Wissenschaftliche Fachgruppe and the initials MWF are standard for all languages) in the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends, a forum of several thousand doctors and other professionals associated with healing, checks the reports and when possible, compiles documentations with medical comments based on the findings of independent doctors.”

There will be three events on Vancouver Island at the end of October:

October 23, 2013, 7:00 pm
Bowen Park Complex, Clubhouse Nanaimo, BC V9R 1Z7

October 24, 2013, 7:00 pm
Comfort Hotel & Conference Centre Douglas Room, 3020 Blanshard Street Victoria, BC V8T 5C7
Speaker: G. Kury, MD
Local contact: Moneca Rayner
Tel. 604-239-3966, monecaray@shaw.ca

Documentary Film:
The Phenomenon Bruno Groening -On the tracks of the miracle healer
October 27, 2013, 1:00 pm
Best Western Cowichan Valley Inn - Abutus room
6474 Trans Canada Highway
Duncan, BC V9L 6C

The lecture is approx. 90 minutes in duration. This is an open invitation to anyone who is interested.

Admission is free, donations are welcome. .Organizer: Circle for Spiritual Aid to Life, Inc.

Anna Christine Doehring
Energy All Around Healing
Holistic Health

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Health Care for Seniors in Danger?

This morning (Oct. 8, 2013, I heard at the CBC the agonie Tom Hanson went through with his 92 year old mother who experienced problems with the legs (she could suddenly not walk anymore) and heart problems.

I had to think instantly "what about Statin drugs?" because one of my clients told me her mother could not get out of bed one morning and they found out that it was caused by the Statin medication she took. The situation normalised after a while because the mother had stopped taking the drug.

All I can say is to check Dr. Mercola's article about this out.

Another client from me had started to drink every morning a glass with warm water and fresh pressed organic lemon juice. He told me his doctor was surprised about the improvement of his cholesterol level. It was perfect.

Wise Uwl
Anna Christine

Monday, October 7, 2013

Why are so Many Starfish Dying at the BC Coast?

October 7th. 2013 they talked at the CBC in the evening about the dying of starfish. The same day they also mentioned in the news that around 165 foreign species are arriving with the debris from Fukushima at the BC coast.

I believe that the radioactive water that got into the Pacific after the Fukushima desaster should be here by now.

Could it be that the starfish multiplied at the beginning because they love dirty water, meaning toxins in the water?
In my opinion it is possible that they are dying now because they were exposed to radioactive water for too long.
Nobody knows what is going on and I believe this possibility is worth researching.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Why do we have Global Warming?

Global Warming is in my opinion a climate change that is caused by activities in the cosmos - and our extensive use of fossil fuels is speeding it up.
It was warm before - we had on Vancouver Island once palm trees. Nothing is static - everything is constantly changing.

I wonder why nobody is developing the technologies from Nicola Tesla that would enable us to have free energy. I can only hope there is a country that is doing it secretly ... and - voila - one day has it.

What about the energy from the ZERO-Point field?

One metereologist is so concerned that he decided to stop flying.

"When meteorologist Eric Holthaus read the recent climate report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), he saw that things were worse than even he had anticipated." click HERE for the full article.

Wise owl

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

What is the Cause of Alzheimer's?

Every time they talk in the radio what to do with relatives that have Alzheimer's I wonder

"why is nobody talking about the possible reasons of Alzheimer's?"

It is worrying that peaople already get it with 64, like the man who got recently missing in the forest.

What is different now to our lives 60 years ago?

In my opinion as a wholistic health practitioner I believe that
1. the amount of toxins plays a role
2. the 'freezing' at the dentist is harmful
3. the WiFi technology is also part of it

4. and stress
5. and probably accidents we had during our life.

1 - 3 are different, and stress as well as accidents we had also in the past. Perhaps not that much and that many.

>1. toxins are in everything: in the food, in the paints, in the carpets, in the furniture, in the plastic containers and so on

>2. many years ago when I went to university I got my silver (mercury) fillings removed by a dental student and because he had to do everything right, he had to tell me also the side effecs of the 'freezing' ... the dentist stood beside him and listened. When I heard the side effects I said "forget it, do it without" - Now, have you ever had a dentist mentioning the side effecs? The teeth are pretty close to the brain.
Actually I had a 50 year old neighbour who got many implants (that was in the 1980ies) and she had later Lou Gehrig's Disease (ALS) and died. I still wonder whether this was caused by all the freezing that was involved.

>3. When we talk longer than 8 minutes on a cell phone, on a protable phone, or are close to a Smart Meter amd in my opinion perhaps close to Cell-towers, then the blood-brain-barrier gets interrupted and all the toxins that are in the blood get into the brain.
10 years ago in Calgary they talked in the radio about the possible link between high fruit consumption and Parkinson's. Reason: the frequent spraying of the fruit trees.

>3. Stress affects specifically one meridian that goes over the brain. When we are stressed the energy in this meridian is not flowing properly.

>4. Accidents also affect meridiens, particularly two of them that can have an effect on the brain.
MS is in my opinion in most cases also the cause of what I wrote here.

During some of my workshops I'll talk about this, see more on http://energy-all-around.com/workshops-radio-fairs

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

How to Sleep Better - No WiFi in the Bedroom

This morning Rolf Mittelberger , Prof. of Neuroscience talked at the CBC about the importance of a good night sleep.

That a lack of sleep affects the immune system and causes metablic disorders, obesity and cardiovascular disease.

He mentioned
- the importance of darkness for the Melatonin production,
- the blue light on the laptop is paricularly effective in affecting the Melatonin secretion.
- we should keep work related things out of the bedroom
- how unwise it is to have a last look at the weather and/or sports before closing the laptop and the eyes.
- to limit TV and internet in the evening before going to bed

Asked about WiFi he actually said there is no evidence that WiFi has an effect on the pineal gland which secretes Melatonin ... but one would save energy by switching WiFi off.

Now, I honestly believe that it has an effect.
Does He not know that Dr. Klinghardt from Seattle is treating a patient only when the patient agrees to get rid of all the WiFi in the house.

Patients who see Dr. Klinghardt have seen with their health problems about 21 doctors before and non of them was able to help them.
The link to Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt about Electro Magnetic Frequencies (EMF).

I was curious what the Sleep tips of the Majo Clinic are:

No. 1: Stick to a sleep schedule
No. 2: Pay attention to what you eat and drink
No. 3: Create a bedtime ritual
No. 4: Get comfortable
No. 5: Limit daytime naps
No. 6: Include physical activity in your daily routine
No. 7: Manage stress

Nothing is written about the negative effects of WiFi that emmits electromagnetic frequencies (EMF)

When you want to stay healthy or regain energy and health then get rid of WiFi - at least in the bedroom ... During the night our body is healing nd repairing all the damge done during the day. When there is WiFi in the bedroom the body cannot heal.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine
PS.: Better sleep is one of the many benefits of Reconnective Healing®

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Hormones in Milk, Meat, Chicken, Eggs and Cheeze

Whether parents have boys or girls they should only give them organic meat, organic milk (better no milk at all), organic cheeze, organic chicken, organic eggs, ... all the hormones are catastrophic for the men.
I heard already several years ago in the radio (CBC) when they talked about this topic, that some young men cannot use condoms because the condom is too big, or better they are too small.
Perhaps they make in the meantime smaller ones ... the women are certainly not happy about this either.

The following documentary discloses much more.

Documentary: The Disappearing MaleAugust 31, 2013

By Dr. Mercola

The chemical industry is only 100 years old, but in this short time they’ve created substances that may now be threatening human survival.

A handful of these chemicals are detailed in the film The Disappearing Male,which gives an educational glimpse into exactly why environmental chemicals, and particularly the gender-bending kind, are so detrimental.

It’s becoming quite clear that chemicals in the environment are prompting significant changes to animals, especially males, and that extends to human ‘animals’ as well.

more at http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/08/31/disappearing-male-documentary.aspx

Anna christine

Friday, August 30, 2013

Radioactivity from Fukushima - What to Do?

The Fukushima desaster shows once gain that we have to use our own brain to come to conclusions and to take action. In my opinion the public will in such a case never be informed properly because of the concern they might become to fearful.

After the Fikushima desaster I wanted to buy liquid ptassium iodine in a drugstore and I could not get it and was ridiculed by the pharmacist.
I started to take Kelp because it contains iodine, which will be soon a NONO because in a radioactive Pacific the Kelp will be radioactive too ... as the fish.

On this site

one can read the following sentence
" ... the Japanese government .... attempted to convince people that if they drank beer or smiled, they would be immune to radiation poisoning. (Yes, this is how desperate they've become...)"

The author of the article obviously did not understand why the Japanese government was saying this ... it all has to do with the fact that the only solution for this problem is a vibrational one. We have to raise our consciousness. A high consciousness results in a higher vibratory level of the cells and then damaging things just pass through us.

somewhere I read the Russans were actually grateful for Chernobyl because it showed them it is possible to overcome the radiation danger. This is probably where the Japanese got ther idea from.

This is one of the reasons I am practicing Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection®... Just think of EMF.

Anybody who is anxious nd fearful will only get drunk with beer.
When we are calm, centered, and at peace through Reconnective Healing® then beer might help also ... but to be honest ... I believe that it would not be necessary.

Wise owl Anna

Sunday, August 18, 2013

What is a Portable and Cordless Phone?

A phone that one puts on a base which is connected with a landline is NON a landline phone ....IT IS NOT!

Every phone that you carry around in the house and garden and you put on the base to re-charge is a Portable Phone.

These Portable Phones are emitting more EMR (electro-magnetic radiation) than cell phones.

When one speaks longer than eight minutes on a cell phone or a Portable Phone the bloodbrain barrier is interrupted and all the toxins from the blood get into the brain! Both phones - cell phones and portable phones should NEVER be in your bedroom. NEVER!!!

Anna Christine

Should vaccination be mandatory for children?

This is in regard to the idea that vaccination of children should be mandatory. A healthprofessional from New Yorck spoke recently about this issue in regard to measles. He was of course for vaccination.

In my opinion either he or I am not able to think logically.

Let's say there are 100 children and 60 parents decide to vaccinate their child against measles. 40 do not want any vaccination.

Which means when there is a measle breakout then
60 children will be safe and the parents don't have to worry their child might become sick and
40 children are not vaccinated and some might get sick because it was their parents decision that the children do NOT get vaccinated. These parents, knowing about the potential danger of vaccination, decided against vaccination.

Beside the ingredients in the vaccination like aluminum and mercury one also never knows whether germs are already in the childs' body and the immune system needs all its strength to fight them. The additional germs from the vaccination could be too much and put the life of the child at risk.

I doubt that these 40 parents would sue anybody when their child becomes sick because it was their decision that their child did not get vaccinated. They wanted their child to develop a healthy immune system. Sometimes they even don't mind the child gets sick because that strengthens the immune system too.

The term 'herd immunity' really does not make any sense.
The vaccinated children are supposed to stay healthy and the parents of the unvaccinated children would never sue anybody.

Or is there a risk that a child still gets the measles despite being vaccinated? When that is the case the vaccination doesn't make any sense either, at least in my opinion.
Then the only one that might sue anybody would be the parents of the child that got harmed by the vaccination -and I don't know whom they would sue ... the doctor, tha producer of the vaccination, or the one who ordered the vaccination to be mandatory.

Actually I have heard from 3 health professionals (doctors), each one with 6 children, whose children were NOT vaccinated.

Dr. Mercola attended one or two years ago a conference about vaccination and told in one of his newsletters later he had been crying when he learned about the dangers of vaccination; realising what he had done to all the children he had vaccinated. It is time that people start to analyse given information critically.

Anna Christine
www.energy-all-around.com www.ReconnectionToTheCosmos.com

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Why are People so Allergic to Peanuts?

I write this post because recently a teenager died in the arms of her father after one bite of something with peanuts I believe it is the following which I learned years ago during one of the seminars I attended. First they plant cotton and because it is a fast grwoing plant it needs a lot of nutrients, especially nitrogen. It gets sprayed with herbicides, perhaps Round Up (most of the cotton is GMO) The following year they plant peanuts because they put nitrogen back into the soil. My mother planted on a new piece of land a lupine variety to enrich the soil for gardening. Fall rye does that too. Anyhow the peanuts enrich the soil but they also pick up all the toxins from the herbicides, Round Up, and perhaps even pesticides used to grow the cotton. I believe that one is actually not allergic to the peanut itself but the toxins, and the body makes the association "oh no, there is that toxic food again - I don't want that" Elephants do not like to eat genmanipu;ated cotton. Only when they do not get anything else they eat it. That told me a customer at the Super Market when I was reading the labels. I am not eating regular beanut butter or peanuts only organic ones. Anna Christine www.energy-all-around.com www.ReconnectionToTheCosmos.com

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Help to Overcome Cancer.

Writing my last post I had to think of the sailor who had cancer and decided to sell everything to buy a sailboat to fulfill his lifelong dream to go sailing ... he recovered from his cancer without any medical help.

Surrendering to God (see last post) or doing something that gives us peace is what all the ones who are having cancer are looking for ... PEACE of mind.

Humans have the greatest peace of mind when they are doing what brings them the greatest joy and meaning in their lives.

For many men it is fishing. ">Therefore Dean Schrock, PhD, wrote 'Doctor's Orders: Go Fishing'

Anna Christine
PS.: Reconnective Healing® gives us, beside other benefits, stress reduction and peace of mind.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Is There Hope when One has Cancer?

When I read this headline on yahoo 'Terminally ill ‘Simpsons’ co-creator vows to give away fortune'

I had to think of a conversation I had years ago in Nanaimo with somebody from 'The Knights of Columbus'

I had told him about the recovery from somebody with Pancreatic and Liver Cancer without any medical intervention. This man told his story on the former radio station C-fun 1410 in Vancouver several years ago. The cancer had happened 15 years ago.

The member of the Knights of Columbus knew somebody who had been 25 years ago very sick so that the doctors did an explatory surgery. They discovered he was full of cancer. No hope to heal him with surgery or chemo. They stitched him up and told him the sad truth. This man was at the time of our conversation still alive. 25 years later!

The common link between both is surrendering to the situation ... no fighting ... surrendering. The guy from the radio said this.He belonged to Christian Science and after a lot of praying that didn't help he decided to surrender to God.

From the second one I believe that the surrendering also played a role, because there was no hope to be able to fight the cncer.

What I want to say is that there is always hope. I truly believe non of us knows what is in store for us. Neither the person who is sick nor the doctor.

Perhaps Sam Simon revovers after he has given everything away. Who knows.

Anna Christine

Monday, July 22, 2013

Dangers if Antibiotics

A few days ago I met an aquaintance whose whole body had sores after he had taken for three days an antibiotic because of an wound at the leg.

I am still very concerned, because a friend told me years ago about the death of a friend who had taken an antibiotic against a bladder infection.
The reason of his death was the disintegration of his skin. It dissolved.
Unfortunately I forgot the very complicate name of that condition.

I checked it on google at that time and found that there are in the USA lawyers who are specialised in that field.

I know the wife of the former chancellor Kohl could not go out during daylight. She was sensitive to sun after she had taken an antibiotic.
In case I need one day to take an antibiotic I will immediately stop when I experience the slightest skin sensation.
Actually I cannot remember when I took the last time an antibiotic. It was perhaps 30 years ago.

Anna Christine
PS.: I believe it has to do with the amount of toxins in our body.

Friday, July 19, 2013

What is Reconnective Healing®?

How many people really know about the benefits of Reconnective Healing®. These sessions are very different from all forms of energy healing. The are omore.

The Reconnective Healing Practitioner® is a cathalyst for the very high frequencies of light and information additional to energy.

- Stress is lifting
- Higher vitality
- Better sleep
- Abundance in life might increase because our vibratory level is higher
- Enables the body to heal itself and to rejuvenate
- It balances all body systems, also Chakras and Meridians.
- The mind is clearer, better brain function
- Better focus
- One is happier.calm and emotional balanced
- The memory is better because
- Reconnective Healing® upgrades the brain

Usually one needs only 3 sessions, sometimes even only 1.

More on my websites below

Anna Christine
PS.: info about the Health Fair in Nanaimo, BC, where I give short sessions on my last post, July 18th.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

What is Reconnective Healing?

In Nanaimo on Vancouver Island, Canada, one can experience 10 Min or 20 Min Reconnective Healing Sessions at the

Holistic Metaphysical Fair
Friday, August 16th 6pm to 8.30 pm Saturday, August 17th 10am to 4.00 pm

There will be also other practitioners of various healing arts and various readers.

Presented by Unity of Nanaimo
A Spiritual Education and Celebration Center
2325 E. Wellington Rd, Nanaimo, B.C.

Anna Christine

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Why Have so Many Women Breast Cancer?

Yesterday I was watching the very interesting youtube video from the Cardiologist William Davis.
William DAvis - Wheat: the UNhealthy Whole Grain

More towards the end during the Q & A section somebody asked him about GMO corn and William Davis said that rats usually live 2 years but research has shown that when they get GMO corn they live only 1 year and most of the time they die of breast cancer.

Actually I know a woman who was more or less proud to eat a lot of popcorn ... guess  what happened >>> she got breast cancer. She is ok now, but not everybody is that lucky.

Animals will not eat GMO corn when they have the choice between NON-GMO corn and GMO corn.

That should make us thing when we buy popcorn.

People who are exposed more than 5 years to probably higher doses of Electo-Magnetic Radiation also have more often cancer. As it happened in the USA ambassy in Russia about 40 years ago.

35 years ago a nurse told me in Munich that the cancer rate is constantly going up ... and she was very concerned about that.

Peaple have to educate themselves when they want to stay healthy  ... we have the internet ... it is easy.
And when they do not have the time then they can at least read Blogs from people like me to get information they can check out.

Dr. Mercola is a good choice.

Anna Christine

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Is Our Food Supply Endangered?

This movie of Dr. Mercola's recent newsletter  should be shown in every school to every child to make them aware that our food supply is not guaranteed when we continue to exploit the earth in the wrong way.


It has to be shown to the children and teenagers because they most likely don't know what happened. Most adults have forgotten the past and live in the belief there will always be enough food and they live also in the La-La land of Me-Me consumption. Coming from Europe I also did not know that it was this bad.

What is shown in this movie can happen again ... any time. We are very vulnerable with the raising of  monocultures of corn and soy — much of which are genetically engineered . They are rapidly overtaking native grasslands. Everyone notices the changes of the weather.

The return to smaller-scale agriculture, complete with grazing herds, may be necessary for creating a more sustainable food system. Following Savory’s strategy, large herds could be moved across areas in planned grazing patterns, which would be beneficial for the environment, the health of the animals, and subsequently the health of humans consuming those animals.

Everyone should start a garden and plant fruit trees in case this is happening again. We have to be prepared. Remember, a lot of our food comes from the USA and the prairies.

Here in Nanaimo very few are gardening. The soil on Vancouver Island is in most area very poor and has to be build up over years. What we can buy in the garden stores is not 'REAL' soil - it is a mixture from peat moss, organic materials (paper is also organic), a bit steer manure and other components. The vegetables will not have the sme quality as they have on natural good soil.

The food supply in the Super Markets will last only for 3 days.

Anna Christine

Thursday, May 23, 2013

How Can I Heal Myself?

Yes we can heal ourselves ... there are different ways.

I heard yesterday, May 22nd 2013, in the radio the story of a woman who had rheumatoid arthritis and did not want to take the medication the doctor wanted to give her.

- She started drinking more water
- She ate more whole foods, raw, organic, cooking from scratch.
- She changed her thoughts, retrained her emotions to be balanced and happy
and she became healthy ... to the surprise of her doctor.

This is in my opinion  the recipe for all our health health issues.

Emotional retraining is hard work. It is possible but it is much easier to get help with alternative healing modalities that bring our body back into balance.
All alternative modalities are doing this. Some are focussing only on the physical healing and since all health problems have an emotional cause I prefer Reconnective Healing.
This new healing modality helps the body to heal what needs to be healed, may it be mental, emotional, spiritual, ancestorial and physical.

The second way to heal ourselves is by visualisation ... by seeing the body being healthy and functioning perfectly.

Anna Christine

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

How to Reduce Aging of the Brain?

One of my clients told me about a new Anti Aging Pill.
I was reading the advertising booklet and there were testimonials like
- happier mental state
- more confidence
- better memory
- feeling better
- stopped forgetting things
- increase in energy
- more alert

It seems when it comes to aging that some are concerned about their brain and others about their skin. I didn't find any testimonial about the skin in the booklet.

Looking at the listed benefits  my first thought was 'these are some of the things my Reconnective Healing  clients are observing' the next was 'what about Coconut Oil? I listened to a testimonial from the wife of an Alzheimer's patient which was very promising.' I think it was on Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby's newsletter.

Also regarding aging of the brain: many do not know that when being longer than EIGHT minutes on a cellphone or a portable phone  the blood-brain barrier is interrupted and all the toxins that are in the blood can get into the brain.

When they are having a Smart-Meter or are close to a Cell-Tower then the blood-brain barrier is probably all the time open
And WiFi? ... it is not in my house and not in my office. Actually I have the first clients asking me whether my office is WiFi and Smart-Meter free.
In France they are taking WiFi out of the schools.

Conclusion ...
eat as organic, toxin free, and additive free as possible.
Cook from scratch.
Use a phone that is on a landline.
Talk shorter than 8 minutes when on a cell-phone or a protable phone.
Never portable or cell-phone or radio beside bed.
Do NOT allow a Smart Meter to be installed.

Everybody needs to know that the detrimental health effects of EMR (also cancer), Electro-Magnetic Radiation, start five years after the beginning of the exposure. Therefore studies are often only done for shorter time periods. Just think what the reason might be!

Anna Christine

Thursday, May 16, 2013

New Publication: 'Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting Your Life' - .Dr. Eric Pearl and Frederick Ponzlov

I am very excited about this new Hay House publication 'Solomon Speaks on Reconnecting Your Life', by Dr. Eric Pearl and Frederick Ponzlov.
Dr. Eric Pearl announced the publication of this book  about a year ago and probably many Reconnective Healing®  practitioners are waiting for it.

It all started when the patients from Dr. Pearl experienced more significant healings and Solomon, an extra-dimensional intelligence spoke through Frederick Ponzlov, a former patient of Dr. Pearl, who during chiropractic treatments entered into an altered state of consciousness and suddenly began to utter profound and life altering information.

Beginning with the six sentences "We are coming to tell you to continue what you are doing - you are bringing Light and Information (additional to Energy used in Energy Healing) to the planet - you are reconnecting Strands (that is DNA) - you are reconnecting Strings (the connectors to higher dimensions) - we are coming because of your reputation - you must know that you are a Master." and it continued with illumination and wisdom on how we can improve our lives.

Soon 50 patients had similar experiences and repeated for 3 months the same 6 sentences, most likely to alert Dr. Pearl that something significant is happening.

This just published book will give us most likely more insight in regard to
Reconnective Healing ... you can order it HERE ...the price is reduced at the moment, which is great.

The staff from Dr. Eric Pearl wrote on his website that the information from this book has changed their lives and that they sincerly hope it will also help all of us on our Life Journey.

Anna Christine

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Breast Cancer - Breast Amputation?

Please please watch this interview of  Bruce Lipton when you are considering it.

After a Reconnective Healing session many say "it is as if all stress is lifting".

Anna Christine

Monday, May 13, 2013

Smart Meters - Electro Magnetic Radiation - Autism

Whenever I hear about how many have cancer, how many have allergies, how many children have ADHD, how many have anxiety and depression I ask myself 'Why is nobody wondering what is going on?'

Very few had in Germany 50 years ago these problems.

What has changed in our lives? Because only these changes can be the cause. They are:
  • and nos also GMO
and all of them we can at least reduce - all of them! 
Our body is like a bucket, sooner or later it is full/has enough and we have serious health problems like cancer, anxiety, depression, allergies, dementia and so on.

Watch this video from Dr. Klinghardt about EMR, he brings it to the point and gives us an idea what to do in regard to EMR ... and what will hppen when we do nothing.


Anna Christine

Friday, April 26, 2013

Are There Bedbugs in Hospitals?

Another reason to do everything to stay healthy ... not only that people are afraid of resistant bacteria now they have to worry about bedbugs when the have to go to hospital.

Actually it is not surprising ... when people have bed bugs at home they might carry them wherever they go.
One of my aunts who was in the concentration camp Theresienstadt wrote in her memoirs that they had to leave their sleeping quaters every few months (I forgot whether it was every 1, 2 or 3 months) because the barraks got gased to eliminate bed bugs and other bugs.

Because of that I wonder whether the fumes of the new chemical AsepticSure that is now used in hospitals is not bad for our health.

We are living beings and everything that kills another living being ... might be not so good for us.
Here are the details

Anna Christine

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Reconnective Healing®/The Reconnection® - Workshop - Nanaimo

Invitation - Information Workshop
All You Need to Know About Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection®
Dr. Eric Pearl's Bio – The six critical statements - Why it is Rejuvenating – Why DNA heals faster with RH than with other modalities – Science behind RH - Why it is different from Energy Healing – The importance for this time period – Q & A
Date: Saturday, April 27th, 2013

Time: 3 pm – 5 pm

Admission: FREE
Location: at Anna Christine’s home office, Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, , please contact 250-756-2235 for the address.
Quantum Physicists: “this is the first time that we measured frequencies (energies) beyond the 4th dimension”.

This is important in regard to EMR (electro-magnetic radiation). What I mean is that more and more of our health problems might be caused by the Electro-Magnetic Radiation we are constantly exposed to. All electrical appliances emmit radiation. More damaging is WiFi. In some European schools they are taking WiFi now out of schools.

Additional to this we have now the Smart Meters with their intense pulsating technology.

The Doctors of Chinese Medicine who practice Pulse Diagnostic are very concerned.

Reconncetive Healing and The Reconnection might be one of the answers and that is the reason I decided to give this workshop.

  “As a physician and a neuro-scientist, I have been trained to know why and how a treatment works. When it comes to Reconnective Healing, I don’t know how it works. I simply know from personal experience that it does...” -Mona Lisa Schulz, M.D., Ph.D.

“Reconnective Healing is a phenomenon in the world of healing.” -Lynne McTaggart, author of The Field, The Intention Experiment, The BOnd

Anna Christine

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Electric Garage Door Openers and Smart Meters

Hi. in a mail from a friend was the following about the interference of Smart Meters and electronics in the house. This concerns me a lot, also  because it seems that more and more people are getting Pace Makers.

"...Many people are not aware that wireless devices interfere with electronics, but they do. In my neighbourhood where we have multiple cell and FM transmitters close by, garage doors open and close by themselves in the middle of the night or when no one is home; electric beds move/readjust themselves; many electrical devices won’t work, e.g. garage door openers; electronic locks on car doors don’t work; PVRs record static, etc. Here is a site with many such anecdotes, many of which involve medical devices. The stories provided are not recent, but please be aware that the problems have not been fixed, and they will become more common as more wireless devices are installed in or near our homes. In some rural parts of BC the internet services have been compromised by the “dumb’ meters, requiring major revisions by Shaw, for one.  http://www.compliance-club.com/archive/old_archive/Bananaskins.htm ..."

Dr. Klinghardt from Seattle mentioned that so many people in the USA, and I assume it is not very different in Canada, have very little education in science ... and therefore they do not understand the dangers of these Smart Meters.

Anna Christine

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Dangers of Cellphone Towers and Smart Meters

Recently I learned that a few students of the Vancouver Island University in Nanaime had committed suicide. The person that told  that was wondering it it might have been caused by the Cellphone Tower that was installed a few years ago beside the university.

I checked google and found the website from EMR Health Alliance of BC

Obviously the population in Canada begins to wake up and is realising the health dangers from EMR.

What many do not know is, that it takes 5 years before cancer is showing up in higher numbers. Therefore the people often do not make the connection.

These electro-magnetic radiations cause according to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXUaI718yJs also:
  •  headaches,
  •  cancer
  •  loss of hair,
  •  insomnia,
  •  depression,
  •  dizziness,
  •  hypochondria,
  •  anxiety, 
  •  impotence,
  •  lack of concentration
  •  fatigue,
  •  thyroid enlargement,
  •  seizures, convulsions,
  •  restlessness,
  •  scalp sensations,
  •  chest pain,
  •  increased irritability,
  •  increased appetite,
  •  an effect on pituitary function
Therefore I believe it is important to reduce processed foods, to eat as healthy as possible and also to reduce the exposure to WiFi and  EMR as much as possible.

Anna Christine

Friday, April 5, 2013

Knee Surgery - Yes or No?

Just reading an article from Dr. Mercola I was very excited that doctors now are educating the public.

One of my teachers, an Orthopedic Surgeon, said already 14 years ago one should opt for knee surgery only when absolutely necessary.

She told about the research done. Patients with knee pain believed they had undergone knee surgery. In reallity the skin was only cut and stitched up, nothing was done to the meniscus ... and, oh wonder, the knee got better.

A few months ago a friend from Berlin, an olympic runner, told me that he goes regularly to the gym to be fit for another hip surgery. I was not too happy. A few weeks later he wrote that his hip had improved because of the regular training and he will not have the surgery.
Voila - that is the same what some doctors have realized now.

And why is that happening?  Because  training and exercise improve the Chi-Flow (energy flow) and the blood circulation  in the area and then the body is able to heal itself.

Anna Christine

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Side Effects of Ascorbic Acid

In my last post I wrote that it is healthier to drink the juice from fresh pressed lemons with water instead of takingh ascorbic acid.
Recently I read that ascorbic acid is actually made from corn. I learned also that most corn on the market is GMO corn (gene manipulated).
Which means that ascorbic acid might cause in the body what GMO corn is causing
My decision ... because of this I will never again take ascorbic acid. I also do not eat any corn or pop corn.
The following side effects are from the website below, they show that the body is sometimes unhappy to get only one component of natural Vitamin C.
  • Diarrhia
  • Upset Stomach
  • Diurethic Effects
Conclusion: The closer we eat to nature the better for our health.
Anna Christine

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Symptoms of Cholesterol Problems

Reading a recent Nanaimo Daily News headline was 'Statins may increase risk of kidney failure'
This reminded me of a book from Dr. Matthias Rath in Germany, 'why animals don't know  heart attacks'.

It is important to know the following:

The reason is that the body of animals is able to produce Vitamin C on its own. Humans have to consume it.

Natural vitamin C is important for the quality of our skin and the skin of blood vessels.

What most people do not know is that it has to be the natural Vitamin C of fresh lemons, and other fresh fruits and vegetables. Natural Vitamin C consists of about 12 different componants (vitamin C, 3 other viamins, bioflavenoids, ascorbic acid, the rest i can't remember). They all work together.

Unfortunately there are no symptoms for high cholesterol. One needs a blood test to find out. When we have symptoms then it is very late or too late.

One of my clients had started to drink every morning freh pressed lemon juice. His doctor was very surprised about his perfect cholesterol readings.   Therefore I am drinking every morning fresh pressed lemon juice to make sure my blood vessels are healthy and happy.

Anna Christine
www.energy-all-around.com www.ReconnectionToTheCosmos.com

PS.: German title: amazon.com 'Warum kennen Tiere keine Herzinfarkte ... aber wir Menschen: Bauplan fĆ¼r ein neues Gesundheitswesen' Matthias Rath (Autor)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

How to Prepare for a Food Crisis or a Rising Gasoline Price

Here is another TED talk that gives us ideas how to change the world and live in a healthier and happier world and also how to prepare for food shortages..

+TED Talks, Pam Warhurst : How can we eat our landscapes?

One of my clients whom I had sent the post about the guerilla gardener told me that according to her information they have decided in Ladysmith, BC, Vancouver Island to only plant fruit bearing trees.

I am hopeful
Anna Christine

PS.: it seems not everybody is understanding why so many are so sick.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Our Gardens Ensure That We Have Fresh and Healthy Produce To Eat.

Guerilla Gardener in South LA (TED talk)
video 11 min

"When kids grow tomatoes and kale they eat tomatoes and kale!"

This guy is smarter and more caring and has more initiative and drive as most people in Nanaimo on Vancouver Island.

People like this are the future.

Nobody can eat stones, gravel, Japanese cherrie blossoms, and evergreen bushes that even the deer don't eat.
We have to wake up and start gardening and eating our own food so that we will be fitter and healthier!

Anna Christine

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Health Risks of Electromagnetic Radiation - Called EMR / EMF

When will mankind finally wake up? Or are many already affected and take anti-depressants which cause them to be less alert and belingerent?

Brian Thiessen talked on the video 'The Truth About Smart Meters' about what can  happen to our health when we are exposed to too much electromagnetic radiation.

Permanent Genetic Damage
Scalp Sensations
Altered Pituatary Function
Tremor of the Hands
Loss of Hair, Brittleness of Hair
Altered Menstrual Cycle
Altered Fetal Development
Childhood Leukemia
Permanent Genetic Damage

To be honest ... I can NOT understand the lethargy of the North-American population. 15 years agoo the population in Swizzerland was already opposing Cell-Phone-Towers.
The companies constructed artificial pine-trees. Every needle was a little antenna. These trees were put on platforms with wheels and when the population disovered the 'tree' and got angry, the 'tree' was transported to a different location.

And here ... they believe everything and couldn't care less about their health.

It is very sad ... the children and the grand-children will be the ones that will suffer from the possible genetic damage.

Why is nobody wakeing up??? ... Is this nature's way to regulate the amount of people on the planet? I begin to wonder because the sperm count is going down - more and more!

All of this is known since the 1930ies.

Anna Christine

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Fatigue - Sleep Apnea - Incontinence - Electro Magnetic RAdiation (EMR)

Event at Pharmasave in Parksville

The Link between Tiredness, Snoring, Sleep Apnea, Incontinence, Hiatus Hernia … and Electro Magnetic Radiation (EMR ) as well as Smart Meters.

Anna-Christine Doehring of Energy All Around Healing explains how our seemingly unrelated symptoms can have a common cause and be related to each other on an energetic level.

Date: Thursday, Feb.28th – 1:30pm– 2.30pm

Location: Pharmasave Health Centre, Parksville, 1-281 East Island Highway, Pioneer Plaza (water-side of Highway)

These events are free of charge (unless a fee is specified) in the meeting room at Parksville Pharmasave. Please call 951-0243 or reply to this message to register. www.parksvillepharmasave.com

Anna Christine

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Colon Cancer Waiting Times for Screening

Today they talked in the radio about people jumping the waiting line for colon cancer screening.

Could this be a benefit for the waiting and worried patients?

I had to think of my father. In Germany we have a Two Tier system. To have the money to entitled to better care can be dangerous. It was Friday, the Chief Surgeon was not at home and my father had to wait until Monday. By then his appendix had burst, this caused complications and my father died ... because he had the money for better care.

My thought was ... the waiting patients could start doing something on their own to regain health, like drinking fresh pressed vegetable juices or seeing an alternative practitioner to help the body to find its equilibrium and heal itself.
They also could do things they enjoy. There is a book by an American Oncologist 'Doctor's Order - Go Fishing'

All of this, vegetable juices, happines,and a balanced body, helps the body to be alkaline and disease cannot exist in an alkaline body.

Anna Christine

Monday, February 18, 2013

Heart Disease No. 1 Cause of Death for Women

More women die of heart attacks than of breast cancer ... Hearing this I had to think of Dr. Natthias Rath from Germany who wrote "Why Dogs don't Have Heart Attacks".

During a lecture in Berlin in 2002 he explained why. The body of dogs is able to produce Vitamin C. This vitamin is helpful and necessary for the growth of healthy tissue/skin.
Bloodvessels are also made from skin/tissue. He explained that when we do not consume enough vitamin C in its natural state (fruits and vegetables) the arteriakl wall becomes thinner and the body starts producing Cholesterol to patch up rhe damaged areas. When it has patched too long then the artery will be blocked and we have a heart attack.

Ascorbic Acid is only a part of the Vitamin C complex that contains around 12 components: 3 other vitamins, bioflavonoids, ascorbig acid and others. Dr. Michael O'Brian spoke also about this during a lecture in Victoria.

Whe we consume Ascorbic Acid alone the body takes the other ingredients either out of our food, or off the body and when that is not possible we have loose stool.

Since many women often have a job and a family they are under stress and stress uses up more vitamin C and also other vitamins.
This might be contributing to the high rate of heart attacks in women.

Wise Owl
Anna Christine

Friday, February 8, 2013

Warning Signs of the Body - Lecture

Event at Pharmasave in Parksville

Early Warning Signs That Your Body is Trying To Tell You Something

Please register at Pharmasave 250-951-0243

Why is that corn, varicose vein, athlete’s foot, pimple eczema, skin tag, pain, always just there and nowhere else? Anna-Christine Doehring of Energy All Around explains how skin problems, pains and other signs on the body can indicate unbalanced energy flow. Learn how these signs may be warning of health problems that could develop over time.
Date: Wed., February 13th – 1:30pm – 2.30 pm

Location: Pharmasave Health Centre, Parksville, 1-281 East Island Highway, Pioneer Plaza

These events are free of charge (unless a fee is specified) in the meeting room at Parksville Pharmasave. Please call 951-0243 or reply to this message to register. www.parksvillepharmasave.com

Anna Christine

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Why Meditation Can Help Inflammation

In an recent article in the Nanaimo Daiky News, Jan. 24, 2013, it was mentioned that mindfulness during meditation reduces stress and may help people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease and asthma.

I am not surprised and believe the main reason that this is happening is that focussing on breathing causes our body fluids to be alkaline. Disease cannot exist in an alkaline body.

Therefore constant deep breathing, called belly breathing, is so important.

Anna Christine

Sunday, January 20, 2013



with sections of the video “Science of Reconnective Healing®

Date: Saturday, January, 26th, 2013

Time: from 3 pm – 5 pm

Locarion: at Anna Christine’s Home Office, Nanaimo

Admission: by Donation

Please register because space is limited. Call 250-756-2235 or email healing@energyallaround.com

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Health Benefits of Negative Ions

Recently I talked with a client about the importance to have the window open during the night because the night air contains more negative ions as the air during the day. She never heard about this.

Thirty years ago I read already in a book my uncle in Quebec had that the Russians and the Israelis put air improvers that released negative ions in the rooms from Olympic athletes.

Negative ions are molecules that have a negative charge.

My mother had already 40 years ago in Berlin in her bookbindery an instrument that released negative ions to improve the health of her employees ... and indeed,they were seldom sick.

Here are the health benefits of negative ions:
  1. slower breathing ... indicating relaxation
  2. Decreased blood pressure 
  3. Produces a feeling of well being
  4. Faster recovery from exhaustion
  5. better health
  6. Decreased blood sedimentation rate (ESR- a sign of inflammation and is normally elevated in disease states)
  7. cleas pollution in the room
  8. Increased resistance to infection
  9. Beneficial in cases of sinusitis, migraines, insomnia, asthma, hayfever, emphysema, bronchitis.. and ithers
  10. Improves the mood
 They even deprived the air animals (rats) inhaled for a prolonged time from negative ions and that led to an accelerated rate of death if the animals.
Conclusion: open the windows at night and go for a walk in the forest.
Anna Christine

Monday, January 7, 2013

Headaches Gone After a Reconnective Healing Session

It is always difficult for people to believe that Reconnective Healing really can bring results.
Here is the latest testimonial.

To: energyallaround@shaw.ca
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2013 9:58 AM
Subject: Lisabeth's Testimonial

Hi Anna-Christine,
I went and had a session with Anna -Christine because at 16 yrs old I had a teacher hit me over the head with a steel pipe which left me with severe headaches and my brain felt like it was in a vise, and I could not focus, my memory was failing me and I had terrible mood swings and uncontrollable anger outbursts. I am now 51 so when I met Anna and she told me about her Reconnective work I decided to give it a try, because everything else I had tried did not give me any relief, and believe me I have tried everything out of desperation and spent thousands of dollars. After only one 30 minute session I felt so at peace in my brain and I have had no more headaches and the pressure around my brain has diminished. My focus , mind clarity and my mood has improved and no more anger outbursts. I have suffered with this condition for over 35 yrs and I am grateful to Anna -Christine for giving me my life back. I highly recommend this work to everyone who suffers with brain injuries or just needs to get grounded.

With Love & Gratitude, Lisabeth Jones

Anna Christine

Sunday, January 6, 2013

An Acidic Body May Cause Aids

This morning my heart went out to a man they interviewed on CBC Radio I. Somebody who, I believe, has Aids. I switched the radio on too late and did not hear they said it - I only draw the conclusion from his remarks.

He seemed to be 'proud' to be often in rage and emotionally not very stable.

This proves that his body fluids are acidic (with the exception of the stomach) and then it will be for him very difficult to regain health.

He has to do everything to be emotionally balanced when he wants to be healthy, like meditation, walking in nature, no TV, Mozart, nothing that stresses him, holistic healing modalities that balance the body.

Years ago I read that some men with Aids went to South America. They were on a Disablity Pension and went there because life is cheaper and - Voila - they became healthy.
Some might be surprised - I am not. There ibe even does not need any holistic healing -  relaxation in the sun is sufficient.

Stress plays a tole in most health problems. It causes an acidic body and over time the health problems follow.

Anna Christine