Friday, August 30, 2013

Radioactivity from Fukushima - What to Do?

The Fukushima desaster shows once gain that we have to use our own brain to come to conclusions and to take action. In my opinion the public will in such a case never be informed properly because of the concern they might become to fearful.

After the Fikushima desaster I wanted to buy liquid ptassium iodine in a drugstore and I could not get it and was ridiculed by the pharmacist.
I started to take Kelp because it contains iodine, which will be soon a NONO because in a radioactive Pacific the Kelp will be radioactive too ... as the fish.

On this site

one can read the following sentence
" ... the Japanese government .... attempted to convince people that if they drank beer or smiled, they would be immune to radiation poisoning. (Yes, this is how desperate they've become...)"

The author of the article obviously did not understand why the Japanese government was saying this ... it all has to do with the fact that the only solution for this problem is a vibrational one. We have to raise our consciousness. A high consciousness results in a higher vibratory level of the cells and then damaging things just pass through us.

somewhere I read the Russans were actually grateful for Chernobyl because it showed them it is possible to overcome the radiation danger. This is probably where the Japanese got ther idea from.

This is one of the reasons I am practicing Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection®... Just think of EMF.

Anybody who is anxious nd fearful will only get drunk with beer.
When we are calm, centered, and at peace through Reconnective Healing® then beer might help also ... but to be honest ... I believe that it would not be necessary.

Wise owl Anna

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