Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Side Effects of Ascorbic Acid

In my last post I wrote that it is healthier to drink the juice from fresh pressed lemons with water instead of takingh ascorbic acid.
Recently I read that ascorbic acid is actually made from corn. I learned also that most corn on the market is GMO corn (gene manipulated).
Which means that ascorbic acid might cause in the body what GMO corn is causing
My decision ... because of this I will never again take ascorbic acid. I also do not eat any corn or pop corn.
The following side effects are from the website below, they show that the body is sometimes unhappy to get only one component of natural Vitamin C.
  • Diarrhia
  • Upset Stomach
  • Diurethic Effects
Conclusion: The closer we eat to nature the better for our health.
Anna Christine

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