I write this post because recently a teenager died in the arms of her father after one bite of something with peanuts I believe it is the following which I learned years ago during one of the seminars I attended.
First they plant cotton and because it is a fast grwoing plant it needs a lot of nutrients, especially nitrogen. It gets sprayed with herbicides, perhaps Round Up (most of the cotton is GMO) The following year they plant peanuts because they put nitrogen back into the soil. My mother planted on a new piece of land a lupine variety to enrich the soil for gardening. Fall rye does that too. Anyhow the peanuts enrich the soil but they also pick up all the toxins from the herbicides, Round Up, and perhaps even pesticides used to grow the cotton. I believe that one is actually not allergic to the peanut itself but the toxins, and the body makes the association "oh no, there is that toxic food again - I don't want that" Elephants do not like to eat genmanipu;ated cotton. Only when they do not get anything else they eat it. That told me a customer at the Super Market when I was reading the labels. I am not eating regular beanut butter or peanuts only organic ones. Anna Christine
www.energy-all-around.com www.ReconnectionToTheCosmos.com
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